Let FFG know you want ANR Products - Sleeves, Resin IDs, etc.

By tobinator, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hey folks,

Seeing as AGOT just got a few Resin IDs and many of us would love to see such things, as well as sleeves, for ANR I thought I would start a "I WANT, I WANT, I WANT" thread. So here it is. :)

I would love faction and corp specific sleeves. Automatic purchase for me.

Resin IDs would be cool as well but I understand that these are fiscally risky based on the popularity (or lack thereof) of the specific IDs. I'm looking at you HB:ST and Whizzard. :)

Anything else? What would you like to see?


Given the nature of how IDs work in Netrunner versus Houses in Thrones, I don't think resin IDs make sense. I'd be all over some Netrunner art sleeves, though.

I'd even take Netrunner sleeves with the card back art ala LoTR.

Definitely want sleeves. Crypsis art on the back would be sweet.

PLAY MAT! not an art one but one with the board on it, also. I love the art long boxes what happened to those!

I want everything.

Second for playmat.

Playmat for sure - not just "art" but also a board helping the gameplay - that's both from my and my girlfriend :)

There's an excellent template for playmats which supports Corp and Runner on the same playspace - with some proper netrunner art, this would be glorious.

Resin IDs would be tough, but they could do some cool things as ID holders. Something like a really elaborate hard sleeve with faction designation on the back, and such. This would avoid the problem of specific IDs popular, while still letting folks bling them out.

Yes, please.

Themed sleeves, mats, etc., I would grab them all in a heartbeat.

Playmat for sure - not just "art" but also a board helping the gameplay - that's both from my and my girlfriend :)

I put together a duel playmat design with all the zones integrated into some nice artwork a while back. Take a look and see if it will work for you. Enjoy.


Holy crud, that looks amazing. If I hadn't just bought a second coreset..... This will be my next netrunner splurge for sure.

i would like the playmat and the sleeves for netrunner.

i would like the playmat and the sleeves for netrunner.


Just some sort of accessories would be awesome.

Chess pieces.

Faction specific sleeves; I want you to fear the Jinteki when every sleeve has a Snare on the back of it.

Although I'll settle with just the logos....

Chess pieces.

I don't know what you mean by this but whatever it is it sounds awesome

Chess pieces.

I don't know what you mean by this but whatever it is it sounds awesome

Upcoming program type - Caiissa programs are hosted on ICE and are based on chess pieces (Rook, Pawn, Bishop, Knight announced so far). Some official A:NR Caiissa tokens in the form of chess pieces would be pretty cool, and could be placed on the ICE instead of putting the cards themselves out there.

Chess pieces.

I don't know what you mean by this but whatever it is it sounds awesome

Upcoming program type - Caiissa programs are hosted on ICE and are based on chess pieces (Rook, Pawn, Bishop, Knight announced so far). Some official A:NR Caiissa tokens in the form of chess pieces would be pretty cool, and could be placed on the ICE instead of putting the cards themselves out there.

I figured it had something to do with Caissa. Wow that is a really cool idea. Actually even if FFG doesn't do this I might just bring my own chess pieces and use them as tokens if I decide to actually run any of the cards.

I love the chess pieces idea. Especially when I've heard of people losing Agendas during clean up (getting swept into the Runner deck on accident). This would prevent any accidental losss of caissa programs into the Corp deck.

I love the chess pieces idea. Especially when I've heard of people losing Agendas during clean up (getting swept into the Runner deck on accident). This would prevent any accidental losss of caissa programs into the Corp deck.

I always count my decks after a Netrunner game for this reason.

Playmat for sure - not just "art" but also a board helping the gameplay - that's both from my and my girlfriend :)

I put together a duel playmat design with all the zones integrated into some nice artwork a while back. Take a look and see if it will work for you. Enjoy.


Thanks for the new screensaver! I wish you could buy these! Great job placing things so that if you do get that fourth piece of ice or more than three remotes (for those of us who love shell games) you pretty much know where to put stuff. That is an awsome job please let me know if it ever becomes available. I obviously would buy stuff like this for this game if it were available but art cards don't work for me due to how often I play. (Anyone who has ever tried to shuffle an art sleeved deck for the 150th game or math deal out knows what I mean.) If they ever print the art directly on the sleeve instead of using "slickers" that would be great. Faded art? Fine. (In fact for Weyland it's perfect!) Peeling card? Not so much. I don't even know what Resin ID's would be like, but what I WOULD love FFG to do is print T-shirts with just the faction ID on the front, Android Netrunner's logo, Core box art and some clever slogan like "It's like Poker meets Chess only it won't make you broke and the graphics don't suck." *sigh* Okay I guess "The world has changed." would be fine, just not as fun.... A lso FFG's logo on the sleeve. I'd pay $25 for that in a heartbeat! Think about it FFG we'd all be like walking billboards AND you'd make sweet dough off the sale! I'd also like to see something along the lines of the click trackers in the other thread. Fun but also very useful. Again, great work on this piece. How did you turn the art into an actual playmat? Post it on an artboard? Create an iron on decal then transfer it to a blank mat? (That might work.....) Any ideas you can share would be appreciated because this is a great eye-catcher on open game night! (I reallly wasn't joking about the T-shirt. So many gamers don't even know Netrunner exists....I almost missed it myself. Sooooo very glad I didn't.)

Chess pieces.

This is a great idea for the new Caiisa programs which can get pretty busy if you run three of all the eventual cards (I'm thinking this will eventualy grow into an "alternate win" strategy for the runner when the final pieces are done.) Thanks! That also would catch some attention at open game night!