New guy question.... where do I start

By DevourerofWorlds, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Just opened my AGoT LCG box for the 4th time..
do not know how to proceed from here.
Like the Baratheons AND the Tyrell.. (Mostly for the Asshai, love those)
I've bought the King of Storm expansion.. (for the clearly weaker BAR deck)
but blaaargh!!

So many expansions and card I've never even seen, and really likes this game, and want to push it further. My Local and only shop don't have organized play, mostly because the don't have the employes do do it BUT however, they said that they could get the Organized play kits if the only were someone (like me) to organize it!

anyways. where to go from here?
What to buy? In what order?
suggestion in what to play?
What is great?
what is top tier?
Top decks?
Deck construction sites?
Online playing?
Are there movie's/battle report i could see/read?

anything would help!
Thank you so much!

mods, can we please just sticky one of these threads so a new one doesnt get posted every week? OP, do a quick forum search, there is several threads on this exact topic, many posted within the last few days.

Edited by dcdennis

Where to go from here: Find friends that want to play, and play regularly!

What to buy: The number 1 purchase is a second Core Set. This will expand your card pool and allow you some flexibility to customize the core decks without adding a ton of additional rules and complexity. After that, buy the Deluxe Expansion for whatever your favourite house is (in your case, that seems to be Baratheon's Kings of the Storm, which you already have), and then eventually pick up chapter pack cycles that have cards you're interested in (see later answerts).

Suggestion on what to play: Whatever you enjoy. Every house has a variety of top-tier builds you'll eventually stumble upon, so there's no wrong choice. What's best at any given time changes with every restricted list/chapter pack cycle.

Deck construction sites: and are the two best -they have a variety of public decks posted by other users, and tools to make your own and find out which packs each card is from.

Online playing: Yes, through OCTGN. This deserves a thread of its own, so I'll encourage you to look up OCTGN.

Are there movie's/battle report I could see/read: Somewhat. You'll find tournament reports here ( here is an example ) , on cardgamedb and agotcards - those are typically text only descriptions of tournaments from players who did well. They usually assume the reader has a thorough knowledge of the card pool and deck archetypes, though.

If you want to watch a game online, you could check out " Team covenant "'s youtube channel; they film the top matches of their local tournaments and the top matches at Gencon/Worlds. If you're looking for regularly streamed live-play games, you can check out twitchtv - there are feeds by "Joffreybeiber" and "staton70" you could subscribe to and check out.

Other information you didn't ask for: Check out cardgamedb's regular thrones articles, especially the "First Tilt" articles designed for new players, and listen to the regular podcasts (2champs1chump and Summer is Coming).

Sticky this please...