Custome Investigators

By Sinthioth, in Elder Sign

Here are two custom Investigators I made on request of a fellow with good taste in comics:



If I may ask... why Father Michael adds the black die (that usually is linked to Curses and have special rules) instead of adding the white die? It could be worded in an easier way:

"Before attempting to resolve an Adventure Card, Father Michael may discard a monster trophy to add the white die to the dice pool. If Father Michael is Cursed, every time he uses his power, he must lose 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina"

It will avoid confusion on the fact that, when FM is cursed, he must add the black die following the rules for curses

The idea that I had was that Father Michael could "control" the black die and have it used for his bidding. As if it was just another green die, in essence it adds one more die to your pool we didn't have. This can be done even if he is blessed and has the white die already added to his pool. He cannot use the die in this way if he is cursed. He then follows the rules of being cursed.

Sinthioth, you do good work. These will do wonders in our house with our house rules! Thank you again!

Hmm, so you can use Strange Eons for Elder Sign too?

****, there goes my free time...