Rivals for Glory, Cadentia Vaults, Location 3: Wisdom of the Dead

By Brother Orpheo, in Black Crusade Game Masters

Currently running a modified version of this adventure, and thought I'd share the spin I put on this location...

A collection of old bones, mummified hands, locks of hair, etc. The chamber echoes with a cacophonous whisper of hundreds of voices from beyond the grave. Each item embodies the wisdom of the deceased from whom they originated. Instead of using what is written in the adventure as the effects of this location, each Heretic may choose to take one item, with an eye toward aiding them with some Skill or Characteristic in which they desire to excel. The mummified hand of an ancient blade master might provide a +3 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests, though the Heretic must choose to use the wisdom of the long-dead blade master before rolling any attack dice. It is a paltry bonus, but the Test is considered to be an Assisted Test, thus the Heretic achieves +1 DoS on a successful Test. The drawback? Choosing to use the wisdom of the ancients results in the Heretic gaining +1 Corruption.

Taking more than one item does nothing other than cause confusion and distraction as multiple spirits vie for preferential attention, the "insanity" of nagging whispers resulting in the Heretic gaining +1 Corruption per item taken.

A canny Heretic might think to abscond with several dozen items with the intent being to trade them for favors. Alas, the spirits of the ancient dead will be displeased with the manner in which they are used and readily discarded- the associated spirits will be petty, spiteful, vindictive, and only impart genuine wisdom to their new "owners" 50% of the time, ultimately resulting in more trouble for the Heretic at a later time as recipients return with claims of veiled treachery. Most recipients will demand remuneration for the deceit (resulting in a -1 Infamy reduction per item returned), and they will insist upon the Heretic retaking possession of the offending item (resulting in Corruption gains for having more than one item in their possession).

Nice idea :)