Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

OggDude will the new version display the character's total force rating and also display the different lightsaber styles in combat skills if the talent has been taken?

The Force rating is displayed above your list of Force powers. The characteristic change that you choose for Lightsaber skill is included in the skill.


Blaster Carbines, Blaster Rifles and Heavy Blaster Rifles (and their non-Blaster related counterparts) should each have their own categories.

Non-Heavy Rifle Category for weapons should be removed, then slightly reconfigure the attachments so that they work properly.

For Example:

Fore Arm Grip is available for rifles and carbines, but not heavy rifles. (I think this attachment is what you created the non-heavy category for in the first place).

Marksman Barrel should only be available for rifles, not carbines or heavy rifles. This was mistakenly restricted to only the "blaster rifle" item.

When I fixed it on my end, to the blaster rifle category, it made it available to heavy rifles as well, when I applied the non-heavy rifle category to it as well, it was then also available to carbines because you had them classified as non-heavy rifles for the Fore Arm Grip.

If there was 3 (well 6) separate categories, then Fore Arm Grip could be restricted to Carbines, Rifles, Blaster Carbines, and Blaster Rifles, and Marksman Barrel could be restricted to just Blaster Rifles. This would allow future attachments to be more easily restricted, or not as well.


The categories are there to determine which attachments go with which item. Right now, the list is inclusive. That is, if one of the item's categories exists in the attachment's category list, it's good. That's why I have "Non-Heavy Rifle" category. It's an "A or B or C". I can't currently do a "A or ~B or C" without adding an exclusion list or something. Although it's not optimal, you could use the item list to include particular items that you want available to the attachment.

If this becomes a problem, I'll look into re-working how the process goes.

On the note of different lightsaber styles, am I doing something wrong or is there something special that needs to be done to have the printed character sheet reflect the appropriate stat for the lightsaber skill? Or is that just not possible and needs to be determined at the table?

In the specialization section of the builder, there is a button that says "Choose Skill Char" next to the Purchase and Remove buttons. It allows you to change out the characteristic for the character's Lightsaber skill.

Did not see the button next to Purchase and remove button. Was expecting a pop up window some thing like when you select tinkerer it asks where you want the hard point.

Maybe the button name should be change to Choose Lightsaber Stat.

I was looking into the future and made the "Choose Skill Char" available for any skill. That's why there's a dropdown for Lightsaber instead of just a label. I could look into having it pop up automatically as soon as you choose an appropriate talent, however.


Blaster Carbines, Blaster Rifles and Heavy Blaster Rifles (and their non-Blaster related counterparts) should each have their own categories.

Non-Heavy Rifle Category for weapons should be removed, then slightly reconfigure the attachments so that they work properly.

For Example:

Fore Arm Grip is available for rifles and carbines, but not heavy rifles. (I think this attachment is what you created the non-heavy category for in the first place).

Marksman Barrel should only be available for rifles, not carbines or heavy rifles. This was mistakenly restricted to only the "blaster rifle" item.

When I fixed it on my end, to the blaster rifle category, it made it available to heavy rifles as well, when I applied the non-heavy rifle category to it as well, it was then also available to carbines because you had them classified as non-heavy rifles for the Fore Arm Grip.

If there was 3 (well 6) separate categories, then Fore Arm Grip could be restricted to Carbines, Rifles, Blaster Carbines, and Blaster Rifles, and Marksman Barrel could be restricted to just Blaster Rifles. This would allow future attachments to be more easily restricted, or not as well.


The categories are there to determine which attachments go with which item. Right now, the list is inclusive. That is, if one of the item's categories exists in the attachment's category list, it's good. That's why I have "Non-Heavy Rifle" category. It's an "A or B or C". I can't currently do a "A or ~B or C" without adding an exclusion list or something. Although it's not optimal, you could use the item list to include particular items that you want available to the attachment.

If this becomes a problem, I'll look into re-working how the process goes.

The way that it is currently set up, the Marksman Barrel will only work by using the item list to include the particular items that it will work with.

It is the only option to get it to work right, because as it is, if you just put blaster rifle it allows all of the heavy blaster rifles because they don't have a separate classification, and if you put non-heavy rifle as well to eliminate it as an option for those weapons it then allows the carbines which should be allowed either.

I was simply suggesting the elimination of what is essentially a non-category (non-heavy rifle) and creating two actual categories (heavy rifle and heavy blaster rifle).

It would solve this issue without having to go item by item through the list, as well as prevent potential issues with attachments that might come out in future releases.

A potential future enhancement that would be great to see is an exclusion list, where you can choose to exclude certain items from from being allow to use certain attachments.

Odd question/request; is it possible to have the Jetpack gear item automatically give the player a vehicle tracker for the jetpack, since its a silhouette 1, speed 2, handling 0, vehicle for the sake of rules?

OggDude will the new version display the character's total force rating and also display the different lightsaber styles in combat skills if the talent has been taken?

The Force rating is displayed above your list of Force powers. The characteristic change that you choose for Lightsaber skill is included in the skill.

Cool, but the problem is if you do not have any Force powers, the Force rating is not displayed. Maybe have the Force rating displayed on the first character sheet, have Defence moved up and Force Rating displayed under it if the character has a Force rating.

OggDude will the new version display the character's total force rating and also display the different lightsaber styles in combat skills if the talent has been taken?

The Force rating is displayed above your list of Force powers. The characteristic change that you choose for Lightsaber skill is included in the skill.

Cool, but the problem is if you do not have any Force powers, the Force rating is not displayed. Maybe have the Force rating displayed on the first character sheet, have Defence moved up and Force Rating displayed under it if the character has a Force rating.

One of the changes in the next version is that Force rating will be displayed even if you don't have any Force powers.

I am having an issue where it crashes when I try and enter text into the background fields. Is there an extension I need to load before I use it?


I am having an issue where it crashes when I try and enter text into the background fields. Is there an extension I need to load before I use it?


I need a bit more information. What do you mean by "background fields"? Were you running the character generator, or something else? What pane were you on, and in what fields were you typing? Did you do a web install, or a manual ZIP install? What were the top 10 or so lines in the error that was displayed?

You'll need the full .NET 4.0 framework installed. Just read the beginning of the documentation for a link to it.

When I'm adding new species, if I click "Add" and then select the option to add natural weapons, the program crashes. I have to save the species first and then modify it to add natural weapons.

Getting close. I added a textbox name filter to the equipment pane, and after using it while creating adversaries, it's really handy :) I also finished the CRB adversary list (there were quite a few minor changes to the adversaries), and included three adversaries from the beta that didn't cut the mustard in its own import. I also added Lessons from the Past as an import, including all adversaries and encounters. I still have to do the GM Screen adventure.

I'm going out of town this weekend, so the earliest I'll have the new release out will be this Tuesday. So, if you found any other bugs, or potential problems with anything, let me know before then so I can fix them.

Here's a preview of what's included in the next release so far. It's a lot of stuff, both new, tweaked, and fixed. Check the list before reporting a bug to see if it's already been fixed.

New/Changed Data:
  • Updated all data to conform with the release of the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook.
  • Added all new Force and Destiny adversaries to the "Force and Destiny Core" import. Most of these were found in the beta import, but have been updated with changes, and some new adversaries were added. Beta adversaries that didn't make the cut can still be found in the "Force and Destiny Beta" import.
  • Added adversaries and encounters for the "Lessons from the Past" adventure found in the back of the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook.
  • The image for the VX Sidewinder Repeating Blaster was the same for the Z50 Grenade Launcher. The Sidewinder now has the proper image.
  • The Operation Planning Duty from Desperate Allies was not added to the last release. It has now been added.
  • There was a mistyping for the special abilities of the HIC Mercy and the Wipe-3 data-purge grenades. These have been fixed.
  • There was a mistyping for the special ability of the flare jacket. This has been fixed.
  • The Marksman Barrel was only allowed on the original Blaster Rifle. This has now been changed to any blaster rifle.
  • Added Angle Deflector Shields maneuver to both the Astromech and Engineer position for vehicles.
  • The A-36 Pathfinder's concussion missile launchers no longer have the Slow Firing quality.
  • The A-36 Pathfinder now has the ANQ 3.6 Tracking Computer as a built-in attachment.
  • The Loronar E-9 Explorer now has Engineering Access as a built-in attachment.
  • Replaced the silhouette of the YT-2400 with a more accurate one.
  • Changed the mods for Upgraded Communications Array. Instead of changing sensor range, it now just notes that communications range has been increased. This was due to an answered dev question.
  • Added a second profile for the DR-45 Dragoon for when it is in carbine mode.
  • Split off Specific Motivations to their own master data table. The upside is that you may now edit the description of specific motivations without needing to customize the parent motivation. The downside is that all specific motivation descriptions will revert to their defaults. You will need to re-apply descriptions to specific motivations. It is also a good idea if you "remove" customization to motivations and revert them to "DescOnly".
  • Added "Ranged" and "Non-Heavy Rifle" to the categories of the Model 38 Sharpshooter's Rifle.
  • Enhanced Optics Suite still referred to the Surveillance skill in the effect. This reference has been removed.
  • The Greased Palms talent had an incorrect definition. It is now properly a ranked talent with a Maneuver activation.
  • The I-C2 Civil-Industrial Droid now properly costs 1,700,000 credits.
  • The Upgraded Comms Array attachment did not have a rarity specified. It now properly has a rarity of 6.
  • Fixed the "Dug Digger"'s encumbrance threshold to 100.
New Features/Enhancements:
  • Added a new pane to the GM Tools: Print Trees. This pane allows you to print generic/empty talent trees, force power trees, and signature ablity trees. Unlike the trees that show up in the character sheet, these sheets are not associated with a particular character. These trees may be used for reference, or for any other purpose.
  • Added support for creating Inquisitors. There is a new button in the Edit Adversary pane that will bring up a window that goes through the Inquisitor creation procedure found in the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook. Just go through the steps and you'll have a new Inquisitor. Since the Inquisitor is an adversary, it will show up in your adversary list and you can then make any changes to it that you like using the Adversary Editor.
  • Changed sorting for the equipment grids. Prices are now shown formatted (with commas) and will still sort on price value. Weapon damage will also now sort on the damage value, with added damage (with a +) sorted at the top, and other damage (damage or damage+add) sorted correctly below.
  • Vehicle rosters in encounters now support the Defensive Driving talent of the pilot, and will take into consideration the Advanced Targeting Array attachment's upgrade of Gunnery attacks.
  • Added career skills to base upgrades. While bases can still only contribute a single career skill, the choices are now combined from the base focus and any upgrade having career skills.
  • Added NPCs to bases. A base (specifically, the new Rebel base) can now provide its own NPCs. Previously, only upgrades and ad-hoc additions could contribute NPCs to bases.
  • Added an "NPC Caretaker" to the Rebel Base. Rebel bases have this single NPC to run the base, rather than the one NPC per group member for homesteads and businesses. It will be added automatically to your NPC list and can be modified as you see fit.
  • Updated the editors for Base of Operation and Base Upgrade to reflect the new changes.
  • Modified weapon quality overrides for vehicle weapons in the data editor. Counts may now have a value of 0. Ranked qualities with a count of 0 will be removed from the final quality list. Unranked qualities can now be set with 0 or 1. 0 means quality will be removed, 1 means quality will be added.
  • On the character sheet, Force rating will now be listed even if the character has no Force powers.
  • A new option has been added to both the weapon editor and the adversary custom weapon editor. You can now select whether or not to add Brawn to the damage of melee-type weapons. These are any weapon that has a 0 for base damage and do not use the Mechanics skill (base damage and added damage work differently for explosives). For instance, lightsaber hilts that contribute no base damage should have this option checked. Also, melee or brawl weapons that only stun or entangle (or use similar qualities), but do no damage, should also have this option checked.
  • Modified the weapon editor to allow and disallow certain options based upon weapon settings. For instance, vehicle-only options will now be disabled if the weapon type is not "Vehicle".
  • Selling price for items is now based upon the total cost of the item, including attachments, rather than the base cost.
  • Added three new GM Grants. You may now choose to use Brawn and Willpower gained from Dedication (or any other talent) to increase your Wound and Strain Thresholds. By RAW, only starting Brawn and Willpower should affect these attributes. Also, you may now grant free ranks in skills, as well as making certain skills career skills.
  • You can now create desktop shortcuts for your favorite characters. To do this, click the new "Shortcut" button in the Character pane to create a shortcut for the currently-selected character. Double-clicking this shortcut on the desktop will run the character generator and automatically load the character. This is a good feature for players who almost always load the same character every time they run the generator.
  • Added support for the new three-way backgrounds presented in Force and Destiny. Also, modified the titles to more generically match all three CRBs.
  • All editors now support a check box combo control for the Source. This allows you to select multiple sources for an item.
  • In the equipment pane, put the reminder text for encumbrance and cybernetics on top of each other, rather than next to each other, to avoid overwriting text with large numbers.
  • In the skills grid, the drop-down for non-career skills will show up whenever you have any purchased ranks. Before, the skill also had to be a career skill.
  • Since it was confusing people, lightsaber techniques that allow you to choose a different characteristic for the skill will now work just like any other talent that allows choices. As soon as you select a technique skill, the "Choose Skill Characteristic" dialog will be displayed. Also, the "play" button in the bottom right corner will also be available and will also bring up this dialog. When you load your character, and a choice has not been made for any of your techniques, again, the dialog will be displayed, the same as if you hadn't chosen your Dedication characteristic, for instance. For convenience, the "Choose Skill Char" button on the specialization pane will continue to work as before.
  • Added a search by name filter to the equipment pane. Each equipment type has its own search string, so if you switch to another type, then back again, the old search string will reappear. The search string will match a name if the name contains the search string (regardless of case).
  • Duties with a zero size will now be displayed on the character sheet.
Bug Fixes:
  • There was a bug when printing out morality on the character sheet. It would only show if morality needed to be printed on a new sheet (that is, it didn't fit on the current sheet). This has been fixed.
  • For PC Adversaries, some talent ranks weren't being added properly when creating the adversary. This has been fixed.
  • The cost of purchased mods for item attachments would increase by 100 credits for each mod purchased. However, as verified by the developers, each mod should only cost 100 credits. The cost of modding item attachments has been corrected.
  • When retrieving information about item qualities, certain character-based changes due to talents were being applied multiple times from different sources (the item, attachments, etc). These checks are now properly applied just once to the final quality value.
  • The NPC Ally Rebel base upgrade incorrectly cost 1 obligation. This has been fixed.
  • If an adversary was given a weapon that had its skill changed (such as the H9 Pistol Grip), the damage would be calculated correctly for that skill, but the original skill would be listed for the weapon. The new skill will now be shown.
  • For adversaries, talents that came from item attachments would not always count correctly if more than one talent rank was gained by the attachment. Proper talent ranks from attachments should now be added up correctly.
  • Again for adversaries, talents that added damage based upon ranks in a skill were not being checked for. This should now work correctly.
  • Transfering credits in the transfer dialog did not properly set the changed flag so the "Transfer" button would become enabled. This now works correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause long delays after every change once you chose sources from the Options dialog.
  • The Edit Adversaries control had a potential bug when using the name filter. If adversaries were added or removed, it would cause the changed filter to be applied multiple times. It will now only be applied once when changed.
  • The auto-repeat problem while changing characteristics in the Add Adversary dialog should now be fixed. It'll also respond better to multiple clicks; before, it would sometimes skip every other click of the plus/minus buttons.

I am having an issue where it crashes when I try and enter text into the background fields. Is there an extension I need to load before I use it?


I need a bit more information. What do you mean by "background fields"? Were you running the character generator, or something else? What pane were you on, and in what fields were you typing? Did you do a web install, or a manual ZIP install? What were the top 10 or so lines in the error that was displayed?

You'll need the full .NET 4.0 framework installed. Just read the beginning of the documentation for a link to it.

Well I reinstalled it twice and finally it worked. By background fields I meant literally the background text box on the first screen...any time I was addind text it was crashing. Not sure what I had done to cause it but its running now. Thanks for the reply. Love the app sir!

So have a weird issue with the character generator. I have it saved to a thumb drive so I can use it while at work and at home but... any characters or updates I make at work are missing when I use it on my home PC. Has anybody else had an issue like this?

I think he means character background, as in back story.

So have a weird issue with the character generator. I have it saved to a thumb drive so I can use it while at work and at home but... any characters or updates I make at work are missing when I use it on my home PC. Has anybody else had an issue like this?

To change this, check the "More Options" box in the launcher dialog, then click the "Data Path" button. Choose a location on your thumbdrive for your data. This will keep all your work on the portable drive. The big problem you will likely run into is the fact that the drive letter of your memory stick might change from one computer to the next.

My personal recommendation is to use one of the many cloud storage solutions (MS Cloud, Google Drive, etc.) to create a synch'ed folder on both of your machines, and map to that.

I use Google Drive and can run OggDude's awesome program from any of my 6 computers and a change I make to a character on one is available when I use any other.

Edited by Lifer4700

Added "Ranged" and "Non-Heavy Rifle" to the categories of the Model 38 Sharpshooter's Rifle.

You have the "Explosive Rounds" option as a separate weapon so they both need updated.

Question on Cumbersome. With a 2 Str, 3 ranks in Burly, and a weapon harness, a HOB HRB would have a cumbersome of 1 and a encumbrance of 7. Why is the cumbersome penalty warning being displayed on the print out? Would think that with a 2 Str there would be no cumbersome penalty.

Also, I saw in the data editor that one can edit/fill in all of the space ship actions & maneuvers. How can one print them out? Is it part of the GM tools? Finally is there a way to include (or print out) all of the different ways one can spend [AD] & [TR] on? The easy was would be to just photo copy the pages, but I thought I would ask.

As always, thank you for fielding all of these questions.

There was actually a bit of a calculation error there. When I add up item qualities, I need to pass them through a routine to see if talents either change an existing quality, or add a new quality. The problem was that I was doing this more than once on the same pass, so Burly was being applied twice. It's been fixed for the next release.

Yeah, you can fill in descriptions for vehicle actions. A list of them also shows up when you're choosing roster positions for encounters. But currently, I don't actually have a printable list for them. I did play around with something like that for vehicle sheets, but I didn't like the way they looked, so I didn't include them.

Read over the new patch notes, and was not sure if this made it in.

As always, great work. Truly great work.

I also didn't see the droids from Enter the Unknown make it into the equipment list (I did find them as adversaries, though).

As I was making Vader with your character generator today, I noticed there's no way to add hardpoints to things (as might happen through intuitive improvements from the Artisan specialization)

I also noticed the TIE Advanced doesn't exist yet (Vader's starfighter)

My computer screen went dead on my laptop so sending in to warranty. However, before sending away since I had added descriptions for all talents and force powers I wanted to make sure I backed up the right files for when I get it back and for another temp. Pc. Which files do I need to back up and them import to a different computer that I put the generator on so I don't have to do hours of typing again? Help me Ogg your my only hope

Hey Ogg, that is an impressive list of new features. But.....would you be able to squeeze in a text search for vehicles as it is becoming time consuming, and a little irritating trying to find the right ship for an encounter. I am sure that this feature would benefit a lot of GMs.

Also, have you thought about adding factions to adversaries/ships, so that I could pull out all adversaries/ships that are imperial or Rebel etc?

Hey Ogg. I've had trouble sending you those things I promised you. I keep getting delivery failures on my side. Are you having issues with your e-mail?

I'm pretty sure that he's email is in the character builder. I sent him one earlier today and didn't get a bounceback.

oggdude42 at that google mail thing. Is that not working?

My computer screen went dead on my laptop so sending in to warranty. However, before sending away since I had added descriptions for all talents and force powers I wanted to make sure I backed up the right files for when I get it back and for another temp. Pc. Which files do I need to back up and them import to a different computer that I put the generator on so I don't have to do hours of typing again? Help me Ogg your my only hope

Just backup your data directory. You can find where it is in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SWCharGen\DataFolder.

Hi, just got the Age of Rebellion corebook and I'm trying to use the character generator to build some pregens for a OneShot.

Thing is, when I check the Characteristics page, there's green text that tells me I have extra points to spend on characteristics even though the unspent XP total at the top is at zero.

Is there some aspect of character creation I'm missing that adds these extra points?