Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey Ogg

i'm having problems starting the generator. It worked fine with version 1.4.6 but now v1.5 the generator won't start. I start it up the splash screen starts than a few seconds later i get a windows error saying it encountered a problem and closes. This is on a windows 7 machine. i've tried downloading and happens each time.

I also have a windows 10 laptop where the program works but it won't save, the error says there's an unhandled exception that says 'the path is not of a legal form"

any advice you may have for these I'd appreciate it.

What's the first error? As for the second error, what is the path of your data folder set to?

The path being incorrect is what caused the first issue for me. Fix the path and it should clear up both errors.

Hey Ogg

i'm having problems starting the generator. It worked fine with version 1.4.6 but now v1.5 the generator won't start. I start it up the splash screen starts than a few seconds later i get a windows error saying it encountered a problem and closes. This is on a windows 7 machine. i've tried downloading and happens each time.

I also have a windows 10 laptop where the program works but it won't save, the error says there's an unhandled exception that says 'the path is not of a legal form"

any advice you may have for these I'd appreciate it.

What's the first error? As for the second error, what is the path of your data folder set to?

The path being incorrect is what caused the first issue for me. Fix the path and it should clear up both errors.

The first error is just one of those windows errors that say it encountered a problem and closes the program.

for the path i just use the default location.

I have the same error like zebuleon.

But I use some german translatet files and I figured out that the german "Talents.xml" dosen't work but in english is everything fine.

According to the call stack, it looks like the problem is on the watcher, which informs the cache list when something in the directory changes.. In this case, the cache list is being used for characters, so the directory should be <data folder>\Characters.

Can you tell me exactly what your data folder is set to? I've never seen this error before, and unless the the data folder is pointing some place really weird, I don't see why there'd be an issue.

its the same on both machines


So I've been away for a bit and recently rebuilt my computer. Redownloaded the program and for the life of me I can't seem to find how to either edit the data again for the descriptions or import my old custom data file. I tried to just copy the folder over and that didn't work. I even rewrote my custom files over the base files, that worked but with some selection(can't remember which ones) gave me an error. I sure its listed here somewhere but there are 200+ pages and don't even know where to start. And also for some reason I'm not seeing the GM Tools, I just have the character creator. Not sure what I'm missing or what I am doing wrong, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Dbrowne1974

Hey Ogg. Recently I noticed that the talent tree text doesn't fit on the character sheets. I've copied the talents word from word from the talent trees in the book (not the Talent section but the compact version from the actual trees) however when my players print them out, some of the specializations have some of their talents being cut off at the bottom. Not sure if there is a way to address this issue.

Hey Ogg. Recently I noticed that the talent tree text doesn't fit on the character sheets. I've copied the talents word from word from the talent trees in the book (not the Talent section but the compact version from the actual trees) however when my players print them out, some of the specializations have some of their talents being cut off at the bottom. Not sure if there is a way to address this issue.

Yeah, I was trying to make them fit better on the generic talent sheet printouts. They now use a smaller font, so that shouldn't happen anymore. Next release :)

Hey Ogg. Recently I noticed that the talent tree text doesn't fit on the character sheets. I've copied the talents word from word from the talent trees in the book (not the Talent section but the compact version from the actual trees) however when my players print them out, some of the specializations have some of their talents being cut off at the bottom. Not sure if there is a way to address this issue.

The only way to address it currently is to condense the text of those talents, probably by using the short descriptions given in the actual talent trees.

From Ogg's end, he'd have to shrink the size of the text, which would probably make the talents harder to read.

Edit:Ninja'd by the man himself.

Edited by Donovan Morningfire

Hey Ogg. Recently I noticed that the talent tree text doesn't fit on the character sheets. I've copied the talents word from word from the talent trees in the book (not the Talent section but the compact version from the actual trees) however when my players print them out, some of the specializations have some of their talents being cut off at the bottom. Not sure if there is a way to address this issue.

The only way to address it currently is to condense the text of those talents, probably by using the short descriptions given in the actual talent trees.

From Ogg's end, he'd have to shrink the size of the text, which would probably make the talents harder to read.

Edit:Ninja'd by the man himself.

Ebak specified that he did use the shorter descriptions from the trees and they still don't fit.

Yeah, I did use the shorter descriptions. However some of the talents then are wordy and don't fit. Any idea when the next release will drop?

Well, the translators are furiously translating away. About 2/3 of the German translation is finished, and the French is looking good too. Not sure about the Spanish translation, but I believe Josep did at least half of them.

When the translations are finished, I'll release the new version.

Getting this error when adding any weapon or adding a ship with certain weapons. Please help!

I tried it with a random ship and it worked for me. What ship is giving you problems, and what weapons are you adding? Does it happen when you upgrade a weapon? Is this adding a ship to a character? If so, does the character have the Rigger tree, or a Signature Vehicle?

I got this error just openning a character

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.InvalidOperationException: Selected property cannot be altered before this object is added to a DataGridView control.
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewBand.set_Selected(Boolean value)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow.set_Selected(Boolean value)
   at SWCharGen.Form1.dvgCharacters_SelectionChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.FlushSelectionChanged()
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.set_NoSelectionChangeCount(Int32 value)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnCellMouseDown(HitTestInfo hti, Boolean isShiftDown, Boolean isControlDown)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnCellMouseDown(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Has anyone tried running this on a Microsoft surface?

Getting this error when adding any weapon or adding a ship with certain weapons. Please help!

I tried it with a random ship and it worked for me. What ship is giving you problems, and what weapons are you adding? Does it happen when you upgrade a weapon? Is this adding a ship to a character? If so, does the character have the Rigger tree, or a Signature Vehicle?

It happened when I added/purchased any weapon and when I added ships from the source books. When I removed the weapons from the ships and then tried to add them it worked fine. I figured out the problem was the ItemDescriptors.xml from Vegomatic's Data Set. Just replaced it with the original and it's working fine now. Thank you for a great program!

Getting this error when adding any weapon or adding a ship with certain weapons. Please help!

I tried it with a random ship and it worked for me. What ship is giving you problems, and what weapons are you adding? Does it happen when you upgrade a weapon? Is this adding a ship to a character? If so, does the character have the Rigger tree, or a Signature Vehicle?

It happened when I added/purchased any weapon and when I added ships from the source books. When I removed the weapons from the ships and then tried to add them it worked fine. I figured out the problem was the ItemDescriptors.xml from Vegomatic's Data Set. Just replaced it with the original and it's working fine now. Thank you for a great program!

He needs to know specifics. As in I tried to add or remove weapons from an x-wing. And he needs to know what weapons specifically.

There is every chance this has been addressed, but...

According to page 176, the Basic Lightsaber contains an Ilum crystal that already occupies 2 of the lightsaber's 5 hard points. Should this not be added as an attachment so that it can be removed and another crystal added? In fact, this goes for all of the lightsaber models presented in the book including the training lightsaber. They all have a couple hard points occupied by their crystals.

Thanks again, Ogg for all your hard work!!!

Edited by GoblynByte

If you're keen to create a repo for this , I'll be happy to offer my services in fixing bugs/creating features.(fulltime Software Dev by occupation).

I'll work for free ,as I really want to give back to the Roleplaying community.

Drop me a PM if I can help in any way.

Getting this error when adding any weapon or adding a ship with certain weapons. Please help!

I tried it with a random ship and it worked for me. What ship is giving you problems, and what weapons are you adding? Does it happen when you upgrade a weapon? Is this adding a ship to a character? If so, does the character have the Rigger tree, or a Signature Vehicle?

It happened when I added/purchased any weapon and when I added ships from the source books. When I removed the weapons from the ships and then tried to add them it worked fine. I figured out the problem was the ItemDescriptors.xml from Vegomatic's Data Set. Just replaced it with the original and it's working fine now. Thank you for a great program!

He needs to know specifics. As in I tried to add or remove weapons from an x-wing. And he needs to know what weapons specifically.

To be more specific:

  • When I added ANY weapon to a character, it gave me an error.
  • When I added a ship equiped with ANY weapon it gave the error. The error did not occur with ships that had no weapons to start with or had their weapons removed. Strangely enough their were a few ships I could add that had a weapon equiped but they were in the minority.

As I said, replacing Vegomatic's ItemDescriptors.xml with the original resolved the issue.

Edited by Fauvic

There is every chance this has been addressed, but...

According to page 176, the Basic Lightsaber contains an Ilum crystal that already occupies 2 of the lightsaber's 5 hard points. Should this not be added as an attachment so that it can be removed and another crystal added? In fact, this goes for all of the lightsaber models presented in the book including the training lightsaber. They all have a couple hard points occupied by their crystals.

Thanks again, Ogg for all your hard work!!!

Unfortunately, items cannot come stock with attachments, so the basic lightsaber is treated like a normal weapon. To get what you want, just create the lightsaber by using the basic hilt and adding an Ilum crystal. You can always rename it from "Basic Lightsaber Hilt" to whatever you want to call it ("Bob's Lightsaber", "My Cool Glow Stick", whatever).

Unfortunately, items cannot come stock with attachments, so the basic lightsaber is treated like a normal weapon. To get what you want, just create the lightsaber by using the basic hilt and adding an Ilum crystal. You can always rename it from "Basic Lightsaber Hilt" to whatever you want to call it ("Bob's Lightsaber", "My Cool Glow Stick", whatever).

Cool. No worries. And I think adding a new crystal supersedes the old stats anyway (and takes up the appropriate amount of slots), so the only thing the player would need to remember is that, as long as the stock lightsabers contain their starting crystal, they actually have fewer hard points than what is listed.

Have said it in the past, but again great work! Is there a possibility that the next update can include GM grants for talents and characteristics. I give all players bonus characteristics to start, but have to go into their species to give extra stats or give bonus starting XP when I would rather grant it then messing with the species?