Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Came across this situation in my game tonight: trying to remove a weapon system to add hard points to a ship is unavailable in the character builder.

I wanted to put a Light Tractor Beam on my Y-Wing and was willing to remove the Twin Light Laser Cannons to do it. This should have freed up one of the HP used by the current weapons systems and, in combination with the existing HP on the ship, would allow installation of the External Oversize Weapon Mount attachment (which would then allow the Light Tractor Beam).

Would this functionality be able to be added to the character builder or is it something I'd have to do with the data editor?

have you tried upgrading those with a tractor beam? might work that way.

Tractor beams (even the smallest - Light) require silhouette 4 and a Y-Wing is a silhouette 3 fighter.

If you can't do it due to silhouette restrictions why would you think removing the guns should be able to bypass the restriction due to silhouette size?

Came across this situation in my game tonight: trying to remove a weapon system to add hard points to a ship is unavailable in the character builder.

I wanted to put a Light Tractor Beam on my Y-Wing and was willing to remove the Twin Light Laser Cannons to do it. This should have freed up one of the HP used by the current weapons systems and, in combination with the existing HP on the ship, would allow installation of the External Oversize Weapon Mount attachment (which would then allow the Light Tractor Beam).

Would this functionality be able to be added to the character builder or is it something I'd have to do with the data editor?

have you tried upgrading those with a tractor beam? might work that way.

Tractor beams (even the smallest - Light) require silhouette 4 and a Y-Wing is a silhouette 3 fighter.

If you can't do it due to silhouette restrictions why would you think removing the guns should be able to bypass the restriction due to silhouette size?

That is what the oversized weapon mount allows you to do. However, it takes up more hard points than the Y-Wing starts with. We are basically told that each weapon on a ship is a hard point. So he wants to remove enough weapons on the Y-Wing to free up the number of hard points required for the oversized weapon mount. Then attach the tractor beam to the oversized weapon mount.

Now I haven't looked at anything in the book to ensure this would work (I'm not familiar with the oversized weapon mount or the tractor beam), but if it is simply an issue of hard points then it should.

Hi everyone,

don't know if it was mentionned before but I am creating a sentinel-shien expert right now and the talent in the upper left corner is wrong. It should be side-step.

Came across this situation in my game tonight: trying to remove a weapon system to add hard points to a ship is unavailable in the character builder.

I wanted to put a Light Tractor Beam on my Y-Wing and was willing to remove the Twin Light Laser Cannons to do it. This should have freed up one of the HP used by the current weapons systems and, in combination with the existing HP on the ship, would allow installation of the External Oversize Weapon Mount attachment (which would then allow the Light Tractor Beam).

Would this functionality be able to be added to the character builder or is it something I'd have to do with the data editor?

have you tried upgrading those with a tractor beam? might work that way.

Tractor beams (even the smallest - Light) require silhouette 4 and a Y-Wing is a silhouette 3 fighter.

If you can't do it due to silhouette restrictions why would you think removing the guns should be able to bypass the restriction due to silhouette size?

That is what the oversized weapon mount allows you to do. However, it takes up more hard points than the Y-Wing starts with. We are basically told that each weapon on a ship is a hard point. So he wants to remove enough weapons on the Y-Wing to free up the number of hard points required for the oversized weapon mount. Then attach the tractor beam to the oversized weapon mount.

Now I haven't looked at anything in the book to ensure this would work (I'm not familiar with the oversized weapon mount or the tractor beam), but if it is simply an issue of hard points then it should.

Can anyone point out where in the rules it says you can give up weapons in return for extra HP? I looked and I couldn't find it.

I'm approaching it from the perspective of the "Upgraded Weapons" attachment. "0 if replacing an existing weapon system. 1 if adding new weapon system." p271 EotE CRB.

A slight extension of that logic would be, if it costs 1 HP to add a new weapon system, and 0 to replace an existing system, removing an existing weapon system would provide 1 HP. It's not -technically- in the rules. It's an interpretation (one I would argue is logical) pertaining to the removal of a documented attachment (Upgraded Weapons), which, it could be argued, an existing weapon system already -IS-.

Its all good. Its working now...well except for the Motivation thing :)

Try deleting any custom Motivations.xml file you find in the /documents/appdata/roaming/SWCharGen/DataCustom folder

Is this something I screwed up by trying to edit some things or does everyone have it?

Shien Expert, top row has Defensive Training, when in the F&D book it stats it is Side Step.

Do I need to just re-install the software, perhaps messed something up? Or is there a way I can fix this on my end? Thanks and I have to say this software is beyond amazing, great job!

Shien Expert, top row has Defensive Training, when in the F&D book it stats it is Side Step.

Isn’t that something that changed between the beta and the official release version of F&D?

IIRC that OggDude said he fixed that bug, but I don’t know if he has yet released a new version of the program with that fix.

Is this something I screwed up by trying to edit some things or does everyone have it?

Shien Expert, top row has Defensive Training, when in the F&D book it stats it is Side Step.

Do I need to just re-install the software, perhaps messed something up? Or is there a way I can fix this on my end? Thanks and I have to say this software is beyond amazing, great job!

My guess is it was changed between beta and full CRB and OggDude didn't catch it when he updated. He can fix it on his end and then it will change on your end after he releases an update.

Yes. Sidestep replaced Defensive training after the Beta.

Edited by kaosoe

Well I started a campaign recently...and when I go back in after we've updated things I click on the career tab and all the checks have been removed. I've made sure to save updates but it seems to happen on each character.

I had that happen, too, but only with one character of my players. Not sure if it was something I did - I only keep copies of the characters to manage the group. I certainly did not change Specialisations or something like that.

Generally, this thread should really be stickied.

Yeah its done it twice now. Frustrating when you are trying to update the character and keep having to redo them. If I keep a close watch I can reload it and sometimes that fixes it...Not sure what else to do to it.

It's just a data issue and it'll be fixed in the upcoming release. In the mean time, you can use the data editor to modify that specialization so it shows the proper talent.

I'm getting close to getting all of the language stuff in place. There's quite a lot of phrases that need translating. My latest count is somewhere over 3600. This is probably too big of a task for a single person, so I want to get a list together of people that are interested in translating the apps into their native languages.

According to bitly, the following are the non-English-speaking countries that have downloaded the application the most, along with popular languages of that country:

  • Canada - 5,603 downloads (Some will be French speakers)
  • Germany - 4,828 downloads (German)
  • France - 2,071 downloads (French)
  • Spain - 1,060 downloads (Spanish, Basque, Catalan, and others)
  • Sweden - 995 downloads (Swedish)
  • Brazil - 832 downloads (Portuguese)
  • Poland - 690 downloads (Polish)
  • Denmark - 550 downloads (Danish)
  • Netherlands - 523 downloads (Dutch, Frisian, and others)
  • Austria - 479 downloads (German)
  • Norway - 439 downloads (Norwegian, Sami, and others)
  • Belgium - 409 downloads (Dutch, French, German, Flemish, and others)

For the officially-supported languages, it would probably be best not to specifically include regional dialects, but rather to have generic language support (that is, "German", rather then "German-Austria" or "German-Germany"), unless anyone would think it appropriate. It doesn't matter what particular dialect you speak, of course :) , I'm just talking about the resulting language file that's generated. The major languages I would like to support, from this list are German and French, plus, if possible, Spanish, Swedish, and Portuguese. Of course, if anyone wants to contribute any other language, I'd be more than happy to include it in the generator.

As a secondary task, I'd like to also include data sets for however much of the data that can be translated. The data editor will have the option of creating a language-specific data set, that will also (optionally) include the translation file. At the very least, the Characteristics data will need to have their names translated for any of the included languages, since characteristic names are used everywhere in the apps.

If anyone is interested, please send me a message, or email me at [email protected], and I'll put you on the list. Let me know which language you'd like to help translate, plus any data that either you've already translated, or would be willing to translate. After I get enough people, I'll split the tasks up, then combine everything into a language file, or a language data set.

Thanks in advance for the help :)

Can I help Oggy? Spanish is my second language :)

As long as you're fluent, it's OK by me :)

Belgium - 409 downloads (Dutch, French, German, Flemish, and others)

Some things I learned during the almost eight years in Belgium while my wife and I were living and working there:

The official languages in Belgium are French (Wallonian), Flemish, and German.

English is also the official language of the EU, much to the dismay of many Parisians and other French-speakers.

If you ask a Flemish person, their language is separate and distinct from Dutch. If you ask a Dutch person, then Flemish is just a dialect of Dutch.

The Flemish word for “worker” means “slave” in Dutch. So, if you’re a Flemish-speaking senior executive of a Belgian company that has recently bought a Dutch company and you go to an all-hands meeting at their Workers Council to talk to them about what the transition is going to be like, you should be very, very careful which word you use. You would hate to get all the way to the end of the meeting only to discover that every third word you’ve said has been “slave” and not “worker”.

If you are a politician in a Commune that is officially Flemish-speaking, then you can end your career by providing an unofficial translation of official document from Flemish into French — and vice-versa.

If you are Flemish-speaking and you live in a Flemish-speaking Commune, the commune will pay you thousands of Euros to move into a French-speaking commune — so long as you continue to speak Flemish. The reverse is also true for French-speakers living in a French-speaking commune. This is their way of trying subvert other communes to switch from being dominant in one language to the other.

Can you tell that the Flemish and the Wallonians generally hate, loathe, and despise each other?

So, lots of nice weird things there.

Here in Spain we have 4 co-official languages: Català, Spanish, Euskera, Gallego... and tons dialects XD


Here in Spain we have 4 co-official languages: Català, Spanish, Euskera, Gallego... and tons dialects XD


What do they speak in the Bask region :P

Euskera ;)

I can help with Spanish, given that it is my first language. And I am quite good with English, so it should be no problem to translate.

Is it just me or is there not place showing how many credits have been spent or how many are left when buying equipment?

Is it just me or is there not place showing how many credits have been spent or how many are left when buying equipment?

In the blue box at the bottom.

Love the new update. Great work again. I hope FFG is helping you with the updates. This tool helps our gaming group more than anything else!

I hope FFG is helping you with the updates. This tool helps our gaming group more than anything else!

I don't believe OggDude gets any help whatsoever from FFG, this is entirely done in his free time.

However, if you find it useful, you could help him!

At the top of the character generator screen, there is a Donate button.

Take up a collection from the table - I'm sure even a few bucks (dollar/pound/euro/kroner/dong/doubloon/whatever) here and there would help!

Edited by Lifer4700

I hope FFG is helping you with the updates. This tool helps our gaming group more than anything else!

I don't believe OggDude gets any help whatsoever from FFG, this is entirely done in his free time.

However, if you find it useful, you could help him!

At the top of the character generator screen, there is a Donate button.

Take up a collection from the table - I'm sure even a few bucks (dollar/pound/euro/kroner/dong/doubloon/whatever) here and there would help!

However, he doesn't take Republic Credits... He needs something more real...