With FaD, I had to add a check to make sure someone was Force sensitive before applying Force talents. Unfortunately, that prevents a species with a free Force Rating talent from taking advantage of it. There's actually a way of adding a Force rating that doesn't require the talent, but the editor doesn't support it.
I'm going to have to look at the recalc code and allow species talents to count, regardless of Force rating. That should fix the problem.
As per RAW (and a developer-answered question), each rank of Jury Rigged must be applied to different items. You can't make multiple Jury Rigged changes to a single item.
Thank you for looking into my questions, it helps a whole bunch. You are doing such a fantastic job. Thank you again.
If you want to get it working, and don't mind doing some XML editing, just find the XML file for your species (should be under <data folder>/DataCustom/Species or the data set you're using), bring it up in note pad, and find the below section:
<StartingAttrs> <WoundThreshold>10</WoundThreshold> <StrainThreshold>10</StrainThreshold> <DefenseRanged>0</DefenseRanged> <DefenseMelee>0</DefenseMelee> <SoakValue>0</SoakValue> <Experience>100</Experience> <ForceRating>1</ForceRating> <Requirement> <WearingArmor>false</WearingArmor> <Career>false</Career> <Specialization>false</Specialization> <NonCareer>false</NonCareer> <SoakAtLeast>0</SoakAtLeast> </Requirement> </StartingAttrs>
On line 8 (where it has ForceRating), change the number to 1, then save the file. The species will now start with a Force rating of 1.
Be sure to remove the Force Rating talent, or it'll begin with a FR of 2