Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

For adversary custom weapons, you can set crit to 0. There was a couple of places in the editor where the minimum was 1, but I changed them to 0. Also, it appears that crits in the weapon editor always showed up as 1, since I wasn't setting the control at all :) I fixed that issue. And, I upped all of the crit maxes to 6. So it should be uniform now, with a min of 0 and a max of 6. You can add special dice to adversary special abilities now. Just type them in, like "[ABILITY]" , "[bOOST]", "[TRIUMPH]", etc. Any place with a description (and generally a preview box) can accept special symbols.

Awesome can't wait for you to post the build then. Thanks

Edited by archon007

Having same issue with Custom Weapon section, no matter what I try all the weapon qualities default back to 1.

[Edit] I figured it out. If you just use the up arrow to increase a weapon quality, then click update it doesn't save. You have to click off of the quality, like into the name box then it saves.

Edited by archon007

Having same issue with Custom Weapon section, no matter what I try all the weapon qualities default back to 1.

[Edit] I figured it out. If you just use the up arrow to increase a weapon quality, then click update it doesn't save. You have to click off of the quality, like into the name box then it saves.

It's an idiosyncrasy of the grid that I'm using. It's meant for databases, and it only commits after all changes are completed. There's a few places where it does it on the fly, but it takes sinking a couple of more events and is more work :) I may update all the grids when I have the time, but for now, make your changes with the numeric up/down control, then click in the name or some place until the control goes away. Then it'll be saved.

Version of the software is now available. This is primarily a bugfix version of (no new features have been added), with the addition of the remaining species from Menagerie 2.0.

  • When exporting a character, it would try to export the currently-loaded character, rather than the character selected in the list. It will now export the selected character, so you no longer have to load the character first.
  • Spelling mistake in Career pane ("You my choose" istead of "You may choose") has been fixed.
  • Fixed a stack overflow error when choosing a species that gives extra career skills, taking the extra skills, then either switching species or switching species options.
  • If you double-clicked on the header row of the character grid when you had no characters, it would throw an error. This has been fixed for any grid you can double-click.
  • In the descriptive text for minions on the encounter sheet, I forgot to add "above one" in the skill rule. That's been fixed.
  • The encounter editor was erroneously not allowing multiple groups of the same type of adversary. You can now add the same adversary as different groups with different group counts.
  • If an adversary's name was too long, it would become truncated on the encounter sheet. The font size of the name is now adjusted so that the name will fit into its space, no matter how long it is.
  • The weapon editor was not setting the crit control, so crits were always showing up as 1. This has been fixed.
  • Standardized all crit controls so that you can enter a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 6.
  • A bug was introduced in species edit when you add a skill to an option. The skill would always show up as having rank 0. This has been fixed.
  • A discrepancy was found in the definitions of many species. For some, skills and optional skills were being added using the RankAdd tag, while for others, it was the RankStart tag. These have been standardized to RankStart and the species editor has been standardized to RankStart as well. Consequently, many older species have been modified.
  • Added the following new species from Menagerie 2.0: Togorian, Togruta, Toydarian, Verpine, Weequay, Whiphid, Zabrak, and Zeltron. These are the last of the species from Menagerie 2.0.
File Changes:
The following species files have been modified under Data\Species:
The following new species files have been added under Data\Species:
The following new species portrait files have been added under Data\SpeciesImages:

Version of the software is now available.

You are the bomb-diggity!

Playing around with this, and I must say it's pretty darn spiffy. So kudos on a job well done.

However, I'm trying to add some Force Sensitive specs (the ones from my Ways of the Force as well as the F/S Emergent from the AoR Beta). is there some field I need to flag so that the program allows me to select Force powers? I've checked them as a Universal specializations, and don't see any other fields to check, either when adding or looking at the Exile.

Playing around with this, and I must say it's pretty darn spiffy. So kudos on a job well done.

However, I'm trying to add some Force Sensitive specs (the ones from my Ways of the Force as well as the F/S Emergent from the AoR Beta). is there some field I need to flag so that the program allows me to select Force powers? I've checked them as a Universal specializations, and don't see any other fields to check, either when adding or looking at the Exile.

After you select force exile specialization, a new button 'force powers' appears at the bottom of the left sidebar and contains the force trees

Edited by Diggles

Playing around with this, and I must say it's pretty darn spiffy. So kudos on a job well done.

However, I'm trying to add some Force Sensitive specs (the ones from my Ways of the Force as well as the F/S Emergent from the AoR Beta). is there some field I need to flag so that the program allows me to select Force powers? I've checked them as a Universal specializations, and don't see any other fields to check, either when adding or looking at the Exile.

Yeah, but I forgot to include it in the specialization editor. If you load up the specialization XML file into a text editor, toward the beginning, you should see the "<Attributes/>" tag, probably right after the "<Universal>" flag. Replace "<Attributes/>" with the following:


And that'll do it. I'll add attribute bonuses, or at least force rating, to the specialization editor in the next release.

The GM Tools have been SUPER helpful! Thanks again!

Playing around with this, and I must say it's pretty darn spiffy. So kudos on a job well done.

However, I'm trying to add some Force Sensitive specs (the ones from my Ways of the Force as well as the F/S Emergent from the AoR Beta). is there some field I need to flag so that the program allows me to select Force powers? I've checked them as a Universal specializations, and don't see any other fields to check, either when adding or looking at the Exile.

Yeah, but I forgot to include it in the specialization editor. If you load up the specialization XML file into a text editor, toward the beginning, you should see the "<Attributes/>" tag, probably right after the "<Universal>" flag. Replace "<Attributes/>" with the following:


And that'll do it. I'll add attribute bonuses, or at least force rating, to the specialization editor in the next release.

Cool. Thanks for the quick reply.

Edit: Just tried it, and worked like a charm. I'll make a note of this for future reference.

Also, would it be possible for a future release to include a way to add new Force Powers as well?

Edited by Donovan Morningfire

Awesome awesome character/GM tool!

One question though, with the .8 revision, how can I update (I'm at .6 I think) it without overwriting the data changes I've made? I've added some careers and specializations from AoR and corrected species (Sullustan and Gran) based on AoR; I also started to input text descriptions to skills and force powers.

I can't seem to limit it to changes to dates...

As it is I just skipped overwriting any files to the data folder but I want to incorporate any data corrections made...

Awesome awesome character/GM tool!

One question though, with the .8 revision, how can I update (I'm at .6 I think) it without overwriting the data changes I've made? I've added some careers and specializations from AoR and corrected species (Sullustan and Gran) based on AoR; I also started to input text descriptions to skills and force powers.

I can't seem to limit it to changes to dates...

As it is I just skipped overwriting any files to the data folder but I want to incorporate any data corrections made...

that's why he lists all the changes to the Data files and folders in the patch notes here on the forums. If you want to maintain your data then you need to manually update your Data files using the descriptions he has provided. Hope this helps.

First off this is a slick character gen tool and I appreciate you making it.

Second there is a feature I would like to see (maybe I am the only one) for displaying Talents. It would be nice if the you could enter a separate Talent tree description from the description that shows up on the character sheet. You could include a check box that make them the same for people that don't want to type two different descriptions, similar to how online order forms have a same as billing address check box to save time typing shipping address.

This would allow people that want to have the shortened text and the full text available to do that, or for those that don't want to type too much have them both match by checking the make them match box

First off this is a slick character gen tool and I appreciate you making it.

Second there is a feature I would like to see (maybe I am the only one) for displaying Talents. It would be nice if the you could enter a separate Talent tree description from the description that shows up on the character sheet. You could include a check box that make them the same for people that don't want to type two different descriptions, similar to how online order forms have a same as billing address check box to save time typing shipping address.

This would allow people that want to have the shortened text and the full text available to do that, or for those that don't want to type too much have them both match by checking the make them match box

In other words, continue to have the shortened description displayed in the talent trees, but have a longer, more verbose description display on the character sheet?


One place to enter a description that fits nicely on the limited real estate of the Talent tree, and then the character sheet description would be entered seperately in order to accommodate the more verbose description from the Talents chapter if you want.

I do think that a make same check box would be key though which would make the talent tree description also fill in the character sheet description that way folks that don't want to do the extra typing of two separate descriptions wouldn't have to.

Skimming through the thread, I saw that custom starships are something you're looking into for the future. That's going to be AMAZING!

Love it and thank you.


* power level sorting ability on opponents.

* Initiative tracker

* wounds on npc tracker

Love it and thank you.


* power level sorting ability on opponents.

* Initiative tracker

* wounds on npc tracker

I'll see if I can squeeze power level onto the grid. As for the other two, they're already there. Initiative tracker is at the top right of the encounter tracker, and wounds, strain, effects, etc., make up most of the rest of the tracker.

First off this is a slick character gen tool and I appreciate you making it.

Second there is a feature I would like to see (maybe I am the only one) for displaying Talents. It would be nice if the you could enter a separate Talent tree description from the description that shows up on the character sheet. You could include a check box that make them the same for people that don't want to type two different descriptions, similar to how online order forms have a same as billing address check box to save time typing shipping address.

This would allow people that want to have the shortened text and the full text available to do that, or for those that don't want to type too much have them both match by checking the make them match box

In other words, continue to have the shortened description displayed in the talent trees, but have a longer, more verbose description display on the character sheet?

Yes, this would be awesome.

Ran my first game last nite with great success and everyone had a blast. Entire group is using your program to make their character sheets. I used your encounter creator to print out bad guys and I really like the check box for wounds system...really kept the action going and didnt bog down. I had already printed out bonus/setback cards but the check boxes next to those and the status affect seem useful (and the crits).

GM Tool requests:

Way to hide/unhide or disable intiative & notes sections in print outs.

Make all screens able to maximize and use entire screen (this would prob also help make the numbers bigger when selecting skill levels, etc)

Way to sort find all custom made adversaries

Edited by Diggles

I downloaded and extracted your character generator but I cant seem to build any characters with force powers ..

I see in your screen shots that you have a section for force powers but I dont see how to add it to the characters unless this is some work in progress your showing and its not included with the current download.

Am I doing something wrong?

I downloaded and extracted your character generator but I cant seem to build any characters with force powers ..

I see in your screen shots that you have a section for force powers but I dont see how to add it to the characters unless this is some work in progress your showing and its not included with the current download.

Am I doing something wrong?

From the specialization tab, click on the purchase button, highlight the 'show universal specializations' in order to purchase the force Exile tree

after you've got the Force Exile tree, a FORCE POWERS button will appear on the bottom of your left sidebar

Edited by Diggles

I downloaded and extracted your character generator but I cant seem to build any characters with force powers ..

I see in your screen shots that you have a section for force powers but I dont see how to add it to the characters unless this is some work in progress your showing and its not included with the current download.

Am I doing something wrong?

You need to buy a specialization that provides Force Rating 1. Currently, that's only the Force Sensitive Exile in the stock data files. See a couple of my posts earlier about adding what were meant to be Force-Sensitive careers and not being able to select Force Powers for them.

Just so you guys know, I'm about halfway finished with adding vehicles and ships to characters. I'm still doing some of the customization features, and I haven't done the printable sheet yet. I've added about 2/3 of the vehicles so far, plus pictures and silhouette profiles (the gray pictures that show up in the fire arc circle).

The first vehicle and ship release will allow you to purchase, customize, and print out your ship. The second release will allow you to transfer non-held items back and forth between your vehicles, as sort of an auxiliary storage facility (vehicles have an encumbrance capacity). The next release, or some release later :) , will have group membership and allow printing group sheets, plus allowing characters to transfer money and goods between themselves and whatever groups they belong to. Groups will also be able to have their own starships, which is why I wanted to finish vehicles before starting groups.

I was also forced to go to a Kelly Clarkson/Maroon 5 concert on Thursday by my wife, and while many of you probably think that's a pretty cool deal, 1) they're not my type of band, although they both put on a good show, and 2) one of the 20,000 screaming adolescents there gave me a cold. I'm mentioning this because I spent all day yesterday in bed, and only worked about half a day today. So the next release will probably be delayed just a bit. Sorry.

All of that stuff sounds incredible!

(Except the concert and the cold)