Just a thought, but would you ever consider the possibility of incorporating an image select option into GM Tools for adversaries? It would be pretty handy in the long run, although, as I have 0 understanding of coding at all, it's probably something that's far more work than worth.
That would be a great addition. I've been making do with copy/pasting the stat block into Word, where I also import a picture. But having everything all right there would be nice.
I actually started out with images for adversaries, but didn't find a real use for them. Basically, adversaries are used in encounter sheets or in stat blocks. Pictures aren't needed in encounter sheets, and stat blocks are designed to be used in your own adventures or documents to mimic the look and feel of blocks found in other publications. I suppose they'd be useful in a stand-alone adversary sheet, or in adversary cards, but the apps don't currently support those.