Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

When it rains it pours. Keeping the Peace just came out and has a whole bunch of new (AWESOME) stuff in it.

Sorry Oggdude. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I have a feeling I'm not going to get to that until after the new years :) Of course, if anyone else wants to do the heavy lifting...

Question about custom items for adversaries. Can't put a description in now? Also in 1.5 it would print off special rules that you typed out for them. I would like to avoid putting them in as general items so then I can avoid players who might be updating their character sheets from seeing some of the special gear. Thanks

I don't think the program used the description field for custom items since like 2013. Old versions would put descriptions in parenthetically, but it looked weird. So since it didn't really do anything, I just took it out so people wouldn't get confused.

If an item has special instructions, you can just put them as part of the name. In fact, you don't really even need to add items one at a time. You could just add one item and list as many as you want under the name.

I have a bunch of free time the next few days so I do not mind taking a stab at some it. Will start with the weapon's and srmor and go from there. Though I might leave the new crafting armor section for you to implement.

I'm getting "Incompatible Program" errors from everything except the Character generator.

I'd love to be able to give you any kind of an error report, but Windows 10 is thoroughly unhelpful in that capacity...

I'm getting "Incompatible Program" errors from everything except the Character generator.

I'd love to be able to give you any kind of an error report, but Windows 10 is thoroughly unhelpful in that capacity...

I don't think anyone else has mentioned a problem like that. It could be an install issue, or you could try compatibility mode (r-click/Properties/Compatibility) to see if it makes a difference. The generator isn't substantially different from any of the other executables, and all of them should work on Windows 10 without issue.

According to the F&D Core, the Biofeedback System attachment can be used on any full-body armor suit (doesn't have to be sealed), and the Energy Dispersion System can be used on any armor, but the program requires Sealed for both of them. Any chance they could be opened up to more armors?

Also, when printing the standard sheet, Force Trees now have a really huge font, much larger than anything else on the sheet. They weren't like that before the update. Was this an intentional change?


Edited by NSIBystander

I was just doing the data set for Keeping the Peace to make your job easier Oggy. Sadly I encountered a fault which may have been linked to my previous exception error problem when removing new entries; I realised I had made a mistake on one of the new talents I added, so I went back to edit it, and when I updated it, it would delete the talent name. No matter how many times I would open it up, type it in, and then click update, it wouldn't update, even though when I added it, it registered fine. I then attempted to remove it and it crashed my program...thankfully I had only just started, done a few of the races and that's it, but I dare not try it again incase it acts up and I lose all that work again.

Some things to point out that are not supported by the generator which one of us can not add in for you:

Whipid - Has an ability that adds Successes to a skill check. There is support for adding advantage to a pool, but not successes'.

Morality - As of Keeping the Peace, Strengths can now be paired with multiple different weaknesses by default. For example in the Core Rulebook page 50, Bravery is tied with Anger. However in Keeping the Peace, the 'Guardian Specific Moralities' on page 17 lists Bravery as being tied with Recklessness. So I don't know if this means there will be multiple bravery inputs, or if it will now need to display 'pairs' in a different way so that the user can know "This Strength is tied to this Weakness from this source, and this Weakness from this source."

I would also like to humbly suggest that the insignia representing a conflict talent be added to a future version of the generator to make any conflict related abilities clear to the players. Especially since this book introduces another.

Edit: This sounds really big headed and arrogant on a re-read, that is not my intention, merely making you aware of anything new you will need to add so you don't start doing the data and then realize "oh yeah, I need to code this in to make it work."

Edited by Ebak

Update: Done what I can so far, new motivations, which also has a bug; Assigning a Specific Oath Motivation, to the general Oath Motivation category causes an exception error, I have added them but not linked them due to this problem.

New Species (minus Whippid unique ability)

Added the new talents

New Specializations

Signature ability nodes

Signature abilities themselves.

New Hooks

I will work on the Suppress force power and new items tomorrow if I have time since I am running a session and then going to see the film.

So far all the entries are lacking their page references.

Thanks! Talent editor wasn't setting the name. No clue when that line of code went missing :) It's back.

Currently, you can already match up any strength with any weakness for morality. If they're really starting to match up multiple weaknesses, though, then that will be... annoying :)

And of course something would eventually use the one die modifier that I haven't actually added yet. Typical.

Thanks again for doing all that.

According to the F&D Core, the Biofeedback System attachment can be used on any full-body armor suit (doesn't have to be sealed), and the Energy Dispersion System can be used on any armor, but the program requires Sealed for both of them. Any chance they could be opened up to more armors?

Also, when printing the standard sheet, Force Trees now have a really huge font, much larger than anything else on the sheet. They weren't like that before the update. Was this an intentional change?


What armor would you consider "full-body",whether or not it's sealed? Right now, the only category I have for armor is "Sealed". I could easily add "Full-Body".

I was just having a little think Ogg. Dice pools can be modified in concrete ways such as removing setback dice, adding boost and advantage etc to all checks with that skill. There are some talents that only effect a dice pool occasionally and in a very different way than adding dice or results, Surgeon being one, where the player increases the wounds they heal per success, or the new Prescient Shot talent that adds boost dice to all ranged light combat checks, UNLESS the target is immune to force powers.

Is there a way in the dicepool to represent "Hey, you have a talent that may effect this dicepool, check your talents" maybe with an asterisk or a new symbol? Just a thought / idea.

I was just having a little think Ogg. Dice pools can be modified in concrete ways such as removing setback dice, adding boost and advantage etc to all checks with that skill. There are some talents that only effect a dice pool occasionally and in a very different way than adding dice or results, Surgeon being one, where the player increases the wounds they heal per success, or the new Prescient Shot talent that adds boost dice to all ranged light combat checks, UNLESS the target is immune to force powers.

Is there a way in the dicepool to represent "Hey, you have a talent that may effect this dicepool, check your talents" maybe with an asterisk or a new symbol? Just a thought / idea.

That is a wonderful idea! I really liked the setbackremover icon, Maybe just an asterisk behind the dice, would be enough

According to the F&D Core, the Biofeedback System attachment can be used on any full-body armor suit (doesn't have to be sealed), and the Energy Dispersion System can be used on any armor, but the program requires Sealed for both of them. Any chance they could be opened up to more armors?

Also, when printing the standard sheet, Force Trees now have a really huge font, much larger than anything else on the sheet. They weren't like that before the update. Was this an intentional change?


What armor would you consider "full-body",whether or not it's sealed? Right now, the only category I have for armor is "Sealed". I could easily add "Full-Body".

The reason I was bringing it up was because I was messing with the new armor crafting rules and was examining all the potential armor attachments. With the armor crafting rules you need to spend an advantage to make the armor sealable, otherwise it's not, and whether it's full body or not is ultimately probably up to the description that the player was going for and the GM's adjudication. The attachments all seem pretty specific on being able to work with the following rough categories:

Any Armor (Cortosis Weave, Superior, Energy Dispersion System, Hands-Free Weapon System, Optical Camouflage System (though this mentions being near useless in hard armors))

Helmet/Visor (Enhanced Optics Suite, Multi-Band Comlink, Integrated Scanner, Range Finder, Integrated Targeting Computer, Threat Monitor, In-Helmet Scanner)

Full Body (Biofeedback System)

Hard Armor (Strength Enhancing System)

Sealed (Heating System)

Hard Sealed (Thermal Shielding System, Vacuum Sealed)

Majority Of Body (Integrated Med-Systems)

There definitely appear to be tiers of categories, such like anything sealed automatically needs to also be full body, and if it's full body, then obviously it covers the majority of body as well. I definitely don't know if all these categories are needed or not, but based on my readings of the attachments, these tend to be the rough key words that are used.

As for existing armors that might qualify for the above categories, I can give my personal readings based on descriptions for the books I have, though I definitely acknowledge that other people may have different takes on the descriptions. (list of armors is contained within the spoilers tags so that this doesn't become a really huge post)

Adverse Environment Gear (AoR/EotE/F&D Core) - Sealed, Helmet

Armored Clothing (AoR/EotE/F&D Core) - Full Body or Majority of Body

Heavy Battle Armor (AoR/EotE Core/KtP) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Heavy Clothing (AoR/EotE/F&D Core) - Majority of Body

Laminate Armor (AoR/EotE Core) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Personal Deflector Shield (AoR/EotE Core) - None

Padded Armor (AoR/EotE/F&D Core) - Full Body, Helmet

Banal Apparal (DA) - Majority of Body

Cargo Clothing (DA) - Majority of Body

Diplomat's Robes (DA) - Majority of Body

Flare Jacket (DA) - None (just a vest/jacket)

Hauling Harness (DA) - (Unsure, description is not descriptive of coverage)

Holographic Costume (DA) - Full Body

Lector's Outfit (DA) - Majority of Body

Noble Regalia (DA) - Majority of Body

Performer's Attire (DA) - Majority of Body

Powered Capacitive Armor (DA) - (Unsure, description is not descriptive of coverage)

Resplendent Robes (DA) - Majority of Body

Second Skin Armor (DA) - Full Body or Majority of Body

Shockrider Crash Suit (SoT/EtU) - Full Body, Helmet

Wing Commander Armored Flight Suit (SoT) - Sealed, Helmet

Polis Massan Bodysuit (SoR) - Full Body

Leviathan Power Armor (SoR) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Verpine Fiber Ultramesh Armor (SoR) - Full Body

Beast-Hide Warrior's Armor (DC) - Majority of Body

Storm Charge Suit (DC) - Full Body, Helmet

Mk III Flak Vest (DC) - None (vest only)

PX-11 Battlement Powered Armor (DC) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Protector 1 Combat Armor (DC) - Hard Armor, Full Body, Helmet (doesn't say it's sealed?)

Mk II Steelskin Anti-Concussive Armor (DC) - (Unsure, description is not descriptive of coverage, but guessing Hard Armor)

Enviro-Suit (EtU) - Sealed, Helmet

Tracker Utility Vest (EtU) - None (vest only)

Mountaineer Armor (EtU) - Full Body, Helmet

Mk IV Riot Armor (FH) - Full Body, Helmet (may be Hard Armor?)

Reinforced Environment Gear (FH) - Sealed, Helmet

Tailored Armored Jacket (FH) - None (jacket only)

Blast Vest (FC) - None (vest only)

Mimetic Suit (FC) - Full Body, Helmet

Smuggler's Trenchcoat (FC) - Majority of Body

Hutt Shell Armor (LoNH) - Hard Armor, Full Body, Helmet

Sakiyan Shadowsuit (LoNH) - Full Body

Catch Vest (SoF) - None (vest only)

Nomad Greatcoat (SoF) - Majority of Body

Berethron Personal Modular Armor (SoF) - Full Body or Majority of Body

TX-3 Combat Flight Suit (SoF) - Sealed, Helmet

Armored Robes (F&D Core) - Full Body

Concealing Robes (F&D Core) - Full Body

Cresh Luck Armor (KtP) - Hard Armor, Helmet (chest only, not Full Suit)

Jedi Battle Armor (KtP) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Jedi Temple Guard Armor (KtP) - Full Body, Helmet (mask)

Jedi Training Suit (KtP) - Full Body or Majority of Body

Kav-Dann Power Armor (KtP) - Hard Sealed, Helmet

Koromondain Half-Vest (KtP) - None (vest only)

Riot Armor (KtP) - Full Body or Majority of Body, Helmet

Sorry for the length, and again, other people may have differing opinions on a lot of the armor.

I encountered an odd bug: The medium laser cannon seems to be missing. I wanted to look at the stats in the GM-Tools and I was hit with an X-Wing with 4 medium ion cannons. Iwanted to see if I can fix this myself, but the medium laser cannon seems to be gone. Anyon else got this?


I have a player who has just purchased Jury Rigged and they wish to have someone else in the party gain the benefit from that ability. How would I go about doing that?


I still have the medium laser cannon in my data set and the X-Wing also is armed correctly.

I was playing around with DataSets (my own one and the german one) but i can't join them properly.

Are there required steps to do so?

Can i somehow see if there are differences in a singleobject between the DataSets (e.g. the translated name)?

If the language DataSet is extended, will there be a possibility to see whats new?

I'm also looking for cybernetics from Beyond the Rim (Energized Claws, Vision Cycling). Are they not included or can i import them from somewhere?

Question: When adding a custom species, how do I make their selection of starting bonus skills "either/or", rather than having both?

Such as "Bonus Skill: All Miraluka begin the game with one rank in Discipline or Perception due to their connection with the Force." How do I make that an option in the Character Generator on a custom species?

Edit: Figured it out. Awesome system, OggDude!

Edited by TkNyarlathotep

I have a player who has just purchased Jury Rigged and they wish to have someone else in the party gain the benefit from that ability. How would I go about doing that?

Under GM grants, you can grant the receiving player the Jurry Rigged talent. Then for the offering player, just remove or do not apply it to any piece of gear.

I have a player who has just purchased Jury Rigged and they wish to have someone else in the party gain the benefit from that ability. How would I go about doing that?

RAW, the Jury Rigged talent can only be applied to things owned by the person who has that talent.

This reflects the fact that they need to be constantly aware of the modification and giving it special attention, etc…. Give the item away to someone else, and since you’re not constantly giving it special attention, the item in question should lose the Jury Rigged quality.


I still have the medium laser cannon in my data set and the X-Wing also is armed correctly.

Good for you...

Not for me though, it happened with ALL Medium laser ships. And only when I use the GM tools.


I still have the medium laser cannon in my data set and the X-Wing also is armed correctly.

Good for you...

Not for me though, it happened with ALL Medium laser ships. And only when I use the GM tools.

You asked if anyone else had the bug, and I responded, with a negative and clarification. No need to be a ****.

Just found the Language Button, msut have been blind yestarday :o

Where is it? Please... T_T

Just found the Language Button, msut have been blind yestarday :o

Where is it? Please... T_T

In the Launcher, under "More Option" at the bottom.

Thank you! Omg, just to think I had to go through all that Spanish... :(