Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'd say that the German translation is about 70% done. This doesn't include data, of course. This is the text that's displayed in the applications and the printable sheets. The only data that's translated in this way are item descriptors, characteristics, and skills. The rest will need to be modified. I believe some of the translators are also putting together data sets with translated data, but it probably won't be complete.

Currently, you can "translate" your own data by adding descriptions and names in your native language. You may want to check to see if someone's already made a data set with translated text.

We have translated above 80% :)

And there will be a DataSet for German and afaik it is nearly completed.

Hey, Oggdude, I'm interested in translating the generator to Portuguese. How could i do it?

Hey Oggdude I just want to thank you for all the hard work. This app is amazing for the game. Fantasy flight should hire you!

I have one small request. Would there be a way to make it so when you print out a character sheet standard it can have no note sections? They seem to take up a ton of room on the sheet. I know you have the compact print out, but that seems to not work right for me for some reason and is missing info I would like on the sheet. Without the note sections it looks like a standard sheet (without the optional extras) could get down to 2 pages, which would be ideal. Just a thought.

The note sections are there to fill in the empty space.

Like Daeglan said, they're there to fill empty space. Unlike the stock, fillable character sheets in the back of the book, the sheets made by the generator are dynamic and can flow to multiple pages, depending on the number and types of options selected for the character. Because of this, some pages might end up with extra space at the bottom. That's why there's "Note" sections. If they weren't there, there'd be blank sections that would look odd and unbalanced.

Thanks for the explanation Oggdude. Keep up the good work on this awesome app.

Hey, Oggdude, I'm interested in translating the generator to Portuguese. How could i do it?

I would be interested in translating to Greek.

First thing: great work OggDude! It`s a shame the FFG don`t call you to support your work and turn in a offical software.

I have one question: In the future you plan add a few "house rules" (popular ones I think) in the program's structure? I have a few house rules in mind:

- Don't use "+10 XP" cost to out-of-carrer specializations (a player suggest this, I'dont like much, but I will try in the future);

- To vehicles: when stocking objects in the cargo area, if the object is stocked in a organized way (in box, weapon rack or similar) and not ready for use, the object have only half-encumbrace (rounding up);

- To vehicles: when stocking objects in the cargo area, if the object is stocked in a organized way (in box, weapon rack or similar) and not ready for use, the object have only half-encumbrace (rounding up);

I believe that the standard rule for boxes is roughly 5x. So, in a given amount of space on a ship, you might be able to get ten standard blaster rifles, if they were just thrown randomly on the floor. But if you put those blaster rifles in proper boxes, and then stacked the boxes together to fill that same space, you could store 50 standard blaster rifles.

- To vehicles: when stocking objects in the cargo area, if the object is stocked in a organized way (in box, weapon rack or similar) and not ready for use, the object have only half-encumbrace (rounding up);

I believe that the standard rule for boxes is roughly 5x. So, in a given amount of space on a ship, you might be able to get ten standard blaster rifles, if they were just thrown randomly on the floor. But if you put those blaster rifles in proper boxes, and then stacked the boxes together to fill that same space, you could store 50 standard blaster rifles.

Where did you find this rule? I'm unaware of anything so definitive. I'm aware of several house rules along those lines, but I don't remember reading anything from official sources...

Where did you find this rule? I'm unaware of anything so definitive. I'm aware of several house rules along those lines, but I don't remember reading anything from official sources...

I think that rule has been inferred by people looking at the encumbrance capacity of various containers versus the encumbrance of the containers themselves.

I don’t know that there is an official hard and fast official rule in this space.


I briefly looked to see if this was addressed in a previous post and didn't find anything. I apologize if it has been mentioned already. That being said, I thought it best to point out the error I have run into. I am getting the alternate characteristic dialog when loading a saved character that causes an exception when anything but Cancel is chosen. I have replicated it doing the following:

Create a new character.

Name it something.

Set the career to Guardian: Soresu Defender (just as an example)

Go to Specializations and select Parry and Soresu Technique.

In the dialog that pops up, choose brawn.

Save the character.

Subsequently, when you go to load this saved character it will immediately prompt with the dialog to choose the characteristic to use with lightsaber. Any choice other than cancel results in an exception. I've tried two or three of the other techniques for some of the other careers, and in any case when brawn is kept as the characteristic to use that character will have the dialog pop up when loading.


I have this same issue, and did not find another post either. I just made my own temporary fix of making the lightsabers seperate skills and GM granting them


I briefly looked to see if this was addressed in a previous post and didn't find anything. I apologize if it has been mentioned already. That being said, I thought it best to point out the error I have run into. I am getting the alternate characteristic dialog when loading a saved character that causes an exception when anything but Cancel is chosen. I have replicated it doing the following:

Create a new character.

Name it something.

Set the career to Guardian: Soresu Defender (just as an example)

Go to Specializations and select Parry and Soresu Technique.

In the dialog that pops up, choose brawn.

Save the character.

Subsequently, when you go to load this saved character it will immediately prompt with the dialog to choose the characteristic to use with lightsaber. Any choice other than cancel results in an exception. I've tried two or three of the other techniques for some of the other careers, and in any case when brawn is kept as the characteristic to use that character will have the dialog pop up when loading.


I have this same issue, and did not find another post either. I just made my own temporary fix of making the lightsabers seperate skills and GM granting them

This was a tricky one! The exception ended up being caused by the spec tree being updated on the newly-loaded character before the skill grid was populated by the character's skills. Since a skill's characteristic was changed, the skill grid was trying to update the skills from the previous character, which had already been disposed of. Because the references to the master data skill object were null, updating the grid at that time caused a null exception. Just changing the order in which I populated the GUI when a new character was loaded (changing the skill grid before doing specializations) fixed that issue, so no more exceptions.

The next issue was that if you selected the actual base characteristic for the skill, the skill char dialog would be displayed every time you loaded the character, and every time you switched between specs. If you selected a different characteristic (such as INT for Soresu Technique), it was happy. I fixed that by just setting the override characteristic to the base characteristic. Now it sees something has been selected (even if it's the base characteristic, like Brawn), so it won't keep prompting.

Glad you caught that, as I'm getting close to the next release. I need to finish some adversaries and the modular encounters for Strongholds, do the same for Chronicles, and that's about it. The next release will include German and Spanish translations (which are now completed), plus a partial data set for German master data.

Any reasoning behind the Cortosis Gauntlets not being able to have the Stun Pulse mod applied?

No, just forgot to add the Bludgeoning Brawl category to the attachment. While I was at it, I also added the two Cortosis effects to the gauntlets.

Oh boy, when the new release drops it's going to feel like Christmas. So glad I am starting new campaigns in the new year.

I finally finished adding everything for Strongholds and Chronicles... and then I remembered Pirate Queen! Arg... I'm not used to getting three books in the span of a couple of weeks.

Anyway, I haven't started it yet, but as soon as it's finished, I'll do the next release.

Oh, and some belated thank yous go out to Eddie Sells, Pride Comics, Matthew Lenzen, and David Voss for their contributions. Thanks guys!

I finally finished adding everything for Strongholds and Chronicles... and then I remembered Pirate Queen! Arg... I'm not used to getting three books in the span of a couple of weeks.

Anyway, I haven't started it yet, but as soon as it's finished, I'll do the next release.

Oh, and some belated thank yous go out to Eddie Sells, Pride Comics, Matthew Lenzen, and David Voss for their contributions. Thanks guys!

Since Keeping the Peace has moved to now shipping, that'll be four books in comparatively short order. ;)

Yeah LA longshoreman strike help everything back and it all piled up. Not FFGs doing.

Hey Oggdude,

Just want to say ah uge thank you for your builder my group LOVE it and say without it they would be "At a loss" if it didn't exist. The best builder I have ever used. Thank you for all the hard work you put into it.

Loyal fan

So I recently started translating your Character generator to german, and now I find out it's already almost finished?

Now I feel stupid.

So I recently started translating your Character generator to german, and now I find out it's already almost finished?

Now I feel stupid.

There's only a partial German data set. If you've done more, I could include it. However, descriptions need to be in the "Please see page..." format, rather then descriptive (and copyrighted) text from the books.

I have included all the german released books.

When more books are translated,I will update the Data Set and possible update the language file with the correct translations.

I have included all the german released books.

When more books are translated,I will update the Data Set and possible update the language file with the correct translations.

Yeah well I've gone a bit far on this one and translated also almost all talent trees from the current english books, because in my opinion the official german translation is atrocious. Skulduggery translated with Infiltration? Really? What's with "Gaunerei" or "Gaunerhandwerk", that is viable too for a skill that encompasses lockpicking, sleight of hand and even some lying. My group here in Germany doesn't mind using the english books, but two among us aren't so firm with Shakespeare's Idiom, so to make it easier on them I translated them and put them in the mightiest tool we have for them to check out different builds. Your Chargen Oggdude!

So I know that my translation will not be released openly, and I never intended for it. But currently the german translations are stagnating and that's why I won't wait another year for "Zeitalter der Rebellion".

Kudos to your work, but please understand that the official german translation of the books is taking too long. It's not you, it's Heidelbaer. So if you follow them, then I won't wait for your translations if you understand.

Nvm. I was doing something weird with it Great tool thanks for all the people who have made a great tool

Edited by Nephlim24

Not sure how difficult this would be, but thought I would ask anyway.

In the specialization tree, when mousing over the talents, a sub-window pops up and displays whether that talent is ranked, if it is passive or activiated, and what other trees have that talent (which is really awesome).

My question is this: Next to where it shows what other tress have that particular talent, is it also possible to display how many of those talents that tree has?



Activation: Active (OOT Incidental)

Rank: Yes

Found In: Ataru Striker (3), Makashi Duelist (5), Shii-Cho Knight (4), Soruse Defender (3) ....

Not sure how difficult this would be, but thought I would ask anyway.

In the specialization tree, when mousing over the talents, a sub-window pops up and displays whether that talent is ranked, if it is passive or activiated, and what other trees have that talent (which is really awesome).

My question is this: Next to where it shows what other tress have that particular talent, is it also possible to display how many of those talents that tree has?



Activation: Active (OOT Incidental)

Rank: Yes

Found In: Ataru Striker (3), Makashi Duelist (5), Shii-Cho Knight (4), Soruse Defender (3) ....
