Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Is there any way to translate the menu buttons? I'm trying to translate this awesome character creator to portuguese.

Hey Ogg, stupid question for you: where do the character files end up saving? I do all of my work for RPGs on an external that I use at work and at home, and realized that all of the work I do at one PC doesn't transfer to the other.

Also, been meaning to say this, but if you ever want to add the ships that I've statted to your generator, you are more than welcome to. I'd go with the forum threads over the standard links due to a pile of recent additions ^^;

Hey Ogg, stupid question for you: where do the character files end up saving? I do all of my work for RPGs on an external that I use at work and at home, and realized that all of the work I do at one PC doesn't transfer to the other.

Also, been meaning to say this, but if you ever want to add the ships that I've statted to your generator, you are more than welcome to. I'd go with the forum threads over the standard links due to a pile of recent additions ^^;

Just use the splash screen to point the data files to where you want them. In this case your external. do the same at every location.

Version GM Tools, crash on launch:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: SWCharGenGMTools.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 55e0f5a0
Problem Signature 04: SWCharGenLib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 55e0f598
Problem Signature 07: 8c9
Problem Signature 08: 1db
Problem Signature 09: System.NullReferenceException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I'll see a dialog box iterating thru some data for a second or so then it crashes. Character Generator and Data Editor seem unaffected...

Hey Ogg, stupid question for you: where do the character files end up saving? I do all of my work for RPGs on an external that I use at work and at home, and realized that all of the work I do at one PC doesn't transfer to the other.

Also, been meaning to say this, but if you ever want to add the ships that I've statted to your generator, you are more than welcome to. I'd go with the forum threads over the standard links due to a pile of recent additions ^^;

Have you already added them to the generator? :) If so, sure, I'll include them as an import with the next release. I'm going through Strongholds right now and I'm dreading adding all the weapons and equipment, so I don't think I could handle adding a bunch of ships right now. I'm getting over some weird stomach virus that had me in bed all of yesterday with a low-grade fever.

Get well Oggy! ;)

Its been mentioned before about changing the skill names, but when I go into skills, it does not give me the option to modify the skill names. Am I missing something here because I would really like to change the knowledge skills to Knowledge (xxxx)

Edited by GM Hooly

Never mind. I went into the raw data in the XML file and adjusted it manually. Success!

On the Sentinel: Shein Expert Tree you have Defensive Training where Side Step should be.

On the Sentinel: Shein Expert Tree you have Defensive Training where Side Step should be.

That was changed between the F&D Beta and the official release of the book, and OggDude has already incorporated that into what will be the next release of his program.

Just to keep everyone updated, I'm currently adding new info from Strongholds of Resistance and Chronicles of the Gatekeeper into the data to give the translators some extra time to finish the phrase translations. There's a lot of phrases to translate, so hopefully they'll be able to get them done in time. If not, what I'll do is add whatever phrases they do have finished and have partial translations for French, German, and Spanish. There's quite a bit of new features (mostly minor) and bug fixes, along with the data from the new books, so I want to get this out to you guys as soon as possible.

Never mind. I went into the raw data in the XML file and adjusted it manually. Success!

Keep in mind that if you modify the base data that comes with the release, it'll get written over with any new release.

The next version has expanded the concept of "DescOnly" in the data editor to include the name of the item, as well as the description. So, you'll be able to modify any item's name, as well as description, from the main data editor screen. This will be stored as custom data, so it'll be safe from being overwritten.

I look forward to seeing the new update! I always am eagerly anticipating the next release!

Hey Ogg, stupid question for you: where do the character files end up saving? I do all of my work for RPGs on an external that I use at work and at home, and realized that all of the work I do at one PC doesn't transfer to the other.

Also, been meaning to say this, but if you ever want to add the ships that I've statted to your generator, you are more than welcome to. I'd go with the forum threads over the standard links due to a pile of recent additions ^^;

Have you already added them to the generator? :) If so, sure, I'll include them as an import with the next release. I'm going through Strongholds right now and I'm dreading adding all the weapons and equipment, so I don't think I could handle adding a bunch of ships right now. I'm getting over some weird stomach virus that had me in bed all of yesterday with a low-grade fever.

Sadly haven't had the chance to do so. I'll see if I can scrape the time to work on it soon, but sadly that might not be until the new year (currently working on packing and moving from NJ to WV, apartment hunting for said move, a playtest, three games for a convention, and a blacksmithing commission that will probably be delayed).

I hope you get well soon!

We have our first translation finished! Many thanks go out to Josep and Alberto for all their hard work with the Spanish translations! Go Team Español!!

German is also looking really good, but I think real life is getting in the way of last part of the French translation, which is totally understandable. A big thanks goes out to all the translators; this has been a lot of hard work on their part!


I briefly looked to see if this was addressed in a previous post and didn't find anything. I apologize if it has been mentioned already. That being said, I thought it best to point out the error I have run into. I am getting the alternate characteristic dialog when loading a saved character that causes an exception when anything but Cancel is chosen. I have replicated it doing the following:

Create a new character.

Name it something.

Set the career to Guardian: Soresu Defender (just as an example)

Go to Specializations and select Parry and Soresu Technique.

In the dialog that pops up, choose brawn.

Save the character.

Subsequently, when you go to load this saved character it will immediately prompt with the dialog to choose the characteristic to use with lightsaber. Any choice other than cancel results in an exception. I've tried two or three of the other techniques for some of the other careers, and in any case when brawn is kept as the characteristic to use that character will have the dialog pop up when loading.


Great app. I love it! :lol:

We have our first translation finished! Many thanks go out to Josep and Alberto for all their hard work with the Spanish translations! Go Team Español!!

German is also looking really good, but I think real life is getting in the way of last part of the French translation, which is totally understandable. A big thanks goes out to all the translators; this has been a lot of hard work on their part!

I wish we could all share our English translations; it would sure save a lot of typing...

OggDude. I am having trouble with one of my character files.

When I load the generator. Sometimes my character will appear in the character list and sometimes it will not. In addition when I try to open the character fle it sasays this is not a valid file. I am not sure what is going on. But I have encountered allot of bugs as of late. Cannont wait for the next update to the generator that will fix the bugs.

I love this generator. It has brought so many players to wanting to play this game. Thanks as always for your help oggdude.

Below is a link to my character file so you can take a look at it and tell me if there is something wrong with the XML file.

Hey Oggdude I just want to thank you for all the hard work. This app is amazing for the game. Fantasy flight should hire you!

I have one small request. Would there be a way to make it so when you print out a character sheet standard it can have no note sections? They seem to take up a ton of room on the sheet. I know you have the compact print out, but that seems to not work right for me for some reason and is missing info I would like on the sheet. Without the note sections it looks like a standard sheet (without the optional extras) could get down to 2 pages, which would be ideal. Just a thought.

Hey Oggdude I just want to thank you for all the hard work. This app is amazing for the game. Fantasy flight should hire you!

I have one small request. Would there be a way to make it so when you print out a character sheet standard it can have no note sections? They seem to take up a ton of room on the sheet. I know you have the compact print out, but that seems to not work right for me for some reason and is missing info I would like on the sheet. Without the note sections it looks like a standard sheet (without the optional extras) could get down to 2 pages, which would be ideal. Just a thought.

The note sections are there to fill in the empty space.

OggDude. I am having trouble with one of my character files.

When I load the generator. Sometimes my character will appear in the character list and sometimes it will not. In addition when I try to open the character fle it sasays this is not a valid file. I am not sure what is going on. But I have encountered allot of bugs as of late. Cannont wait for the next update to the generator that will fix the bugs.

I love this generator. It has brought so many players to wanting to play this game. Thanks as always for your help oggdude.

Below is a link to my character file so you can take a look at it and tell me if there is something wrong with the XML file.

The issue was that your character portrait was HUGE. Not so much with memory (about 55MB), but when expanded, it was 4969x6476 :) It was having major issues creating a bitmap that large. I cut it down to about 491x640 (more than big enough to print well) and it worked fine. Here's the new file . It's an export, so just import into your characters again.

Hey Oggdude I just want to thank you for all the hard work. This app is amazing for the game. Fantasy flight should hire you!

I have one small request. Would there be a way to make it so when you print out a character sheet standard it can have no note sections? They seem to take up a ton of room on the sheet. I know you have the compact print out, but that seems to not work right for me for some reason and is missing info I would like on the sheet. Without the note sections it looks like a standard sheet (without the optional extras) could get down to 2 pages, which would be ideal. Just a thought.

The note sections are there to fill in the empty space.

Like Daeglan said, they're there to fill empty space. Unlike the stock, fillable character sheets in the back of the book, the sheets made by the generator are dynamic and can flow to multiple pages, depending on the number and types of options selected for the character. Because of this, some pages might end up with extra space at the bottom. That's why there's "Note" sections. If they weren't there, there'd be blank sections that would look odd and unbalanced.

Hey OggDude great work. When can we do expect the german translatet version?

I'd say that the German translation is about 70% done. This doesn't include data, of course. This is the text that's displayed in the applications and the printable sheets. The only data that's translated in this way are item descriptors, characteristics, and skills. The rest will need to be modified. I believe some of the translators are also putting together data sets with translated data, but it probably won't be complete.

Currently, you can "translate" your own data by adding descriptions and names in your native language. You may want to check to see if someone's already made a data set with translated text.