Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm still getting the error. Here's a vid capture of me creating a new character entry, naming and saving it, then doing the same process on my most recent character. Only the new character's copy shows up in the selection list, even though both are actually in the character folder.

Edited by verdantsf

So it doesn't say something like "Character "blahblah" successfully copied. Would you like to load this character now?" after you click copy??

Oh, it does. Sorry, I didn't have the right settings for the video capture. Here's a better look:

Any chance you could make it so that there's a truly black and white print option?

The simplest one right now still uses colours on the dice, and since the black dice and blue dice are similar in shape, it might be hard to see the difference for some.

Just a thought (as I work at a school and play with the kids, and printing in colour is a big no-no)

Should point out that I too have been having the problem of copying characters as verdantsf has been mentioned.

Also Ogg Dude, any reply to the Force Rating GM Grant request?

I think I know what the issue is, and it's been taken care of in the next release.

Would anyone else be interested in having a +FR grant?

As for the colors, the few bits of color I use in the B&W sheets is for readability. All the responses I've gotten from that so far think it's a good idea.

Any chance you could make it so that there's a truly black and white print option?

Use a printer that can only do black-and-white?

Any chance you could make it so that there's a truly black and white print option?

Use a printer that can only do black-and-white?

I think his frustration is that the black and white setting in the program still prints the colors of the dice. Forcing it go black and white via your printer settings makes the boost and setback dice look very similar and difficult to differentiate.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

I think his frustration is that the blcl and white setting in the program still prints the colors of the dice. Forcing it go black and white via your printer settings makes the boost and setback dice look very similar and difficult to differentiate.

Ahh, okay. That makes sense. A monochrome mode that takes into account the fact that you don’t have color as a distinguishing characteristic, so you have to make it clear in some other way — like maybe with different borders or backgrounds or something.

That makes a lot more sense. Thanks!

Any chance you could make it so that there's a truly black and white print option?

Use a printer that can only do black-and-white?

I think his frustration is that the blcl and white setting in the program still prints the colors of the dice. Forcing it go black and white via your printer settings makes the boost and setback dice look very similar and difficult to differentiate.


It'd be much better if the dice were empty and just shapes (with a - in the black setback dice).

Then my students could colour them in themselves if they needed to (although most could probably just figure out the shapes)

I think I know what the issue is, and it's been taken care of in the next release.

I just created a new version of my most recent sheet from scratch. Everything was working fine at first, but after I finished adding in the specializations and skills, when I saved, the entry vanished from the selection list.


Following a suggestion from a friend, I removed all but one file from the folder. The XML file that previously wasn't showing up appeared!

Edited by verdantsf

I mean, the black and white print of the simple layout is very nice. The dice are nice and different in colour, BUT the disadvantage dice (well, removal of disadvantage dice) show up as pretty much black, so the minus in the middle of them is very hard to see.

Perhaps, even just changing the colour of the minus in them from red to white is enough to make it alot more printer friendly.

For adults, it's good enough the way it is, but some of the kids I have have all kinds of "letter" diagnoses, so for them it might be hard to remember that the big black dice is for removing them, not adding them, unless they actually see that minus in the die.

Would anyone else be interested in having a +FR grant?

Very much so! This was a request I made a while back for a (sadly defunct) play-by-post I was in, and would still like to see it come back.

I have a player that requested having +FR grant along time ago so add me to the yes list.

Also since I'm posting I wanted to say thanks for the excellent program and that it helped me teach my players how to make a character, none wanted to read any of the books.

Hey, I was just wondering where you get the vehicle silouhette images from? I've been adding a few custom ships, and would like to make some for them.

Edited by onebadveggie

Is there a way to print out blank Character sheets for this tool? (with no base info included)

Edited by FuriousGreg

Is there a way to print out blank Character sheets for this tool? (with no base info included)


Thanks, I didn't think so.

Hey, I was just wondering where you get the vehicle silouhette images from? I've been adding a few custom ships, and would like to make some for them.

I would like to request the YV-560 from the Explorer book (Enter the Unknown - pages 66 & the back cover). It's the ship my party started with.

I changed the FR GM Grant to grant up to 5 FR. Insane, yes, but might as well be thorough :)

The translators are still working away at getting the translation files out. I'm hoping the next release will include French, Spanish, and German translations. These don't include custom data, of course, just the forms, print-outs, etc. I know at least the French guys are also putting together a translated data set which I'll include as an import.

About the silhouette images... all of those are custom made. They're not exceptionally challenging to make. The hard part is finding a top-down picture of the vehicle to work with. Here's the basic steps (I use GIMP, but other paint programs have similar features):

  1. Start with a 500x500 image with transparent background.
  2. Find a top-down picture of your vessel. Shrink it down so it'll fit within 500x500 with a bit of a border on it.
  3. Remove all parts of it that aren't the vessel and make it transparent. You should just have the vessel image, top-down, with the front pointing up.
  4. Copy it into your 500x500 image and center it.
  5. Select all of the transparent parts, then inverse the selection so just the vessel part is selected.
  6. Delete the vessel, keeping the selection. Fill the selection with the same gray color that's used in other silhouettes (load one up and use the dropper tool to get the color).
  7. Grow the selection by 10, then feather it by 5.
  8. Fill the empty selected border with white.
  9. At this point, you can just save it as-is in the VehicleSilhouettes folder, with the same name as the regular image (key.png). However, you can shrink it down to 125x125 if you want, since that's how big the silhouette picture box is in the vehicle stat block control. Just keep it square.

Sometimes, I can't find a good image to use, so I just make one up myself. I generally split it vertically, then make just one half of it. Then, I copy what I've done, flip it horizontally, and stick it next to the original part so that it's symmetrical. Of course, you can't do that with an asymmetrical ship design :) You don't have to be too exact with silhouettes; they're just there for reference, and to make the ship sheet look cool. Just make it look somewhat like the ship you're adding, and people will be happy.

Hey, I was just wondering where you get the vehicle silouhette images from? I've been adding a few custom ships, and would like to make some for them.

I would like to request the YV-560 from the Explorer book (Enter the Unknown - pages 66 & the back cover). It's the ship my party started with.

It's included with the app.

Not so insane, my player had FR 6 XD

Hey, I was just wondering where you get the vehicle silouhette images from? I've been adding a few custom ships, and would like to make some for them.

I would like to request the YV-560 from the Explorer book (Enter the Unknown - pages 66 & the back cover). It's the ship my party started with.

It's included with the app.

Thank you for the instructions on how to create silhouettes!

The silhouette for the YV-560 is the YT-1300. I will start working on the silhouette for the 560 this weekend.

EDIT: I take it back! It seems that the 560 has a proper silhouette! I must have been looking at an old print out.

Edited by Lifer4700

Hey Ogg

i'm having problems starting the generator. It worked fine with version 1.4.6 but now v1.5 the generator won't start. I start it up the splash screen starts than a few seconds later i get a windows error saying it encountered a problem and closes. This is on a windows 7 machine. i've tried downloading and happens each time.

I also have a windows 10 laptop where the program works but it won't save, the error says there's an unhandled exception that says 'the path is not of a legal form"

any advice you may have for these I'd appreciate it.

Hey Ogg

i'm having problems starting the generator. It worked fine with version 1.4.6 but now v1.5 the generator won't start. I start it up the splash screen starts than a few seconds later i get a windows error saying it encountered a problem and closes. This is on a windows 7 machine. i've tried downloading and happens each time.

I also have a windows 10 laptop where the program works but it won't save, the error says there's an unhandled exception that says 'the path is not of a legal form"

any advice you may have for these I'd appreciate it.

What's the first error? As for the second error, what is the path of your data folder set to?