Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Nope. Still getting the same problem :(

You did this in your custom data directory, right? You didn't delete anything from the <install>\Data directory, did you?

Hey, new GM here and I absolutely love what you've made here. Anyway, I've been going through and filling out descriptions in the Data Editor.

I've actually gotten everything from the EotE books complete ( :wacko: ) other than Weapons and Vehicle Positions. Which leads me to my question. I noticed that the Vehicle Position section has no Page numbers or Source Books to get descriptions from. So, what is the purpose of the Vehicle Positions section?

If you are helping by entering all this data you can join OggDude's Bigtent group where you will find a lot of the work already finished and to share your work. Right now I think nearly everything including the F&D Beta has been compiled.

Hey, new GM here and I absolutely love what you've made here. Anyway, I've been going through and filling out descriptions in the Data Editor.

I've actually gotten everything from the EotE books complete ( :wacko: ) other than Weapons and Vehicle Positions. Which leads me to my question. I noticed that the Vehicle Position section has no Page numbers or Source Books to get descriptions from. So, what is the purpose of the Vehicle Positions section?

If you are helping by entering all this data you can join OggDude's Bigtent group where you will find a lot of the work already finished and to share your work. Right now I think nearly everything including the F&D Beta has been compiled.

Oh man, this would have saved me SO much time! That's what I get for being afraid to ask! Thank you!

Edit: After looking through the Total Package, there's definietly a lot that I've done that wasn't in that. So maybe I'll do some formatting and add in what I've done to make a "Totalest" Package. :lol:

Edited by onebadveggie

Two questions:

Is there any way to get the whole group to benefit from a holocron's bonuses (as per the holocron from page 439 of FaD Core)? I built the holocron using the Data Editor and added it to the group inventory, but it didn't transfer any bonuses to the team as a whole.

When characters build their own lightsabers, as per the lightsaber construction rules in the back of the FaD GM Kit, is the way of representing the changes from advantage/threat/triumph/despair to make a custom attachment and have modification tick boxes for each outcome?

Many thanks for an awesome tool, my group has been using it since the beginning :)

Hey, new GM here and I absolutely love what you've made here. Anyway, I've been going through and filling out descriptions in the Data Editor.

I've actually gotten everything from the EotE books complete ( :wacko: ) other than Weapons and Vehicle Positions. Which leads me to my question. I noticed that the Vehicle Position section has no Page numbers or Source Books to get descriptions from. So, what is the purpose of the Vehicle Positions section?

From page 52 of the documentation:

Vehicle Positions are position titles that can be assigned to adversaries in an encounter. They represent the job that the adversary performs during combat. Each position includes at least one vehicle action. On the encounter sheet, each assigned position will be displayed along with the adversary assigned, and a list of actions that the adversary can perform, along with the appropriate skill check dice.

When making an encounter using the GM Tools, you use a roster to assign adversaries to positions on a vehicle. For instance, you could assign an adversary to a gunnery position, or to a pilot position. When you print the encounter sheet, each roster position will be listed, along with the adversary assigned, plus any of the adversary's skills that are related to the position (Gunnery for a gunnery position, Piloting for a pilot position,etc).

Two questions:

Is there any way to get the whole group to benefit from a holocron's bonuses (as per the holocron from page 439 of FaD Core)? I built the holocron using the Data Editor and added it to the group inventory, but it didn't transfer any bonuses to the team as a whole.

When characters build their own lightsabers, as per the lightsaber construction rules in the back of the FaD GM Kit, is the way of representing the changes from advantage/threat/triumph/despair to make a custom attachment and have modification tick boxes for each outcome?

Many thanks for an awesome tool, my group has been using it since the beginning :)

Currently, you need to be holding the holocron to get the benefits. However, I'll take another look at the CRB and see about possibly changing that.

The next release will include the following:

  • To allow for the lightsaber hilt construction rules found in the Force and Destiny GM's Kit, a new attachment was added called "Lightsaber Hilt Construction Modifications". This is a zero-cost and zero-HP "attachment" that can be used to apply special results of a construction check of a lightsaber hilt, such as added/removed HP, or added/removed encumbrance.

Does the GM tools have a Initiative program in it..

I am not seeing one...

I this something planned for a future update?

Does the GM tools have a Initiative program in it..

I am not seeing one...

I this something planned for a future update?

Keep in mind that the apps aren't really meant to be a play aid, just a prep aid. Even though a lot of people keep the apps up for reference during a game (even a few of my players do this), it's really meant to be used for printing up various sheets that you can use during play, as well as storing characters, adversaries, encounters, etc., for future use.

You can include an initiative tracker with encounters that you print up. Before printing, you just tell it how many characters there will be, and it'll add this to the number of adversaries to determine the number of slots for the tracker. The tracker will then appear at the top of the first page of the encounter sheet. You just fill in all the rolls in the first grid, and then assign slots in the second grid.

REQUEST: Can the character sheet have the amount of earned XP listed in the XP area please?

REQUEST: Can the character sheet have the amount of earned XP listed in the XP area please?

I second this motion.

Motion carried <bangs gavel>


Motion carried <bangs gavel>


This is why I like oggdude. So responsive.

I actually have a bit of time this weekend to do this sort of stuff :) I've been busy lately and haven't had much time for Star Wars. The translation part of the app is finished, but I decided to back up one of my external hard drives to my DropBox account, and it's literally taking over a week to complete, so I'm sort of waiting on that to finish. I'm also going to start JoY for my group tomorrow, so I've been working on that today as well.

The translation part of the app is finished, but I decided to back up one of my external hard drives to my DropBox account, and it's literally taking over a week to complete, so I'm sort of waiting on that to finish.

I believe that ExpanDrive is available for Windows as well as Mac, and it hooks up to a number of back-end storage providers, including DropBox. More importantly, it lets you copy things asynchronously in the background, while you continue to do other things in the foreground.

It also doesn’t force you to keep a complete local copy of the remote volume, so that you really can use it to expand your local system and not just keep a local sync’ed copy. For those things that aren’t in the local cache, ExpanDrive will have to download them, but at least it lets you see everything you’ve got on the remote volume and then decide what you want to copy down locally.

You might want to take a look at it.

Disclaimer: I don’t have any connection with them, other than as a happy customer.

EDIT: Of course, the DropBox app lets you do some things that I don’t think ExpanDrive can — like easily getting a public URL for a remote file. So, it’s not a complete replacement for the DropBox app, but it can also do some things that DropBox can’t.

Edited by bradknowles

So I am trying to correct a typo in a talent. I went in the data editor the change seems to be saved in the data editor. It is not however showing up in the character generator or the print talent trees. I can figure out why.

Hi Oggy!

I might have missed where this was addressed before, but I added all the descriptions by hand for the talent trees. When I go to print them, it seems like the output font size was increased significantly. Where they used to fit on the page in the previous version, they do not in the current version (which I just installed today). Is there a way to edit that? Or could we at least get it on the list of fixes for the next round?

Thanks for this!

So I am trying to correct a typo in a talent. I went in the data editor the change seems to be saved in the data editor. It is not however showing up in the character generator or the print talent trees. I can figure out why.

Did you close the Character Generator and reopen it?

Hey Ogg, I have a couple of feature requests (as I have been using this a lot recently, thanks as always);

- Can you please add text search functions to the data editor, as the number of entries on each tab is getting quite big and is a bit unwealdy to navigate.

- Can you add a search function for Custom Gear, Armour and Weapons.

- Would it be possible to have the option to save Custom Gear, Armour or Weapons from adversaries as items that are available to PCs, or that could just be added to the relevent section of the data editor (maybe a safe to editor button)?

- Could we have an option to add Custom Gear, Armour or Weapons to PCs without having to go back through the data editor (my players often find one-off items that they like to steal, such as a giant spanner or shiny statue etc).

- Can you add an option to add custom attachemets to vehicles/starships, specifically 'stock vehicles' as I would like to be able to add things like extra HP without having to create a new version (or copy) of a current ship. This would also simulate hiring a skilled mechanic that could add the same options that PCs can add via talents etc.

- Is it possible to add an option to change the gear of adversaries linked to specific encounters, I might want to add a Guilded Hunter but swap out the disruptor pistol for this encounter.

- Could you show encumbrance when choosing Gear, Weapons or Armour.

- Could you add an option to filter adversaries from more than one source as i might want to look at all adversaries from Suns of Fortune but can't currently do this.

Thanks for listening, sorry for the long list, and for continuously improving this awesome tool. :)

Edited by lupex

This might just be me, but I would really appreciate it if the box for Unused XP could just be blank, rather that displaying a 0, if you have no unspent XP.

Just a thought. Keep up the good work!

I only have 7 more products to buy from FFG's star wars RPG line, and then I'll donate to this (more than) excellent product.

I think the same amount as one would have to pay for a core book sounds about right, what do you guys think?

And my offer still stands OGGdude, if you want I can send you the images I use for weapons (all the blasters and almost all the slugthrowers done, working on melee and brawl now).
(for personal use only, of course!)

So I am trying to correct a typo in a talent. I went in the data editor the change seems to be saved in the data editor. It is not however showing up in the character generator or the print talent trees. I can figure out why.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

Ok for some reason the data editor is not showing all my edited data. I chose the correct Data path and I have all my files there, except when I enter the data editor it looks like nothing has been changed. Plz help me I spent countless hours adding discriptions into this and don't want to lose them.


NM I found out the problem it had everything to do with my virus software.

Edited by sevick

Has anyone tried to create a " portable " install?

I would love to be able to run this from my work laptop without running a VM like I do now.

Edited by Lifer4700

So I am trying to correct a typo in a talent. I went in the data editor the change seems to be saved in the data editor. It is not however showing up in the character generator or the print talent trees. I can figure out why.

Make sure close the tools and reopen them.

I did that several times with no luck

Does the GM tools have a Initiative program in it..

I am not seeing one...

I this something planned for a future update?

Maybe someone could create one that reads the XML for the group sheet.