Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I think i may have found an error. We set up a specialization (recruit) as a gimmie and its counting it for the number of classes you have when buying new specializations.

Click "Options" at the top and make sure GM Grants is checked off. Then, on the page where you award the character XP, under the Award button should be GM Grants. You can then give the character a free specialization. If your GM doesn't want it to count towards your total specializations when buying new ones, the only way around it would be to remove the free one, buy the new one, then add the free one back and rechoose all of the talents.

Question; is there any place to record uncancelled critical hits?

Not in the program, but there is a place on the sheet you can print to write them down.

I'm not bright enough to figure out how to run this on the web.

Sure you are! You can provision a low-spec Windows machine with Amazon Web Services for a pittance and only pay for a tiny amount of storage when it's not running.

There are lots of good instructions out there, and this is the place to start:

From there you just need the free Remote Desktop app (I use it all the time, works great) and some fiddling with firewall rules (that are well-documented) and you're all set.

Or, if you play in the location with your PC, skip the AWS machine and use Remote Desktop to connect directly to your computer.

umm..when one upgrades to a newer version you have released? How do you do it without losing all the previous character saved data? Export the character and then import them again?

There are lots of good instructions out there, and this is the place to start:

If you don’t want to manage your own Windows Server in the cloud, you can also use Amazon AWS Workspaces, see < >.

Edited by bradknowles

If you don’t want to manage your own Windows Server in the cloud, you can also use Amazon AWS Workspaces, see < >.

Will the miracles never cease?

umm..when one upgrades to a newer version you have released? How do you do it without losing all the previous character saved data? Export the character and then import them again?

You don't have to do anything. It just uses the character files you have. There usually won't be problems.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

Question; is there any place to record uncancelled critical hits?

Not in the program, but there is a place on the sheet you can print to write them down.

Yeah, that what I figured. I have just upgraded all of my players characters but some have crits, it would be helpful to be able to record these in the program. Old school pencil it is.

And another question - Can you remove weapons from Stock Vehicles/Starships?

And another question - Can you remove weapons from Stock Vehicles/Starships?

Only through the data editor. The character creator doesn't currently have that capability.

Hey, sorry for the long post but I keep getting an error message every time I try to add or amend a Motivation. Everything else works fine and this is only happening in 1.5 version.

Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at SWCharGen.Form1.btnMotiveNew_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at SWCharGen.ImageButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at SWCharGen.ImageButton.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34209 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/M%20Taylor/Desktop/SWEotECharGen/SWCharGen.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34251 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34270 built by: FX452RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll


************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

Edited by MTaylor

Hey there, I've probably goofed astronomically as I'm no programmer but I haven't been able to find a solution via the search tool here in the forum so apologies if this has been answered earlier. Myself and two friends completed a lot of content back when you first released the CharGen, and I can't seem to get it to populate anymore. I'm pretty sure I remember the data files were converted post so they should be compatible with 1.5, but most likely my mistake is simple.

I copy pasted the DataCustom folder from our Dropbox to the Data Folder found in the launcher. When I start the data editor, I can see the custom work we've done on each of the skills, classes, talents, etc., but when I open the character generator, none of that data appears. It seems to default to the "please refer to page xx in such and such core book" for every entry.

I've got all of those entries backed up so I'm not concerned aboht losing the effort put into creating them, but I'm remiss to understand why I can't actually see them in the generator.

Again, apologies if this has been answered before, the thread is easily the longest I've ever seen and the search function returns a lot of irrelevant posts.

And another question - Can you remove weapons from Stock Vehicles/Starships?

Only through the data editor. The character creator doesn't currently have that capability.

Thanks, that would be a feature request from me then. I would like to be able to change vehicle starship stats on the fly as I add them to a character or encounter or set-up 'stock vehicles'.

Also, it would be useful to be able to edit adversaries when adding them to encounters, eg change out gear or increase wound threshold etc to make them unique to a specific encounter. I think the easiest way would be to effectively copy an adversary and change the name based on the encounter. I know that this can be done via the adversary pane but that adds an unnecessary step to the process.

And, another feature request, is it possible to add a text search function to attachments for gear and vehicles, as the list for both is getting quite long now. It might also be helpful to be able to search against desired effect, eg increase hull or add boost to skill etc.

Thanks for listening.

When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

I just used 180 XP on characteristics and had no problem...

When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

I just used 180 XP on characteristics and had no problem...

I just did it with the latest version, if that`s still, and you can do it no problem, but it says that you have overspent with 5 xp.

When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

I just used 180 XP on characteristics and had no problem...

I just did it with the latest version, if that`s still, and you can do it no problem, but it says that you have overspent with 5 xp.

Mine says I have 5 XP left. Did you award the character extra obligation XP using the Award button, or did you use the checkbox on the Obligation screen?

Edited by rowdyoctopus

OggDude, again my thanks. This is a terrific piece of software and I'm deeply appreciative of the hard work and long hours it represents!

I apologize in advance if this has been addressed already: I did search the thread and don't believe I saw it.

My GM has just begun a new game but it's a custom setting ( Firefly ) and there are some attendant setting-specific things as you might imagine: skills, talents, gear.

My assumption is exporting the appropriate XMLs will allow us to share character builds, etc, as he intends. I understand that part well enough I believe. He has made the appropriate customizations in his instance of the app.

My question: if he shares the XMLs with me, my stuff should represent as he sees them in my instance of the app on my local machine, and furthermore, if I export stuff and send it to him, vice versa? I believe this is this correct but would appreciate confirmation on this point.

When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

I just used 180 XP on characteristics and had no problem...

I just did it with the latest version, if that`s still, and you can do it no problem, but it says that you have overspent with 5 xp.

Mine says I have 5 XP left. Did you award the character extra obligation XP using the Award button, or did you use the checkbox on the Obligation screen?

It figures it out properly, it just wasn't updating the characteristics pane when you added XP due to obligation or duty (or morality). If you changed characteristic values, it would be updated properly. The next version will update when obligation, duty, or morality options are changed..

At any rate, it's just a warning; if you go over, it won't do anything.

OggDude, again my thanks. This is a terrific piece of software and I'm deeply appreciative of the hard work and long hours it represents!

I apologize in advance if this has been addressed already: I did search the thread and don't believe I saw it.

My GM has just begun a new game but it's a custom setting ( Firefly ) and there are some attendant setting-specific things as you might imagine: skills, talents, gear.

My assumption is exporting the appropriate XMLs will allow us to share character builds, etc, as he intends. I understand that part well enough I believe. He has made the appropriate customizations in his instance of the app.

My question: if he shares the XMLs with me, my stuff should represent as he sees them in my instance of the app on my local machine, and furthermore, if I export stuff and send it to him, vice versa? I believe this is this correct but would appreciate confirmation on this point.

If he's using custom data that is unavailable to you when you create a character on your end, then you won't have access to it and won't be able to select the same things. Of course, it really depends on what he's customized. If he's added specializations, or careers, you won't be able to select them on your end. If, however, he's changed the layouts of standard specializations, then you'll be able to select them, but you won't have access to the same talent layouts as he does.

In situations like this, what you should be doing is sharing data, not exporting and importing characters. Just have him get a DropBox or similar account (I can no longer recommend for this, as they arbitrarily banned one of my links without any explanation) and change his data directory to point to a DropBox directory (transferring everyting over first). Then, have him give everyone else's accounts access to that directory so it'll show up on their local cache folders. Then, change your own data folder to point to that directory. Once you do that, everyone will have access to the same data, including the same characters, adversaries, encounters, whatever.

Any chance that Ranged Heavy and Ranged Light weapons could be separated into separate sort categories in the equipment area?

Hey Og, as ever I am loving the programme and making a lot of use of it, however I have been having some trouble adding unique craft to an encounter. The process as it is at the moment seems to be really clunky. Whilst setting up an encounter my process would be - Create the encounter, add in a standard vehicle and then modify in any way that I choose and rename ready for use. The current process is - Open data editor, copy relevent vehicle, modify vehicle's starting stats. Open GM Tools, open stock vehicles, pull through modified vehicle, rename and save. Open encounters, select vehicles and then add stock vehicle to encounter. (I also have to make sure that the GM tools is reopened after the vehicle has been modified in the data editor otherwise it doesn't see the modified vehicle.)

My suggestion would be to move vehicles/starships to the GM tools and set them up much like Adversaries, so that you have a list of vehicles but these can be modified in any way by a GM, much like adversaries. And it would mean that all current vehicles would be available as you were setting up an encounter. This would also remove the need to have a new data set for adventures with unique vehcles.


When Droids use more than 175 xp on characteristics, the builder says you have spent too much xp on characteristics, even if you have enough xp from extra obligation.

I just used 180 XP on characteristics and had no problem...

I just did it with the latest version, if that`s still, and you can do it no problem, but it says that you have overspent with 5 xp.

Mine says I have 5 XP left. Did you award the character extra obligation XP using the Award button, or did you use the checkbox on the Obligation screen?


Hey Og, as ever I am loving the programme and making a lot of use of it, however I have been having some trouble adding unique craft to an encounter. The process as it is at the moment seems to be really clunky. Whilst setting up an encounter my process would be - Create the encounter, add in a standard vehicle and then modify in any way that I choose and rename ready for use. The current process is - Open data editor, copy relevent vehicle, modify vehicle's starting stats. Open GM Tools, open stock vehicles, pull through modified vehicle, rename and save. Open encounters, select vehicles and then add stock vehicle to encounter. (I also have to make sure that the GM tools is reopened after the vehicle has been modified in the data editor otherwise it doesn't see the modified vehicle.)

My suggestion would be to move vehicles/starships to the GM tools and set them up much like Adversaries, so that you have a list of vehicles but these can be modified in any way by a GM, much like adversaries. And it would mean that all current vehicles would be available as you were setting up an encounter. This would also remove the need to have a new data set for adventures with unique vehcles.


That is what you'd have to do if you want to create completely new vehicles for different encounters. But in general, you'd want to use a standard vehicle, then add any attachments, new weapons, or replacement weapons, to this standard vehicle. This is the reason I included Stock Vehicles. These are vehicles that are pre-modified and can just be added directly to your character, group, or encounter.
Conceptually, master data in general, and especially for items such as vehicle, weapons, gear, and armor, are stored as "archetypes" or "models". When you add, say, a weapon to a character, you are actually invoking an instance of this "model", which then becomes an actual "weapon." This actual weapon can have attachments (or, technically, invocations of an attachment "model"), it can have its HP changed, range changed, damage changed, critical changed, and all sorts of other customization done to it. The result is the "real" weapon that's displayed in your character sheet.
Vehicles are done the same way. The vehicles you edit in the Data Editor are the models or archetypes of actual vehicles that you'd use in the rest of the applications. For instance, a YT-1300 is just a model of an actual ship. It doesn't become the Milleniumm Falcon until you add it to a group, character, or encounter, or create a Stock Vehicle from it, then customize it with a name, attachments, weapons, etc. Vehicles also have another layer of abstraction when it comes to its weapons. You create a weapon layout for a vehicle by choosing a weapon "archetype", and create a "weapon system" using this archetype, which is, itself, another form of an archetype. When you "invoke" this vehicle, the code will go through these "weapon systems", plus the list of new weapon systems and upgraded weapons, apply attachments, etc., to come up with the final weapon layout.
Stock Vehicles are NOT archetypes, but are actual pre-made vehicles. When you add a Stock Vehicle to a character, all it really does is directly copies the XML for the stock vehicle, then recalculates to set up the proper references.
In general, you shouldn't have to completely create ships from the ground up. The generator comes with hundreds of these vehicle archetypes which can be used to quickly generate actual vehicles. Of course, there will be times when an encounter calls for a completely new or highly customized ship, and yes, if it's so different that you can't use a standard ship model, you'll need to create it using the data editor. But this shouldn't happen too often. And if you do, that archetype then becomes available for re-use by encounters, characters, or groups.

I think part of the issue is that creating a stock vehicle sticks to the Raw, whereas I wanted to create a couple of pre-modded vehicles, a Gat-12 with less guns but more passenger space, a modded Yt-2400 with built in smuggler compartments but the normal number of HPs, a CR90 with one set of guns removed, and finally Jodo Kasts modified Lambda (with manuevering thrusters, and two extra guns, that uses too many HP to build using RAW).

I couldn't work out how to do this with stock ships so had to copy an archetype and then change the stats, then create a stock ship to then add to the encounter. It would be useful to be able to break the rules when creating stock ships as some might be pre-damaged or have extra HPs added by skilled techs thus allowing a greater number/type of attachments. I would appreciate the option to change any stat relevant to the ship used in the encounter without having to go back into the data-editor to set-up a new archetype just to be able to break the RAW, much like we are allowed to do with adversaries.

The program as-is does have a workaround but I would appreciate it if you considered this for future releases.

Also, any chance you could add a text search option to the data editor as with all of the entries it is becoming quite cumbersome to navigate.

Thanks for listening

Just wanted to add my voice to all the others singing the praises of this resource. Thank you Ogg Dude.