Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I hope FFG is helping you with the updates. This tool helps our gaming group more than anything else!

I don't believe OggDude gets any help whatsoever from FFG, this is entirely done in his free time.

However, if you find it useful, you could help him!

At the top of the character generator screen, there is a Donate button.

Take up a collection from the table - I'm sure even a few bucks (dollar/pound/euro/kroner/dong/doubloon/whatever) here and there would help!

However, he doesn't take Republic Credits... He needs something more real...

**** t, How about Hutt Truguts?

I could probably help with a Swedish translation, if desired, but I honestly doubt that one would be needed.

I hope FFG is helping you with the updates. This tool helps our gaming group more than anything else!

I don't believe OggDude gets any help whatsoever from FFG, this is entirely done in his free time.

However, if you find it useful, you could help him!

At the top of the character generator screen, there is a Donate button.

Take up a collection from the table - I'm sure even a few bucks (dollar/pound/euro/kroner/dong/doubloon/whatever) here and there would help!

However, he doesn't take Republic Credits... He needs something more real...

<waves hand> But credits will do fine.

Love your work. Donation sent!

I could probably help with a Swedish translation, if desired, but I honestly doubt that one would be needed.

After looking up "Languages of Sweden", I now realize that 90% of the population speaks English, so you're probably right :)

Love your work. Donation sent!

Thanks, man! I appreciate it.

And while I'm at it, more thanks goes out to David Groda, Denny Wright, Joshua Kubli, Michael Holmes, Stephen Rider, and Larry Guffey for their donations. Love this community!

So far, I've gotten three volunteers for doing the translations: Milarqui and Josep Maria for Spanish, and Keiran Antilles for German. I know there's a lot of French speakers out there who want this in French, but no volunteers as of yet. At this point, I'm thinking German, French, and Spanish would be enough to include in the next version, so if anyone else can help, it'll be great.

Okay, I have been encountering an Odd issue... and I have reread the rules in Edge of the Empire, trying to figure out if I missed something?

So If I missed something Please help me out here cause then My group has been doing it wrong.

I have Noticed that when you purchase ranks for a skill, with exp on the skills tab, it Opens a drop down under the "Non-Career" Column?

What is this supposed to be for?

Milarqui, what parts do you prefer to translate? This way we won't repeat the process XD

Do you use Spanish from Spain or from other countries?

Just ran into this bug when trying to add a source for some custom gear. (Click the "Add" button next to the Source dropdown)

************** Exception Text **************
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'SWCharGen.CheckBoxComboBoxItem'.
at SWCharGen.SourceControl.frmPromptForSource.GetExistingSources(CheckBoxComboBox cmb)
at SWCharGen.SourceControl.frmPromptForSource.GetNewSource(CheckBoxComboBox cmb, IWin32Window parent)
at SWCharGen.SourceControl.btnAdd_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at SWCharGen.ImageButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at SWCharGen.ImageButton.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Okay, I have been encountering an Odd issue... and I have reread the rules in Edge of the Empire, trying to figure out if I missed something?

So If I missed something Please help me out here cause then My group has been doing it wrong.

I have Noticed that when you purchase ranks for a skill, with exp on the skills tab, it Opens a drop down under the "Non-Career" Column?

What is this supposed to be for?

Previously in the program, if you purchased skill ranks in a skill that was not a career skill, and then that skill becomes a career skill somehow, the program would refund you the extra XP you paid for purchasing ranks out of career.

So now that column and drop down tracks how many ranks you purchased when the skill was not a career skill, to preserve the amount of XP you spent.

Does that make sense? I hope it does :D

Edited by rowdyoctopus

Okay, I have been encountering an Odd issue... and I have reread the rules in Edge of the Empire, trying to figure out if I missed something?

So If I missed something Please help me out here cause then My group has been doing it wrong.

I have Noticed that when you purchase ranks for a skill, with exp on the skills tab, it Opens a drop down under the "Non-Career" Column?

What is this supposed to be for?

Previously in the program, if you purchased skill ranks in a skill that was not a career skill, and then that skill becomes a career skill somehow, the program would refund you the extra XP you paid for purchasing ranks out of career.

So now that column and drop down tracks how many ranks you purchased when the skill was not a career skill, to preserve the amount of XP you spent.

Does that make sense? I hope it does :D

It does! Thank you :-)

Love your work. Donation sent!

Thanks, man! I appreciate it.

And while I'm at it, more thanks goes out to David Groda, Denny Wright, Joshua Kubli, Michael Holmes, Stephen Rider, and Larry Guffey for their donations. Love this community!

This program represents many many hours of work and its a godsend both for players and GM's, the least I could do it help some. Glad I could aid the cause for sure. Thanks for all your time and efforts.

I have the xml documents for my characters saved. Is there a way to upload them? The manual seems to assume that you updated with them present but i'm starting from a new machine. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

I have the xml documents for my characters saved. Is there a way to upload them? The manual seems to assume that you updated with them present but i'm starting from a new machine. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

What do you mean?

When I lost my last computer I managed to save the xml files on my characters on a thumb drive. Now that I have a new machine and the newest version of Oggdudes generator I'd like to upload them.

We went into the hidden folders of the old generator to find the characters.

When I lost my last computer I managed to save the xml files on my characters on a thumb drive. Now that I have a new machine and the newest version of Oggdudes generator I'd like to upload them.

We went into the hidden folders of the old generator to find the characters.

Did you export the characters from the old computer or did you just take the character files?

Did you create any characters on the new computer?

just took the character files, and no this is a fresh install of the program, haven't really done anything except install it.

just took the character files, and no this is a fresh install of the program, haven't really done anything except install it.

You can just take those files and put them in the new character folder. That should work fine. However, I would keep a copy on your thumb drive and create a new character as a test. As long as it doesn't overwrite one of the characters you put in the folder, you should be fine. To find the character folder, when you first open the program and can choose between Character Generator, GM Tools, and Data Editor, on the bottom left click "Data Folder". That will show you where to put the character files.

now a question from my GM when we switched over we didn't export the data files he's filled in. How do we save them, because that's alot of work he doesn't want to have to do over. do we put them in the custom folder?

now a question from my GM when we switched over we didn't export the data files he's filled in. How do we save them, because that's alot of work he doesn't want to have to do over. do we put them in the custom folder?

Those can just be copied from the old computer and brought over to the new computer, pasted into the folders there. That is all you need to do there.

Thank you, you've been a great help.

I think i may have found an error. We set up a specialization (recruit) as a gimmie and its counting it for the number of classes you have when buying new specializations.

Question; is there any place to record uncancelled critical hits?

Ogg, thanks again! You are one heck of a man! The Order 66 Podcast gave a great shoutout to you and your character generator recently...I think, because I never listen...

The only problem I have is that my PC desktop has a black background, so my shortcut just looks like a weird little red "X". LOL.

Too bad there wasn't a way to make this IOS compatible! A buddy of mine has a Windows tablet, and I have an iPad. I'm really jealous that he can run it on his tablet and I can't. Ain't technology grand!

I'm not bright enough to figure out how to run this on the web.