Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Anyone updated the .xml files to have the book data they'd like to share?

Long time ago I added here an old version. You can always work from that :)

Long time ago I added here an old version. You can always work from that :)

Cool, where can I find it?

I'll try to look for it XD It was on the "first" pages.

If Oggy still have it pretty well :)

EDIT: Oggy, do you still have the talents description I sended to you loooong time ago?

EDIT 2: Here, sorry XD

It'a REALLY old version 2014-03-07, but will be easier than start from nothing ;)

Edited by Josep Maria

First off, my apologies to native speakers, as I did this all with Google translate and it's almost assuredly laughably inaccurate. But, here's an example of a partially translated Launcher screen in Chinese. As I said, there's going to be around 3000 phrases, so whoever wants to help out with translations has their work cut out for them. But, anyone who sends me completed translation files when this is done will have their language included in the following release.

Anyhow, here's the screenshot:


Edited by OggDude

Apologies if this has been asked in the approximately eleven billion previous posts, but is there any way to add the bonuses granted by the Rigger tree to a vehicle?

Apologies if this has been asked in the approximately eleven billion previous posts, but is there any way to add the bonuses granted by the Rigger tree to a vehicle?

When you select signature vehicle you can click on the right arrow on the talent and select the vehicle. Then the changed will happen to that vehicle.

I'd like to add the Spark of Rebellion fan sourcebook to the character generator but have no idea on where to get the files or how to go about doing it.

Hey Ogg thanks again for the best generator I have ever seen for any table top rpg.

Requesting for the next update possible gm grants for talents like you have for skills and specializations? I sometimes give my players a talent or two in game that isn't in their specializations.

Also if I give a player a free gm grant specialization does that specialization count towards future specializations bought and increased costs on them?

I'd like to add the Spark of Rebellion fan sourcebook to the character generator but have no idea on where to get the files or how to go about doing it.

The program includes a Data Editor and the User Manual is well put together. I believe the information you are looking for starts on page 32 of the manual.

I am not a programmer or data base expert at all and I have been able to add and customize at will. Though I did have a whole slew of basic questions a while back.

What I did was create a duplicate Data Set to play with and destroy :D .

I read through the version of the manual available then and played a bit and asked a lot of questions when something went wrong. My issues were mostly because I was duplicating tags (if I am using the correct term) already in use. Now I preface all my tags with SAND so they are always unique and I can find them.

The biggest thing I have discovered is that the only way to understand any answers you may get here, you have to actually tinker/edit the data. A lot doesn't make any sense to the layman like me until you are actually doing it.

But OggDude and the more advanced users are spectacular in their support and ability to make said laymen understand. Once we make that first step that is ;)

As a GM, feature suggestion. We've had the ability to print out trees. I'd like to recommend an 'inventory' of items you can print off. As a GM one frustrating thing for me is thumbing through a variety of books looking for the stats of that one item or weapon as well as its rarity, cost etc. Would be nice to have all the various stats there on a bunch of sheets. The addition of a page number and book should I wish to look at the fluff text.

Yes I could go to one of the many indexes out there, but none of them are able to be exported as a PDF like I can with this program. Furthermore it means any items I add to the generator can also be displayed in the 'index'.

A big feature, but one I really like the sound of from a GM perspective.


Thanks for all the work. The program is getting better everyday.

I was wondering is there a way to export your character to a word doc format?


I was wondering is there a way to export your character to a word doc format?

Internally, the program creates a bitmap image which is then printed out. That’s not going to be easy to convert to any kind of other editable format.

The program does store data in XML format, so if you wanted to write a program to understand that XML format and generate an editable document, I’m sure the community would be very happy.

I would definitely like to see a "convert to PDF option".

I've actually never used the XML reader on my computer, nor knew it even existed until today. I thought it was some weird office format. I was surprised as it's a microsoft program, that Word can't run it.

Is there any work around current besides installing a third party program capable of converting XML documents to PDF? If not, what do you all use?

There are three main options that I'm aware of; the all involve installing a PDF printer driver.

Here they are, in no particular order. I'm on my tablet right now, otherwise I'd provide links, but a Google search will find these.




I would definitely like to see a "convert to PDF option”.

There are already various “print to PDF” drivers that you can install. I use CutePDF.

I've actually never used the XML reader on my computer, nor knew it even existed until today. I thought it was some weird office format. I was surprised as it's a microsoft program, that Word can't run it.

I’m not sure you understand what I meant.

OggDude’s program is not creating “documents in XML format”. His program is storing data in XML format. His program also includes all the code necessary to read that data and produce the bitmap image which can then be turned into a PDF. Of course, that won’t be an editable PDF, because it will just be a bitmap as a PDF file.

There are programs that can read XML files, but they’re not anything like a normal “Office” type word processor, because literally ANY KIND OF DATA IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE can be stored in XML format. The point of using XML is that the file format becomes self-documenting and self-organizing, for programs that can be written to understand the underlying data.

Microsoft Word wouldn’t be able to understand a MongoDB database if it was exported as an XML file, because it doesn’t understand what a MongoDB database is or what the data elements are or how they relate to each other.

Is there any work around current besides installing a third party program capable of converting XML documents to PDF? If not, what do you all use?

You don’t attempt to convert directly from XML to PDF. You let OggDude’s program read his custom XML formatted file that he’s written, and then he generates a bitmap image, which you can then print-to-PDF.

...because literally ANY KIND OF DATA IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE can be stored in XML format.

Why did my mind read that bold section using Calculon's voice?

Hey Oggdude! I love the character generator, but I have run into a problem with my character sheet. I play a droid who is currently being trained on how to use a lightsaber, and a part of that training I opted to purchase the same lightsaber style tree that my teacher had. I'm not able to use the force abilities, but I was able to use the other talents that didn't require the Force to use. With your newest update, I get an error message on my droid character sheet whenever I go to access that tree. It worked fine before the latest update. Do you have a work around for the issue or if you could please address the issue with your next update?

Thanks again for all your hard work!

That's a bug. You shouldn't have been able to select the new characteristic for your lightsaber skill, and the "play" button in the corner of the talent should not have been displayed. I made a fix so that shouldn't happen anymore.

Let me rephrase the error. When I go to select the tree from my drop-down menu, I receive the following error message:

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit the application will close immediately. InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex.

I've tried rebuilding the character from scratch, but as a droid character race I am unable to select any of the Force user trees. The tree I'm having the particular trouble with is the Niman Disciple tree.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. Thank you.

Edited by R0CK4

Let me rephrase the error. When I go to select the tree from my drop-down menu, I receive the following error message:

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit the application will close immediately. InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex.

I've tried rebuilding the character from scratch, but as a droid character race I am unable to select any of the Force user trees. The tree I'm having the particular trouble with is the Niman Disciple tree.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. Thank you.

Using, I was able to create a Droid (Hired Gun/Bodyguard) and purchase the Niman Disciple specialization without error. Obviously, since I do not have OggDude's update, I was able to choose a new characteristic. But I did not recieve any kind of error when adding the force-based specialization.

I even added Ataru Striker as well, again with no issue.

Edited by Lifer4700

Try switching to the first specialization, then go back to Niman. That's when the exception occurs. As I said, it'll be fixed in the next release.

Is there any chance of adding a dropdown filter for Silhouette, Speed, and Handling on the Add Vehicle page?

Nice Program.. Wish it was also an App for the Android and IOS :-)

Here is another feature request. I'm the Gm and my group uses the generator for all their characters. They all share my userdata folder on dropbox so we all get immediate updates when someone changes their character. I also use it to stat out all the NPCs, but sometimes I want them to be private so the players don't know what they can do.

I would love to see a way to lock/unlock a character from being viewed by others. Perhaps in the Description tab of the character there could be a lock/unlock button that when pressed asked the user to input a password. If you tried to view a character that was locked it would ask you for the password or have you cancel out. If you entered the right password it would let you view it and make changes. This would allow me to make characters but all my players would be able to see was their name without the password.