Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

It's odd. All sources are selected and I have no custom motivation entries at all.

I tried unselecting all sources other than one each of the CRBs (the minimum you need for things to work properly), and each CRB by itself worked fine for both adding and for randomizing. That error sounds more like it can't find any motivations and that the combobox's are empty. Are you running from the web install or the ZIP install?

Hmmm..... I did the Web install. Let me try the zip and see if get the same.

Thanks OggDude

That's the most ridiculously overpowered it can get i think, but hey that's Vader we taking about :P

Having an issue with Outlaw Tech. I've selected this specialization and now i get an message saying. No Equipment: The talent allows you to add hard point to modifiable items. However you do not have any such items.

i click ok to clear the message and get an error saying Unhandled Exception has occurred.

Edit: error is tied specifically to the Tinkerer talent.

Edited by Sahugani

Hey Oggy;

Thanks for the much anticipated update! I just got my new CRB and one quick fix: Shien Expert class tree has replaced Defensive Training in the Beta with Side Step.



I just wanted to note that the weapon 'Ancient Sword' indicates in the description that it uses the 'Lightsaber' skill, but in the weapon selection section it is incorrectly listed as 'Melee', making it hard to find when sorting by skill.

Thanks for your work on this. :>

The talent problem with Shien has been fixed. The Ancient Sword does belong to the Cutting-Edge Melee category, as attachments that work with that category do work with the Ancient Sword. According to fluff, the reason it uses the Lightsaber skill is because of it's unique balance, etc. In all other respects, however, it's a melee weapon.

Minor Bug Reports related to the above items:

  • Because heavy blaster rifles lack their own category and are part of the blaster rifle category, the Marksman Barrel is now mistakenly being allowed for heavy blaster rifles. If you attempt to correct this by applying Non-Heavy Rifle category to the attachment in the Data Editor, it then mistakenly allows blaster carbines to use it. To correct this and future issues, I recommend removing the Non-Heavy Rifle category altogether and creating the Heavy Rifle category instead, then adjust the item attachments accordingly. I personally think that it makes for clearer thinking to create a category for each type of item instead of creating one that attempts to exclude them.
  • Astromech position is still lacking access to the following abilities as detailed in Stay on Target page 73: Damage Control, Plot Course, Copilot, Boost Shields, Scan the Enemy, and Spoof Missiles.
  • For some reason, the first upgrade to your Gunnery skill from the Advanced Targeting Array is not showing up on the ship roster, but it will show the second upgrade when you go in and purchase it in the optional Mods.

I'll let you know if I find anything else.


1. I'm not sure if anything definitive has been said about heavy blasters not being able to use that attachment. They are, after all, also blaster rifles, so it isn't clear if the purpose of the limitation is to exclude heavy blaster rifles, or to exclude things like pistols or slugthrowers and only have it usable on long-barreled blasters. Has there been a dev question asked about this?

2. Positions are mainly for grouping related maneuvers and actions together for printing out rosters for encounters. As such, the Astromech "position" is mainly for use with NPC droids and includes actions and maneuvers typical (or sometimes exclusive) to slotted astromechs. If I add all actions that an astromech can possibly make as a PC (which is pretty much all of them), it defeats the purpose of the position. It would be like adding a "Human" position that contains all actions and maneuvers :) If you want damage control to show up for a droid, for instance, just make it the engineer as well.

3. I just tried it and all upgrades, base or purchased, are showing up on the roster. Check the adversary and make sure its gunnery skill is what you think it should be. Translating between a character and an adversary doesn't always yield the same results, although it's supposed to ;)

1. It seems pretty clear to me.

Augmented Spin Barrel: This attachment may only be used with blaster rifles and heavy blaster rifles.

Marksman Barrel: This attachment may only be used with blaster rifles.

Fore Arm Grip: if you take out the parenthetical clarification that excludes heavy rifles, it states This attachment may only be used with rifles and carbines. The only real difference is that this attachment also works on slugthrower weapons that are either rifles or carbines.

IMHO, Heavy Blaster Rifles are not also Blaster Rifles. The distinction in the text description between the two different barrel attachments, I feel, confirms it.

2. I apologize, I did not notice that the list was for PC Astromechs. I thought that was for the NPC Astromech. My Bad.

3. I tried it, I have two PC's in the list each with one rank of Gunnery. Without the upgrade it shows them both having 1 yellow and 3 green dice. When I add the advanced targeting array that should provide 1 upgrade to the skill, there is no change, when it should be 2 yellow and 2 green. When I apply the second upgrade to the skill from the optional mods it increases their skill to 2 yellow and 2 green dice when it should be 3 yellow and 2 green.

I tried the same thing using the Starfighter Ace and the Tie Ace adversaries and got the same results.



I sent off a dev question about how, in general, to interpret what attatchments go with which sort of blaster.

As for the ATA, I added a starship with ATA and 2 upgrade mods (base + 1 optional) and a TIE Ace gunner with 2 ranks in gunnery and 4 agility. The roster shows 4 yellows like it should. Did you by any chance customize that attachment, maybe modify it somehow?

Any opinions on the compact character sheet? Questions as to why it acts the way it does? Why the stories don't always show up :) or why sections swap columns sometimes? Things that may need improvement? Also, would these be sheets you'd want to use if you were running a one-shot or doing a convention run? Is it missing something important?

This was just my first attempt. I'm open for suggestions to make these things as useful as possible. I'm also curious as to what you guys might use them for. I'm thinking beginning one-shots and maybe as a summary page in conjunction with your main character sheet during play, but there's probably more uses I'm not thinking of.

I would definately use it as a summarry sheet during play, hence a two pager would be useful.


I habe a Problem regarding the Data Editor.

When I update and rename the Talent Jury Rigged (even when I just delete ' Rigged ' and retype it) the Talent is displayed as 'Custom Item' in the Data Editor.

But when I want to add the attachment ' Jury Rigged (Weapon) ' or ' Jury Rigged (Armor) ' in the Character Generator, both options are not available anymore. I have a Character with the Jury Rigged Talent selected.

Also Items with this attachment don't show the attachment anymore.



Any opinions on the compact character sheet? Questions as to why it acts the way it does? Why the stories don't always show up :) or why sections swap columns sometimes? Things that may need improvement? Also, would these be sheets you'd want to use if you were running a one-shot or doing a convention run? Is it missing something important?

This was just my first attempt. I'm open for suggestions to make these things as useful as possible. I'm also curious as to what you guys might use them for. I'm thinking beginning one-shots and maybe as a summary page in conjunction with your main character sheet during play, but there's probably more uses I'm not thinking of.

I like the compact character sheet, though I can't seem to get it to display more than one force power at once. I currently have it set up to prioritize 3 basic force powers and 4 talents, and if I display the dice key at the bottom, I get the four talents and one force power, and if I don't display the dice key, I get eight or so talents and still one force power. Also it could be nice to have an option to not display the story (the story section could be good for one-shots/conventions, but not really as a summary page for your regular character, in my opinion).


I habe a Problem regarding the Data Editor.

When I update and rename the Talent Jury Rigged (even when I just delete ' Rigged ' and retype it) the Talent is displayed as 'Custom Item' in the Data Editor.

But when I want to add the attachment ' Jury Rigged (Weapon) ' or ' Jury Rigged (Armor) ' in the Character Generator, both options are not available anymore. I have a Character with the Jury Rigged Talent selected.

Also Items with this attachment don't show the attachment anymore.



The editor doesn't support the Jury Rigged flag, since it's a unique setting, so it got removed when you customized it. I can just add it to the editor, it's not a big deal.

Edit: Actually, I have some other new additions that I really don't want to support right now, so what I'm going to do is clone the original talent before setting the new properties. That way, Jury Rigged, as well as a few other things, will automatically be brought over. I'll deal with adding the other new talent features later :)

Edited by OggDude

Any opinions on the compact character sheet? Questions as to why it acts the way it does? Why the stories don't always show up :) or why sections swap columns sometimes? Things that may need improvement? Also, would these be sheets you'd want to use if you were running a one-shot or doing a convention run? Is it missing something important?

This was just my first attempt. I'm open for suggestions to make these things as useful as possible. I'm also curious as to what you guys might use them for. I'm thinking beginning one-shots and maybe as a summary page in conjunction with your main character sheet during play, but there's probably more uses I'm not thinking of.

I like the compact character sheet, though I can't seem to get it to display more than one force power at once. I currently have it set up to prioritize 3 basic force powers and 4 talents, and if I display the dice key at the bottom, I get the four talents and one force power, and if I don't display the dice key, I get eight or so talents and still one force power. Also it could be nice to have an option to not display the story (the story section could be good for one-shots/conventions, but not really as a summary page for your regular character, in my opinion).

The only time the story is displayed is if, at the end of putting everything else on, there's room for it. When you say "force power", do you mean all of the force abilities within that power? If so, how many of those force abilities are we talking about, vs. how many talents? They should be whittled down at the same rate.

Having an issue with Outlaw Tech. I've selected this specialization and now i get an message saying. No Equipment: The talent allows you to add hard point to modifiable items. However you do not have any such items.

i click ok to clear the message and get an error saying Unhandled Exception has occurred.

Edit: error is tied specifically to the Tinkerer talent.

I tried this on my end and it works fine. This error would be caused by having a skill on the character that doesn't match a skill found in the master data. In other words, the reference to the main master data skill is missing. Have you added your own skills in the data editor? When the character is re-linked to the master skills, any skill the character has that isn't found is removed, so I'm not sure how this could happen. There should always be a valid reference.


I just powered up a VM I haven't used in a while, and I double-clicked the existing icon without thinking.

SWCharGen updated from 1.4.6 to 1.5.0 without any complaint, and is working perfectly.

Thanks for all of your work, OggDude!

I love the compact sheet but it's a little wonky with trying to fit specializations and force powers at the same time. Force powers can take up a lot of room and should maybe be pushed off to a second sheet?

Skills that have no ranks (and aren't career skills?) but are adjusted by talents or force powers don't get included in the compact skill list, and perhaps should be.

Probably not possible, but I wish there was a way to differentiate passive-but-conditional talents/force boosts from "super"-passive talents/force powers (i.e. ones that just modify the character's numbers or dice pools in all cases). Because it would be nice to drop the latter from the compact sheet all together: grit, toughened, etc.

Awesome work, thank you!

Having an issue with Outlaw Tech. I've selected this specialization and now i get an message saying. No Equipment: The talent allows you to add hard point to modifiable items. However you do not have any such items.

i click ok to clear the message and get an error saying Unhandled Exception has occurred.

Edit: error is tied specifically to the Tinkerer talent.

I tried this on my end and it works fine. This error would be caused by having a skill on the character that doesn't match a skill found in the master data. In other words, the reference to the main master data skill is missing. Have you added your own skills in the data editor? When the character is re-linked to the master skills, any skill the character has that isn't found is removed, so I'm not sure how this could happen. There should always be a valid reference.

I've filled in a good portion of the talent tree info, but i haven't really messed with anything else that I can think of.

Ok i went back and deleted the the changes i had made to the talent. The error still occur's with the character ai already had made but but with new characters the error seems to be gone.

Edited by Sahugani

Also on the compact sheet, it would be good if items like grenades had use a count column, or showed up in the gear section, so the player knew how many they had.

Any opinions on the compact character sheet? Questions as to why it acts the way it does? Why the stories don't always show up :) or why sections swap columns sometimes? Things that may need improvement? Also, would these be sheets you'd want to use if you were running a one-shot or doing a convention run? Is it missing something important?

This was just my first attempt. I'm open for suggestions to make these things as useful as possible. I'm also curious as to what you guys might use them for. I'm thinking beginning one-shots and maybe as a summary page in conjunction with your main character sheet during play, but there's probably more uses I'm not thinking of.

I like the compact character sheet, though I can't seem to get it to display more than one force power at once. I currently have it set up to prioritize 3 basic force powers and 4 talents, and if I display the dice key at the bottom, I get the four talents and one force power, and if I don't display the dice key, I get eight or so talents and still one force power. Also it could be nice to have an option to not display the story (the story section could be good for one-shots/conventions, but not really as a summary page for your regular character, in my opinion).

The only time the story is displayed is if, at the end of putting everything else on, there's room for it. When you say "force power", do you mean all of the force abilities within that power? If so, how many of those force abilities are we talking about, vs. how many talents? They should be whittled down at the same rate.

The character in question has some picks from Enhance, Foresee, Move, and Sense. In the Compact Options, I selected Foresee Basic power, Move Basic power, and Sense Basic power. And I selected 3 of my talents (Parry, Reflect, and Researcher). What ends up getting shown is nine talents (Circle of Shelter, Force Rating, Grit, Heightened Awareness, Parry, Physician, Reflect, Researcher, and Stimpack Specialization), and only one Force ability (Foresee Basic Power).

Also agreed with Spatula that skills that have other modifiers from talents or force powers probably should be shown even if no ranks are purchased in them.

And thanks again for all your work on this. It's been consistently immensely useful.

I don't know if there is a way to prevent this, but weapons that come built in with Superior (Ryyk Blade and H-7 "Equalizer" Blaster Pistol) can still be given Superior through the attachments menu. It still only lists Superior once on the weapon qualities, but two advantage symbols appear on the dice pools for the weapon if you click "show" for the print out.

In one of my games another player gave me the H-7 "Equalizer" and told me it was Superior. I didn't really think about it (even though I was familiar with the weapon) and when I added it to my sheet in the generator I immediately went to add the Superior quality, since it was in my notes. It wasn't until the next time we played that I looked down and noticed I was gaining 2 automatic advantages.

I sent off a dev question about how, in general, to interpret what attatchments go with which sort of blaster.

As for the ATA, I added a starship with ATA and 2 upgrade mods (base + 1 optional) and a TIE Ace gunner with 2 ranks in gunnery and 4 agility. The roster shows 4 yellows like it should. Did you by any chance customize that attachment, maybe modify it somehow?

Dev Question Answered:

Rules Question:

Can the Marksman Barrel Attachment be applied to Heavy Blaster Rifles? The description says "may only be applied to blaster rifles" Is a heavy blaster rifle still considered a blaster rifle? Other attachments tend to make a specific mention of it one way or the other: The Augmented Spin Barrel specifies blaster rifles and heavy blaster rifles. The Spread Barrel specifies blaster rifles and blaster carbines. The Forearm Grip specifies rifles (but not heavy rifles) and carbines. The Pistol grip specifies any Ranged (Heavy) blaster rifle, blaster carbine or slugthrower that does not possess the Cumbersome quality. LMK, thanks, Damon A Simms

Hello Mr. Simms,

The Marksman Barrel Attachment may not be applied to Heavy Blaster Rifles. Hope this helps!

Sam Stewart
RPG Manager
Fantasy Flight Games

ATA was apparently modified in some way. I don't remember doing it, and had trouble getting it to return default. But, I finally got it corrected and then it worked fine.

Thanks Ogg!

After looking at the ships, I noticed you have the A-36 Pathfinder (EtU) and the Pathfinder Scout (FaD) with the same sillouette and picture. I could be wrong on this, but I believe the A24 Sleuth and the A36 Pathfinder have the same sillouette whild the Pathfinder scout is alone?

Also, I mentioned this before, but I noticed that there are no Alliance Sandspeeders from Onslaught at Arda I. Any chance these will get added?

After looking at the ships, I noticed you have the A-36 Pathfinder (EtU) and the Pathfinder Scout (FaD) with the same sillouette and picture. I could be wrong on this, but I believe the A24 Sleuth and the A36 Pathfinder have the same sillouette whild the Pathfinder scout is alone?
Also, I mentioned this before, but I noticed that there are no Alliance Sandspeeders from Onslaught at Arda I. Any chance these will get added?

The sandspeeder is part of the data set that comes with the Onslaught at Arda I import. If you can get me pictures of the other ships, I'll change them around :) It can be a chore finding the right ship pictures, and I have to do all of the silhouettes by hand.

I don't know if there is a way to prevent this, but weapons that come built in with Superior (Ryyk Blade and H-7 "Equalizer" Blaster Pistol) can still be given Superior through the attachments menu. It still only lists Superior once on the weapon qualities, but two advantage symbols appear on the dice pools for the weapon if you click "show" for the print out.

In one of my games another player gave me the H-7 "Equalizer" and told me it was Superior. I didn't really think about it (even though I was familiar with the weapon) and when I added it to my sheet in the generator I immediately went to add the Superior quality, since it was in my notes. It wasn't until the next time we played that I looked down and noticed I was gaining 2 automatic advantages.

I just changed it so that no matter how many superiors you have, it'll still only provide 1 advantage.

I'm sorry if this is a know issue but after updating to 1.5 of this excellent character generator I can't sort skills by their "status" as career skills. I'm pretty sure this was doable in a earlier version but I can't say white one I used before using 1.5.

btw OggDude thanks for putting this program together it's really useful.