Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I made a few minor changes today, but nothing that was part of the main functionality. I'm thinking I should be able to release on Monday, unless I notice something big before then.

In the mean time, here's a few screen shots that may interest you. First off, I made a new logo :) I think it's better than the old one, but that's not saying much. I also changed the icons to the new "Vader and Sabers" one. If any of you creative types out there think they can come up with a cooler logo (it shouldn't be hard), by all means, send them to me :)


I also mentioned shortcuts before... This is a new feature from the "Characters" pane of the generator. It lets you save shortcuts to your favorite characters. Double-clicking on the shortcut from your desktop will load the generator and immediately load the character. Here's an example from my desktop:


A lot of people also seemed to like the idea of the one-page character sheet for convention runs and the like. Here's an example of what one will look like:


I also promised awhile back that I would add an Inquisitor creator that mimics the steps from the FaD CRB. It can be found on the Adversaries pane of the GM Tools. Here's what the first couple of steps look like:



Finally, another new feature for GM Tools is the Print Trees pane. This allows you to print up trees for reference. Here's what the pane looks like:


Note you can select talent trees for a career, signature abilities for that career, and any Force powers, and they'll all be part of the same print job, so you don't have to do everything separately. Here's a sample talent tree:


Here's a career's signature abilities:


And here's a sample Force power:


That's about all I could think of to show you. Thank you for your patience, and, again, I'm hoping to have it out Monday.

This looks amazing!

Could you possibly make the "inquisitor" tool not be so... focused on an Inquisitor?

So that maby it could be used to make a Bounty Hunter nemesis, for example? (as outlined here )

Probably not in this release, but the information required to create an Inquisitor is stored in data files, so as long as the same format is used, it shouldn't be that difficult.

The new features look amazing Ogg. Thanks for putting in so much work on this.

Hey Ogg, question for you: How would one go about applying the benefits of "Tinkerer" to another characters weapon or gear within the generator?


Noticed a bug thanks to my player just today buying two ranks in tinkerer. The top tier talents in Outlaw Tech, taking both of them says that you can chose 3 items to add a HP too rather than 2 items as it should be. Taking 3 ranks makes it 5 (when it should be 3) and then taking 4 ranks makes it 7 (when it should be 4).

Edited by Ebak

Wow. Just wow!

Outstanding work OggDude - again!

Really digging that single-page character sheet an awful lot!

Being able to print trees is very nice too (although I don't think that I personally will have much use for it, its still super handy!)

Would it be possible make the Dice section on the single page sheet optional? That takes up a lot of real-estate that could be used for other things (gear and talents)...

This looks wonderful. I eagerly anticipate the update. Guess I'd better send another small token of appreciation via PayPal.

Would it be possible make the Dice section on the single page sheet optional? That takes up a lot of real-estate that could be used for other things (gear and talents)...


Way ahead of me as always. ;)

Just a small request for the GM Sheets. Any chance that a vehicle's short stats could be included at the bottom of an NPC pilot's sheet somehow, so its a one sheet per NPC kind of deal ?

How would one reset the Motivations pane of the data editor so I don't get duplicate instances in the new version? I've modified each one to add in the text for every motivation type so they currently list as a 'custom item'.

Is the one sheet option going to allow for double sided or only single sided? If I had a vote it would be for double sided, or at least it would be nice to have that option included.

Edited by lupex

How would one reset the Motivations pane of the data editor so I don't get duplicate instances in the new version? I've modified each one to add in the text for every motivation type so they currently list as a 'custom item'.

What you do is "Remove" a motivation with a "CustomItem" next to it in the list. This will remove the customization, but it will ask if you want to retain the description. If you revert it to "DescOnly", it'll keep the description you added. Note that it's impossible to fully remove an item that came with the installation. All remove will do on those items is remove customization or descriptions. The only type of item you can actually remove are ones you've added yourself.

You'll then have to enter specific motivation descriptions in the new "Motivations (Specific)" section. I know this sucks, but it also sucked being forced to customize your motivations just to enter descriptions for part of them, then having to remove them (and the descriptions) every time a source book came out that had new specific motivations for an existing motivation. It was a bad design decision, which is why I'm trying to make it right. It'll be better in the long run.

If you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, save off a copy of your old <data folder>\DataCustom\Motivations.xml file before you convert it, then bring it up in a text editor when entering specific motivation descriptions. All of your old descriptions will be there, so you should just have to copy and paste.

Edited by OggDude

Is the one sheet option going to allow for double sided or only single sided? If I had a vote it would be for double sided, or at least it would be nice to have that option included.

It's just one sheet. In fact, I refer to it as "OneSheet" internally :) However, to the rest of the world, it's a "compact" sheet. So, if enough people want to have a two-sheet option for the compact character sheet in the future :) , I could look into it.

How would one reset the Motivations pane of the data editor so I don't get duplicate instances in the new version? I've modified each one to add in the text for every motivation type so they currently list as a 'custom item'.

What you do is "Remove" a motivation with a "CustomItem" next to it in the list. This will remove the customization, but it will ask if you want to retain the description. If you revert it to "DescOnly", it'll keep the description you added. Note that it's impossible to fully remove an item that came with the installation. All remove will do on those items is remove customization or descriptions. The only type of item you can actually remove are ones you've added yourself.

You'll then have to enter specific motivation descriptions in the new "Motivations (Specific)" section. I know this sucks, but it also sucked being forced to customize your motivations just to enter descriptions for part of them, then having to remove them (and the descriptions) every time a source book came out that had new specific motivations for an existing motivation. It was a bad design decision, which is why I'm trying to make it right. It'll be better in the long run.

If you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, save off a copy of your old <data folder>\DataCustom\Motivations.xml file before you convert it, then bring it up in a text editor when entering specific motivation descriptions. All of your old descriptions will be there, so you should just have to copy and paste.

Let me just give you some more accolades for choosing to rearchitect a design to provide better flexibility long-term. I can't tell you how many times I come across poor architecture in my profession that we have to patch and repatch to solve a current problem without addressing the underlying problem. Kudos for doing it right!

How would one reset the Motivations pane of the data editor so I don't get duplicate instances in the new version? I've modified each one to add in the text for every motivation type so they currently list as a 'custom item'.

What you do is "Remove" a motivation with a "CustomItem" next to it in the list. This will remove the customization, but it will ask if you want to retain the description. If you revert it to "DescOnly", it'll keep the description you added. Note that it's impossible to fully remove an item that came with the installation. All remove will do on those items is remove customization or descriptions. The only type of item you can actually remove are ones you've added yourself.

You'll then have to enter specific motivation descriptions in the new "Motivations (Specific)" section. I know this sucks, but it also sucked being forced to customize your motivations just to enter descriptions for part of them, then having to remove them (and the descriptions) every time a source book came out that had new specific motivations for an existing motivation. It was a bad design decision, which is why I'm trying to make it right. It'll be better in the long run.

If you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, save off a copy of your old <data folder>\DataCustom\Motivations.xml file before you convert it, then bring it up in a text editor when entering specific motivation descriptions. All of your old descriptions will be there, so you should just have to copy and paste.

Let me just give you some more accolades for choosing to rearchitect a design to provide better flexibility long-term. I can't tell you how many times I come across poor architecture in my profession that we have to patch and repatch to solve a current problem without addressing the underlying problem. Kudos for doing it right!

Thanks! I had designed motivations in 2013 before the editor or the three levels of customization existed. Back then, it was a pain to change descriptions anyway :) so no big deal. Other parts of the system had a more normalized design (specilizations use an separate talents table, Force powers use a separate Force abilities table, etc.), but motivations was one of those legacy bugaboos that had been bothering me for awhile.

Just like Force abilities, or Signature Ability nodes, the new separate specific motivation table has an optional "Motivation" field where you can enter the motivation to where the SM is meant to be added. This will show up in the motivation editor so you can tell similarly-named SM's apart.

For instance, here's what the new specific motivation editor looks like:


And here's how the motivation editor has been changed. Note that the optional "Motivation" field for the specific motivation is listed with it in the list:


I really hope this is updated today, I am soooo excited and can't wait. I'm poised to enter the new data.

This may have been pointed out before, but the thread is so very long. When I add or purchase a basic lightsaber, it seems to have no attachments (despite it technically having an Ilum crystal, otherwise it would be a hilt) and has all of its hard points empty. Now, the simplest solution seems to be just adding the Ilum crystal and everything seems fine except for the cost. It adds the crystal's 9000 credits on top of the 9300 credits the basic lightsaber costs. Am I doing something wrong?

This may have been pointed out before, but the thread is so very long. When I add or purchase a basic lightsaber, it seems to have no attachments (despite it technically having an Ilum crystal, otherwise it would be a hilt) and has all of its hard points empty. Now, the simplest solution seems to be just adding the Ilum crystal and everything seems fine except for the cost. It adds the crystal's 9000 credits on top of the 9300 credits the basic lightsaber costs. Am I doing something wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong. Stock lightsabers include the crystal "built-in" and it is reflected in the cost. If you add another crystal to it, it'll add the cost of the new crystal to the base price. Think of it as being the cost of the hilt, the original crystal, and the new crystal. After all, you're not going to just throw out the original crystal if you sell it. :)

If you want to bulid a lightsaber from scratch, buy a hilt as the basic weapon, then add the crystal yourself. One thing which, at first glance, seems odd, is that a lightsaber and its equivalent hilt have the same number of HP. However, I'm assuming they did that so you can "replace" the crystal with another one and the HPs even out. Of course, technically, you can add more non-crystal attachments to a basic lightsaber than you can a hilt, as long as you don't replace the crystal. As a GM, I probably wouldn't allow them to use the extra HP, or just have them make one using a hilt.

I'm still doing testing with the next release. Last night, I managed to speed up character loading by quite a bit, so my fiddling with the code is paying off :) . Issues and tweaks are slowly dwindling, so please be patient. Along with a bunch of bug fixes, I also added a bunch of new features which, themselves, can introduce new bugs, and I want to make this as bug-free as possible before release. Bare with me, and I'll try to get this out shortly.

More big thank-yous go out to RodianClone and Justin Chow for their donations. Thanks guys! I really appreciate the support.

This may have been pointed out before, but the thread is so very long. When I add or purchase a basic lightsaber, it seems to have no attachments (despite it technically having an Ilum crystal, otherwise it would be a hilt) and has all of its hard points empty. Now, the simplest solution seems to be just adding the Ilum crystal and everything seems fine except for the cost. It adds the crystal's 9000 credits on top of the 9300 credits the basic lightsaber costs. Am I doing something wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong. Stock lightsabers include the crystal "built-in" and it is reflected in the cost. If you add another crystal to it, it'll add the cost of the new crystal to the base price. Think of it as being the cost of the hilt, the original crystal, and the new crystal. After all, you're not going to just throw out the original crystal if you sell it. :)

If you want to bulid a lightsaber from scratch, buy a hilt as the basic weapon, then add the crystal yourself. One thing which, at first glance, seems odd, is that a lightsaber and its equivalent hilt have the same number of HP. However, I'm assuming they did that so you can "replace" the crystal with another one and the HPs even out. Of course, technically, you can add more non-crystal attachments to a basic lightsaber than you can a hilt, as long as you don't replace the crystal. As a GM, I probably wouldn't allow them to use the extra HP, or just have them make one using a hilt.

Ah, I see. In that case, would it not be a little more practical if the basic lightsaber had the Ilum crystal (I believe that is the one) as an pre-attached... err... attachment which you could then either remove and put some other crystal in its stead or simply leave as is. This way, 2 of its 5 HP would be taken up from the get go as I think is the intention. Far as I can tell a basic lightsaber hilt has 5 HP with 0 of them used up, while a basic lightsaber also has 5 HP but with 2 of them used up courtesy of the crystal powering it.

Or maybe have the lightsaber hilt change its type into a lightsaber once a crystal has been installed? I know it is mostly semantics and how it looks on the character sheet, but just thought I should ask.

Edited by FCastor