Another Character Generator

By OggDude, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

OggDude - I came across a few odd things in the GMtools about vehicles.

The Quad Laser Cannon should be linked 3, not linked 4 per the core rules.

But the really odd thing is that it wouldn't let me swap the light laser cannon for the Quad laser cannon. By the rules we should be able to swap weapon systems on a one to one basis and each weapon is a single weapon listed in the weapon chart.

I was also wondering about stat blocks for vehicles. If say I have a pilot npc that I want to make a blog article about, and have the stat block for her ship along with her personal stat block, how do I do it? The only way to add a vehicle that I have found is in an encounter, which wont give me the ability to generate a pdf stat block.

Funny you should mention that :) The quad cannon is correct, but the label is misleading. It's actually a "Count", not a link quality, so whatever is displayed there is actually the linked quality +1. After playing around with HP costs and the like for the upcoming version, I noticed that the meaning could be misconstrued. So, it'll be changed. Here's a description of the fix (again, for the upcoming release):

  • In the dialog for upgrading weapons, the "LINKED:" label was misleading. It did not represent the value of the Linked quality, but rather the weapon count of the weapon system. So, a 1 actually meant no Linked quality, while a 2 meant Linked 1, a 3, Linked 2, etc. The label has now been changed to "COUNT:" with a note below it saying "Linked if more than 1". This should clarify the meaning of this field.

About the stat block, I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Do you want them combined in some way, like in encounters?

Good to know and thank you.

As to the Stat Block, you know how there are vehicle stat blocks in the various adventures for NPC ships? I would like something like that, not necessarily combined to the NPC in question, in order to make a PNG stat block for my blog. I suspect that not having it linked to the NPC would be better for formatting purposes. As it stands, they work great for me while I run an adventure with the encounter sheets but when I go to post them I wont be able to keep the lovely formatting you have.

Does that make more sense?

Edit - Did you notice the question about the Quad Laser Cannon? Since it is a specific single weapon according to the weapon chart, wouldn't it be swapped one for one with another existing weapon?

Ah. Version added vehicle stat blocks. Just take a look at any vehicle pane :)

I will have to take a peek when I get home. Thank you.

I say take your time.

The current version works pretty darn well as is.


+1 for that. Awesome as it is.

SO when do we get to see this new version you been teasing us with :P

It's getting there. I know, the fixes and enhancements are piling up, but I did a lot of changes for the database caching, which means lots of places where things can go wrong. I'll try to get it out before the weekend.

Take the time to do it right. Just giving you a hard time cause I want it :P

I will have to take a peek when I get home. Thank you.

An enhancement in the upcoming release that might interest you: the stat block editors will support text size for the main body text. It ranges from tiny to extra large (extra large is how it's displayed now). This will come in handy for shrinking complex adversaries or vehicles down to a more reasonable size (at the cost of readability of course).

SO when do we get to see this new version you been teasing us with :P

It's getting there. I know, the fixes and enhancements are piling up, but I did a lot of changes for the database caching, which means lots of places where things can go wrong. I'll try to get it out before the weekend.

Take the time to do it right. Just giving you a hard time cause I want it :P

For a minor bug fix version, this is turning out to be a major release. Besides JoY imports, there's 14 enhancements, 21 bug fixes, plus some data changes and fixes.

The database changes have been stabilized. I had to figure out how to include the SQL Compact DB DLL's in the release, which was actually pretty simple (I didn't want you guys to have to download anything else from Microsoft). As I'm playing around with the apps, just to make sure they're working, I'm finding minor things and fixing them. Unfortunately, I'm a developer, not a QA tester, so I suck at testing :) Testers love breaking code, while developers love creating it, so it's hard for me to come at testing with the proper destructive frame of mind. But I'm doing my best :)

I also need to take another look at the documentation, just to make sure nothing's changed since the last time I updated it for this release. So... I'm hoping by the end of tomorrow, I'll be able to release it.

Awesome. FYI I have been a tester :) So if you need someone to try and break your code I am willing to help :)

It might be that I am different, but never befriend your QA persons. Inevitably you will have moments of complete hatred for them and their job. It's a necessary hatred.

It might be that I am different, but never befriend your QA persons. Inevitably you will have moments of complete hatred for them and their job. It's a necessary hatred.

I know exactly what you mean. It can be really frustrating working hard at creating some awesome piece of code, just to have a QA guy utterly destroy it in 2 minutes. But, the more destructive the QA person is, the better the code turns out.

I just wish sometimes that they didn't perform their job with such glee :)

I know exactly what you mean. It can be really frustrating working hard at creating some awesome piece of code, just to have a QA guy utterly destroy it in 2 minutes. But, the more destructive the QA person is, the better the code turns out.

It might be that I am different, but never befriend your QA persons. Inevitably you will have moments of complete hatred for them and their job. It's a necessary hatred.

I just wish sometimes that they didn't perform their job with such glee :)

But glee is the difference between a job and a calling :D

I know exactly what you mean. It can be really frustrating working hard at creating some awesome piece of code, just to have a QA guy utterly destroy it in 2 minutes. But, the more destructive the QA person is, the better the code turns out.

It might be that I am different, but never befriend your QA persons. Inevitably you will have moments of complete hatred for them and their job. It's a necessary hatred.

I just wish sometimes that they didn't perform their job with such glee :)

But glee is the difference between a job and a calling :D

There sure has been a lot of things I've wanted to call QA testers... ;)

There sure has been a lot of things I've wanted to call QA testers... ;)


Nuke the code from orbit. It's the only way to be sure....

Programmers use the code the way it is intended. QA testers use the code in ways the programmer didn't think of.

Edited by Daeglan

Just added support for added advantage symbols for skills, and found a bug along the way. If species features in options changed after a character was saved, they wouldn't be updated to the new features when it was reloaded; it would just keep the ones that were saved with the character. They're now updated from the species. Found this when I was expecting to see advantage symbols in the skill list for a saved Zeltron character, but didn't :)

Also, is there any way you can add a button to shrink down the Editor Help in the Data Editor?

I think it's finally ready for prime time. This release turned into quite the challenge. I'm sure there's still problems left, so if you run across any, let me know. I did check to make sure SQL Compact 3.5 is compatible with Windows XP SP-2. I localized all of the required DLLs, so you won't have to install it separately.

Anyway, here's all the changes, and thanks for the patience:


New Imports:

  • Added all adversaries and encounters (and a data set) for "The Jewel of Yavin" adventure.

Note on the Velker : The Velker, as defined in the adventure, is actually a vehicle, which can be found in the data set import. In order to create a proper roster for this "vehicle", a Velker adversary is also included. The Grand Prix encounter uses both the vehicle version and the adversary version to create a roster entry for the Velker, with the "adversary" providing "pilot" and "gunner" positions in the "vehicle". When using the Velkor in an encounter, ignore the adversary's wound and soak and only keep track of the Vehicle roster entry. The adversary version is only there to provide the skills required to "fly" and "attack" with the Velker vehicle. When you are finished with "The Jewel of Yavin", you can safely remove the "Jewel of Yavin" data set so the Velkor and its custom weapons won't clutter up your vehicle list. If you don't want to bother with the Velker at all, don't import the data set, and remove the Velker adversary from your adversaries in GM Tools. This will automatically remove it from the Grand Prix encounter as well.

New/Changed Data:

  • Added new weapons, attachments, and vehicles from "The Jewel of Yavin" adventure.
  • Changed Storm IV Cloud Car to be a single-pilot vehicle. This allows them to be used in minion squadrons.
  • Changed the E-11s sniper rifle to be a restricted item.
  • Added the mini thermal detonator from "Under a Black Sun".
  • Updated the droid species with all of its abilities, including inorganic, mechanical being, etc.
  • Added the arc welder innate weapon to the R-Series Astromech sub-species of droid.
  • Modified the names of all Control Force abilities to describe what the control feature does. This expanded name will also be displayed on the character sheet.
  • Resized vehicle images to 196x196, which is the size required for the character sheet. This should save some download time.
  • Modified the following species to take advantage of the new "advantage symbol for skills" feature (below): Zeltron, Ugnaught, Verpine, Devaronian, Duros

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Characters, encounters, groups, and stock vehicles now use a database-based caching system. The first time you run GM Tools, for instance, it'll take the same amount of time to load everything as it did before. But after that, it loads in a matter of seconds. Not only that, but the GM Tools takes up a LOT less memory (the char gen should as well, to a lesser degree). Performance should be about the same since I did some optimizing with grid displays.
  • Changed my versioning. This new version is now I'll use the last digit for doing revisions to the current release, which is supported by ClickOnce. So, if this version needs a quick fix, the new version will be, the next would be, etc. For new releases, I'll increment the third (build) number. So, the next release will be, then, etc. The first release of a new version will always have a 0 as the last number (revision).
  • Added force die support for skills. If a force ability allows you to use your force rating to enhance skills, a number of force dice equal to your current force rating will be displayed in the dice pool for that skill. This is the max you can use: if you have any committed, or use any for other powers, you may be limited in the number of usable dice.
  • Added force die support for skills in the data editor. This includes any editor that allows adding boosts or setbacks, such as talents or option choices.
  • Added advantage symbol support for skills. Species, abilities, and several other things can now be set to add advantage symbols to dice pools. This will show up in the character generator, adversaries, and printed sheets as a number of advantage symbols next to a skill's dice pool.
  • Added advantage symbol support for skills in the data editor. This includes any editor that allows adding boosts or setbacks, such as talents or option choices.
  • Modified the remove setback icon. Instead of a red X, it now has a red minus sign.
  • Boost/Setback/Force dice support has been added to the force ability editor.
  • The die modifier control has been modified. Instead of radio buttons to select between boosts, remove setbacks, etc., there is now a drop down list with the various options. With the addition of advantage symbols, radio buttons became impractical.
  • Added a Type filter combo box to the equipment screen. Type and Category now work in tandem to help filter items that you want to see.
  • Added support for keeping track of cybernetic implants on the equipment screen. If you are currently using cybernetics, you'll see a label similar to encumbrance that tells you how many cybernetics you currently have, and what your max is. This label won't show up if you aren't using cybernetics. If you go over your max, there's no penalty, and you won't be asked to un-hold one of them, just in case there's a special reason you have so many. The label is shown for information purposes only.
  • In the description pane of the character generator, there's a new button called "Award". You can use this to bring up a dialog that allows you to enter the XP and credits awarded to the character. These values are then added to the actual XP and Credits for the character. In other words, you can just enter the amount to add instead of having to do the math.
  • The size, location, and windows state of the print dialog will now be saved between launches. As with sheet style and page settings, the character generator and GM Tools will each have their own saved settings.
  • Item attachments can now specify the maximum silhouette of the vehicle on which they may be installed.
  • Added a new way of tracking initiative on the encounter sheet. In the Rolls panel, you can write down the triumphs, successes, and advantages rolled by both you and the players. In the Slots panel, which is similar to the original init panel, you check PC or NPC,depending on the precedence of the rolls. You can also keep track of which initiative slot you're on, and which round you're on. The number of displayd slots in the tracker can now be specified (it rounds up to even numbers). The tracker will use the number of groups in the encounter, plus whatever you enter for "PC Slots" in the print encounter sheet dialog. If you don't want initiative, you can uncheck the option in the print encounter sheet dialog.
  • The import feature for adversaries and encounters will now default to the application directory. This allows easy access to the Imports directory.
  • Added text size to the stat block editor. You can now select what size (tiny, small, medium, large, extra large) to make the main text part of the stat block. The default is extra large, which is what was used previously.

Bug Fixes:

  • The encumbrance label in the equipment screen was still not updating all the time. It should now update whenever anything is done to a character.
  • When upgrading a vehicle weapon, the current weapon was removed from the list. However, there may be cases where you want to keep the same weapon, but just change the link quality. So, the current weapon is no longer removed from the list.
  • Not necessarily a bug, but HP cost for vehicle weapon upgrades has been altered. The rules state that "Weapon systems combining two or more weapons always costs one hard point, even if replacing an existing weapon system." (CRB pg 271). Originally, I was taking that at face value; specifically, if you replace a weapon system with another weapon system that was linked, it would always cost 1 HP, no matter the Linked quality of the original weapon system. However, due to user feedback, I've now modified the cost routine so that it compares the current weapon count with the new weapon count and will only charge an HP if the new one has more weapons. So, if you upgrade a weapon system that has the Linked 1 quality with another weapon system with the Linked 1 quality, it won't charge an HP. If, however, you replace a weapon system without the Linked quality with a weapon system WITH the Linked quality, or replace a weapon system with the Linked quality with another weapon system with a higher Linked quality, it will charge an HP.
  • In the dialog for upgrading weapons, the "LINKED:" label was misleading. It did not represent the value of the Linked quality, but rather the weapon count of the weapon system. So, a 1 actually meant no Linked quality, while a 2 meant Linked 1, a 3, Linked 2, etc. The label has now been changed to "COUNT:" with a note below it saying "Linked if more than 1". This should clarify the meaning of this field.
  • For adversary stat blocks, the name label's font size will now scale so that the entire name will be displayed.
  • When upgrading vehicle weapons, the weapon would not keep the ventral arc setting. It will now.
  • The Enhance force power had some incorrect lines connecting the force abilities. It should now be properly connected.
  • Fixed a potential bug when loading characters whose species was given new option choices. It should no longer crash.
  • New species option choices would not show up on existing characters because they were only added if an option was removed. They will now be added properly.
  • The various choose portrait dialogs no longer functioned properly after the data directory was moved out of the application folder. Even when they worked, they wouldn't find portraits in the custom data directories or data sets. Both of these issues have been fixed.
  • There was a potential bug when printing. Certain print drivers, such as DoPDF, will prompt you for a location to store created files. If you changed to a different directory, when printing was finished, there was a chance that the current directory for the application would change (depending on the driver). When this happened, the application could no longer find DataCustom, Characters, Encounters, etc. Under normal circumstances, this bug would never show itself, but when it did, the program would get an exception when you tried to save something. The print routine will now save and restore the current directory so this will never happen.
  • When you clicked to print from a print preview, the Print Dialog would come up, but it would not have focus. You would have to click on it once just to "wake it up", then it would respond to clicks as normal. In other words, you had to click "Print" twice to get it to print, which was slightly annoying. The print dialog will now get focus when it is displayed, so this won't occur.
  • Made the same two fixes for the Page Setup dialog as well, just in case.
  • Added boosts for Physical Training talent.
  • Adversary editor would get a stack overflow when trying to insert custom armor from another adversary. Potential overflow situations have been fixed for all insertable items.
  • In the item attachment editor, min encumbrance size and min silhouette controls were present, but they didn't work. They will now properly change the values.
  • In the item attachment editor, when either mod list was changed, the attachment description would not be updated. It is now updated.
  • When adding new categories in the vehicle or equipment editors (rather than selecting existing ones), the data editor would crash. It will now properly add the new category.
  • The oversized weapon mount was not lowering the low limit of the weapon size requirement correctly. So, for instance, silhouette 5 weapons were not showing up for silhouette 4 ships like they should have. This has been fixed.
  • When importing adversaries or encounters, there was no indication that the import was actually working, plus the screen could get refresh problems during the import. The wait cursor will now be displayed and the screen updated properly during an import.
  • If an adversary was given a piece of equipment that raised a skill (such as the immune implant), but that skill was not selected for the adversary, an exception was thrown. This will no longer happen.
  • For characters, skills are now properly capped at 5, while characteristics are capped at 6. When cybernetics are involved, skills are capped at 6, while characteristics are capped at 7. This does not apply to adversaries. That is, there is no cap at all for adversary skills and characteristics.
  • Fixed display issues in the character generator for background and the bottom panel. Both will now size properly.
  • On higher DPI screens, skill pools would have the top and bottom of the icons cut off. The pool is now properly sized for the height of the row.
  • When loading a character, species options always used the features (such as die modifiers, talent modifiers, etc) that were saved with the character. However, these features might change on the species. If they did, the character wouldn't be updated properly. Selected options are now updated with the values from the completed species (base plus any subspecies) when the species is linked. Now, characters will automatically gain any new advantages and abilities from a modified species.

Excellent. Looking forward to the download.

Thanks! Now that I have the newest version, how do I import my data from the old version properly?

Nevermind, I just restored from my last back up and it worked perfectly! Thanks again!

Ok, I noticed it's pulling data from my old version of the editor. How can I make it so I can delete the old version without deleting all my data?

Ok, I think I noticed what it's doing. I copy and pasted from the zip file to a new folder, and for whatever reason, it didn't update the launch files, which is why the cybernetics update didn't take for me.


How can I update those without completely deleting my data, or what should I do with my data to keep it from being deleted when I apply the update?

Edited by robmox

Thanks! Now that I have the newest version, how do I import my data from the old version properly?

Nevermind, I just restored from my last back up and it worked perfectly! Thanks again!

If you're using any of the more recent versions of the software, your data remains in a fixed location. It should be there. If you're upgrading from an older version, you have two choices from the launcher: either change the data directory to point to your old location, or import your data to the new location.

Thanks! Now that I have the newest version, how do I import my data from the old version properly?

Nevermind, I just restored from my last back up and it worked perfectly! Thanks again!

If you're using any of the more recent versions of the software, your data remains in a fixed location. It should be there. If you're upgrading from an older version, you have two choices from the launcher: either change the data directory to point to your old location, or import your data to the new location.

So I can just delete my old version completely, and it keeps the data that's in the "AppData" folder?

Unless you forgot to change the version number on the launcher:


Ok, turns out the link for manual install from google drive is still the old version. I tried the dropbox one and it had more files.

Ok, turns out the link for manual install from google drive is still the old version. I tried the dropbox one and it had more files.

Google was the last one I updated, so it took awhile :) All downloads should now be synchronized and ready to go.

Ok, the new version doesn't have the adversaries I made or the PC's imported into the GM tools, how do I fix that?