OggDude - I came across a few odd things in the GMtools about vehicles.
The Quad Laser Cannon should be linked 3, not linked 4 per the core rules.
But the really odd thing is that it wouldn't let me swap the light laser cannon for the Quad laser cannon. By the rules we should be able to swap weapon systems on a one to one basis and each weapon is a single weapon listed in the weapon chart.
I was also wondering about stat blocks for vehicles. If say I have a pilot npc that I want to make a blog article about, and have the stat block for her ship along with her personal stat block, how do I do it? The only way to add a vehicle that I have found is in an encounter, which wont give me the ability to generate a pdf stat block.
Funny you should mention that The quad cannon is correct, but the label is misleading. It's actually a "Count", not a link quality, so whatever is displayed there is actually the linked quality +1. After playing around with HP costs and the like for the upcoming version, I noticed that the meaning could be misconstrued. So, it'll be changed. Here's a description of the fix (again, for the upcoming release):
- In the dialog for upgrading weapons, the "LINKED:" label was misleading. It did not represent the value of the Linked quality, but rather the weapon count of the weapon system. So, a 1 actually meant no Linked quality, while a 2 meant Linked 1, a 3, Linked 2, etc. The label has now been changed to "COUNT:" with a note below it saying "Linked if more than 1". This should clarify the meaning of this field.
About the stat block, I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Do you want them combined in some way, like in encounters?
Good to know and thank you.
As to the Stat Block, you know how there are vehicle stat blocks in the various adventures for NPC ships? I would like something like that, not necessarily combined to the NPC in question, in order to make a PNG stat block for my blog. I suspect that not having it linked to the NPC would be better for formatting purposes. As it stands, they work great for me while I run an adventure with the encounter sheets but when I go to post them I wont be able to keep the lovely formatting you have.
Does that make more sense?
Edit - Did you notice the question about the Quad Laser Cannon? Since it is a specific single weapon according to the weapon chart, wouldn't it be swapped one for one with another existing weapon?
Ah. Version added vehicle stat blocks. Just take a look at any vehicle pane