Pardon the basic questions, but... are you using the Data Editor to add your ship? Do you hit the save button after you add your ship? Does the ship show up in the list? Does it have "AddedItem" next to it? If you close the Data Editor and open it again, is your ship still there?
I actually discovered the reason.
Short version: I'm an idiot
Long version: In the Character Generator in Options under Select Sources there is a check for User Data . It is amazing what you can see if you turn it on.....
As for the other point, is this for the inventory and vehicle lists on the character sheet? Like having a "weapon" in the list that says "My new cool blaster will go here"?
More of a way to add the name of a ship to the Vehicle tab if it has not been created in the data base yet. I am making several pregens for a intro-game next week and I plan on using deck-plans I have for a ship that is not in system yet. I was going to make a note on the Vehicle tab so the 'owner' would know he's the owner. Then I noticed that there is no provision to add 'notes' on the vehicle or equipment tabs unless it's for an actual vehicle or piece of equipment. I have yet to stat up the ship, so I'm probably going to 'pen it on' after printing for now.
If not on those tabs, perhaps an additional 'notes' tab. A place that you can add that 'unknown alien device' onto the character sheet or jot general comments.
Unless there already is one and I am blind....