Page 192-194: The specialization tree on page 193 is titled "Force Sensitive Emergent Talent Tree". Every reference within the text on these three pages refers to a "Force Emergent." Is the correct title for the universal specialization "Force Emergent" or "Force Sensitive Emergent"? Whichever, please make sure the correct version is used throughout the document.
Page 192: Under the subheading for Becoming Force Sensitive, in the third paragraph it is mentioned that a player with access to EOTE "may decide to use the Force-Sensitive Exile specialization instead of the Force Emergent specialization" (emphasis mine).
Is it the intention of the developers that a PC can have either the FS Emergent OR FS Exile specialization (and never be able to buy both specializations at some point)? The use of "instead" would suggest that a PC can have one or the other, but not both.
Page 192: Second paragraph, left column under the first heading, fourth line, capitalize 'force.' Suggest doing a search and replace through the document to be sure all instances of the Force are capitalized.
Page 194: First paragraph on page discusses how many Force Emergents develop some skill at martial arts. However, none of the Force Emergent talents are directly related to any combat skills (with the possible exception of the Touch of Fate talent). No specific change here; just the note that the fluff text doesn't really reflect the talent tree as provided.
Page 194: Second paragraph under the Activating Powers subheading, 9th line, capitalize "force". Suggest doing a search and replace through the document to be sure all instances of the Force are capitalized.
Page 194-195: The section on Dark Side Force Users is presented as a sidebar in EOTE (page 278). Wondered if the intention was to do the same in AOR.
Page 194-195: The subheadings for Ongoing Effects and Force Power Breakdown as presented in EOTE (page 279) are missing in AOR. I presume they were omitted for the beta, but they need to be in the final, esp. since the Enhance power has a Commit element to it.
Edited by Ineti