New to this "LCG" but not to game of thrones,

By khadorstrong, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Ok, I played game of thrones of years, played in the tournies and the game was getting out of hand. I saw the LCG and thought now that is a great idea.

HOW does this work tho incomparisson to the old version. If i come to lets say Gen Con this year for a tourny, DO I play with just the cards of the LCG onwards? I get the jist that I can still have 3 of any card in the deck being whatever they are from the LCG, put pretty much is this an uncollectable version of the original game when it comes to tounries and the such?

there are two supported formats right now (i.e. what your likely to see at GenCon).

1) Legacy = A highlander format (only allowed one of each card in your deck) where all cards ever printed (except those banned by the FAQ) are legal.

2) LCG = normal deckbuilding rules where only LCG cards are permitted (those from the Core Set and all current Chapter Packs, except two cards banned by the LCG FAQ)