Chapter II: Character Creation

By EldritchFire, in Proofreading Changes

Page 33, the Duty Type heading has a second "e" after "Type" in a smaller font, different color.


Page 59: Commando Talent Tree - Last part reads "at close range or engaged" when it should be "at short range or engaged."

Page 31: Step 8: Determine Motivation, second column, first paragraph.

"There are three general types of Motivation - Idealism, Revenge, and Necessity ." These should instead be Beliefs, Connections, and Quests as detailed on pages 68 and 69

Identified by gilbur, added here for ease of reference.

Page 33: It appears this list has the Duty Type column in alphabetical order. If that is the intent, then the rows for Tech Procurement and Support need to be flipped as they are currently out of alphabetical order.

Page 35: In the discussion on Contribution Rank (right hand column), suggest adding a page reference to the section in the Game Master chapter on Using the Contribution Rank (in the beta, it's page 205). I think this cross-reference would provide a benefit to the reader.

Page 67: In the first paragraph under the heading for Strain Threshold, suggest spelling out xp as experience or experience points. I think this is the first time I saw xp used, and I don't think experience is referred to as "xp" anywhere else in the book. A search and replace on the digital files would catch any other instances.

Page 68-69: As most of the tables in the book have their non-numerical columns ordered alphabetically, suggest taking the Result columns of the Beliefs, Connections, and Quests tables and resorting them to be alphabetical in the Results column.

Regarding the "Squad Leader" specialization:

A "squad" is a type of infantry formation. When I saw this specialization in the book, I first thought of the leader of a ground team, but looking over the skills and talent tree, this is clearly talking about leading a group of pilots.

I'd seriously suggest renaming this to "Squadron Leader" for both clarity and accuracy's sake, as "squadron" is the proper term for a group of aircraft.

well actually you could either call it Squadron Leader or even Wing leader.

Page 45: The description for the Improved Dead to Rights talent reads: Spend 1 Destiny Point to add additional damage equal to Agility (rounded up) to one hit of successful attack made with ship or vehicle-mounted weaponry." I believe the parenthetical statement can be deleted as there's nothing to round up.

Unlike the basic version of Dead to Rights, which halves Agility and rounds up.

Pages 42, 43, 44, 45

Range (Light) should be Range d (Light)

Post deleted. (I moved this post to a more appropriate forum.)

Edited by Aazlain

On page 48, the Squad Leader Talent Tree summary of the Form On Me talent says "All enemies in close range..."

The talent's description on page 97 states that this should be a number of allies equal to ranks in Leadership.

Page 42, the Aurebesh under "Ace" is incorrect.

The characters used should be Aurek, (a) Cresh, © and Esk (e) respectively. Instead, the characters used are Enth, (ae) Cherek (ch) and Onith (eo).

Obviously, "Ace" is not spelled "Aecheo," unless this was intended to be some sort of joke.

p. 53, Greased Palms: the description in the talent tree implies that the character may upgrade the check more than once ("For every 50 credits spend"), but the talent description on p. 98 says that the check can only be upgraded once.

Also, the text on p. 53 should read "spent", not "spend".

Page 30, Under Step 4 and 5: Select Career and Specializations , under the heading Career , second paragraph, first sentence.

"are consider" should be "are consider ed "

Page 41, Sullustan entry. Second paragraph, last sentence. "notable flaps of skin to extending down..." The word 'to' is superfluous.

Page 39, Gran entry, Enhance Vision: the text uses the British spelling of 'defense' (with a 'c')

Page 42: Pilot Spec, All other specializations reinforce the ability to receive a free rank in 2 out of 4 career skills specified in the specs description. This spec makes no mention of it.