I got the core set for my birthday this year (januari) and have bought Baratheon and WotW expansion(the rest will be also bought in time).
Me and my girlfriend were wondering if there will be more expansions (allies, army expansions and reinforcements) now that Battlelore has got a second edition?
I really hope so.
My girlfriend cant wait until she can play with the Targaryan dragons.
And I can only dream of ordering the knights of the Vale.
Personally, I think that Fantasy Flight Games is waiting for George R.R. Martin to finish his next book. Because it is difficult to make a Targaryan army if you don't know how it would look like if it ever reaches Westeros.
What do you think?
And if there are any people from FFG, we always like to hear your side of the story as wel (because i don't think you spoil stuff if you ask your loyal fans to remain loyal to the game )