Defined by the corebook the Minions are treated as one character. So it is one shot a bunch of Stormtroopers are firing at one PC. I guess it is a matter of game balancing, cause a minion by 6 members (I guess it is the maxed number because of getting a rank V for skills) will be extremely strong and the possibility not to succeed is against zero. But it also feels a bit distorted 6 Troopers are only gaining one target although there are 3 or 4 guys shooting at them.
My idea is to modify the rules a bit and give the minion the chance of a second or third shot referring to the advantage points they gain per roll (like a two handed attack or auto fire). Maybe to throttle it down just having a second shot by rolling a triumph targeting a second player nearby the first target.
What do you think? Would that be too difficult for my players or are there any other good ideas for multiple shots?