
By David B, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hello all!

I just saw this announced this morning - and I have to say I'm pretty excited about it.

I assume there will be plans to release expansions with more factions etc. down the line - or will this be closely attached to how popular the game is. Personally, I'm really looking forward to a dwarves expansion (you could do something really cool with a 'subterranean' expansion with underground scenery, and dwarves, skaven and night goblins, something like that).

Anyway, I am really looking forward to this game, but would look forward even more if a load of expansions (preferably including dwarves) were in the works too.




Ahem. Yes, I'd second the desire for expansions :)

Dwarves and Skaven. Just sayin'.


Oh, I'm sure if it does well, there will be expansions. :-) So we just have to make sure lots of people buy!

To be honest, I'd be surprised if there weren't expansions - though I am sure a lot of people will buy into the game on the basis of its own merits, I am pretty sure a lot only will if their own favourite faction is available (or, to put it another way, I probably won't buy unless I can play as dwarves at least some of the time!).

I thing FF are too savvy to not do expansions anyway.



I think you're right David. Although, I'm going to buy in right off the bat, but what I really want are Lizardmen! :-) Although, I'm kind of looking forward to playing the Elves too. I'm wondering if the Orcs will have any of their goofiness from the tabletop game.

Please please please BRETONNIA

...Honestly i would suggest this way for expansions:

- Dwarfs and Dark elves

- Bretonnia and Skaven

- Lizardmen and Undead

every new expansions should come even with some little add-on for previous armies, like Kislev units for Empire ... and so on..

just my 2cents :lol:

Does anyone know the rules for army building, especially regarding different factions?

For example, I believe in the original Diskwars you could combine any disks from any 'good' or 'evil' armies together, as long as you had something like 50% of the army consisting of the initial faction (ie orcs, uthuk, acolytes, knights, ...).

I am not necessarily favoring this, since it might make it difficult to play balance each faction - i'm just wondering how it will work.

Undead and Skaven... These I want.

As for the other ones, I'd put Bretonnia way low in priority. Same goes for dark elves. This is because there are already humans and elves in the game. I know it's standard to put in chaos and regular humans, even though neither are my favorites. I think the idea for elves and orcs runs allong the same line of two classic favorites who are opposites. I imagine that future releases will be themed instead, because there are some favorites that wouldn't fit that formula. I like the underground theme idea (maybe some tunnels), but I doubt something that big would be a first expansion. I imagine dark elves and undead being released in a spooky pack, hopefully with one or two skaven. Lizardmen and dwarves would probably go in a mountain-themed pack, if the underground doesn't happen. Bretonnia, I have no clue. If this gets enough steam, I'd also like to see more obscure stuff like mummies.... Then again, it'd also be pretty awesome if they released some 40k stuff with a way to mix armies, though I imagine that the 40k pieces would have to be really expenssive, making 40k swarm-armies not work against fantasy armies that would be inherently larger... It would be pretty cool though to play a huge group of orks (or even bigger group of Skaven) taking on a few space marines that happen to be really lost. That said, I can't imagine GW would ever allow the 40k and fantasy settings to even have the option to crossover. Does anybody know if there's any precedent for that?

Edited by D351

Rules specifies that expansions will be coming to help expand the games.

I'm sure it would be about the last thing they consider, but I'd like to see Tomb Kings. They're my table top army, and they stink in the WH meta. I'm sure FFG would make them much more balanced so I could win once in a while.

@Fionn5 - yes, the rulebook has a similar option, except it's chaos versus order, so right now that would be the Chaos and Orks versus the Empire and High Elves.

I'll echo Tomb Kings, as well as my beloved Ogre Kingdoms. They're both considered neutral in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, I'd like to see them be the same in this.

I'll prefer first having more disk expanding the current factions, plus some Mercenaries to be used as cross-faction disks.

Then Dark Elves and Bretonnians.

Skaven, pretty please...

As much as I would like to say woodelves I think it would be smarter to have dwarves and undead or skaven.

More Orcs. Honestly though I would love to see dwarves and dark elves

Edited by Rhiga