Some Obligation Questions

By TallHall, in Game Masters

I apologize if this has been addressed. When I searched through the obligation threads it was hard to pin point the answer to my question.

Anyways, during character creation I have a player who has chosen to take on two obligations. This player has also decided that he would like to add +10 obligation to both so that he can receive the experience on both obligations. I was under the impression that the +10 on the obligation as a whole and not do it twice. I've searched the core book and couldn't find where it talks about this. Could anyone help me with the answer or point me in the right direction.

Also, when they select two obligations, how again do I decide where these two obligation fall when I roll the percent die. Say the player has 40 spanning two obligation. Would I just say 0-20 is first obligation and 20-40 is second obligation?

As written you start with a single obligation with a value determined by your party size. You could allow the second obligation to be obtained by taking on extra obligation but by the rules you just increase the value of your initial obligation. Your obligation total at character creation cannot be more than double your initial IE if 10 is your starting value it can't go higher than 20 at creation. Then there are four choices for extra obligation 5 or 10 for xp or 5 or 10 for creds. You can only choose each option once.

EDIT: I see you started with 20 obligation so by my understanding he can choose the 10xp option and if he wants either one or both of the 5 ob options or the 10 cred option. But definitely not the 10xp option twice.

the relevant page number is page 40 where table 2-3 is.

Edited by osu4fan

I don't know if it says specifically much about what happens if you take 2 obligations on character creation, but I would definitely say applying +10 for experience to both is taking the same option twice, which isn't allowed.

Personally, how I'd do it, is during creation treat it as one obligation with two types. Follow all the rules as normal all the way through, but when creation is done, tell him he can split them any way he likes (10 and 10,15 and 5, 12 and 8... ).

Yes, when rolling for obligation, you'd do it exactly how you said.

Edited by Colyer