In the core rule set books, they always show the monsters first + some extra info. And then the action "cards" for those creatures. Those actions always said: used by race and used by this specific creature, etc.
But then i got my hands on omens of war, and it doesn't say that anymore. I just get a bunch of action cards saying: chaotic, demonic, Khorn. I have like 8-9 of these.
In the book, they talk about those icons on the right side of the cards. The so called action card allotment for the creatures. But then you have a creature that has none of those icons on the card, but in the book this specific creature gets "suggested actions". So now I am confused. ( You probably too after reading this
) What card belongs to what creature? I can't just give 1 creature like 8-9 cards or something like that...
Please help