Just curious to see how many GMs plan on getting the Age of Rebellion beta and integrating the rules in to their campaign. I'm only starting out GMing my first EotE adventure next week with some new players, so I'm thinking we'll get comfortable with the ruleset before adding stuff in. But I'll most likely buy it cause it's, you know, more Star Wars. I don't think my brain will allow it to exist and not force me to buy it.
Using AoR beta rules?
I want to get it right away but I don't think we will get it until the full book comes out. We haven't really started yet with EotE so waiting is really our best course of action I think.
Until we know what is new its hard to say. I might, if the campaign goes that way, convert to the Duty system instead of the Obligation system, if my players decide to contact and enlist with the Rebellion. If not then no.
Another big if is if there is going to be a mass combat/fleet combat and/or squad combat system in AoR. If so, I might implement and use it if at all necessary. Although this is based on my wishful thinking, I have no reliable information as to whether any such mechanic will be included in AoR.
I might allow players to use the new specialisations.
I will most likely include any gear and vehicles I think would fit my campaign.
I will definitely allow my players to use the new species if they need to make new characters.
I want to get it right away but I don't think we will get it until the full book comes out. We haven't really started yet with EotE so waiting is really our best course of action I think.
Yeah, this. We're not even two games into EotE, so throwing more in is just asking for trouble. I might get it to look at what they have in store - but adding the content into the game? Not until the final book lands in my lap.
I might use it more as a sourcebook. I am probably going to get the Beta since I do have sufficient funds and want to support a game I love.
My players have not seemed too enthusiastic about joining the rebellion... yet
I might consider allowing the equipment, ship stats, and some limited items, but no. For the most part we just started our campaign. Nobody is going to want to start a new character to test this early in the game.
One of my players is a Smuggler who owes a favor or two to some members of the Rebels who got him out of trouble in the past. So may use the opportunity to try Duty with that PC if the beta rules have good guidance on mixed groups but depends if he really wants to join the rebellion.
As others have said its really early in the EotE product cycle and I feel the AoR beta announcement has kind of eaten EotE's lunch.
I don't know if I'll get the Beta or not, but I plan on grabbing the AoR book when the full version hits.
We're definitely picking up the beta and we'll see what's in there before using it. I suspect my co-GM and I will cherry-pick the good stuff and leave the rest of it alone unless a player wants to use something.
Honestly I don't have much interest in AoR and probably won't pick it up if it is just all one sided. We've all done the rebel thing for the past 30 years. I'd much rather seem them flush out the Empire and give us more info and structure for playing as part of the Empire.
For example the rule book says that Stormtroopers are not part of the Imperial Navy or Army, but shock troops used for special situations. They give you a stat block for Imperial Navy troopers and describe them as basically responsible for security and repelling boarding parties on Imperial ships, but there are no stat blocks for Imperial Army troopers. Nor can i ever recall ever seeing an Imperial Army trooper. Every iteration i can recall has used Stormtroopers to represent the general infantry of the Empire.
Army troops might include the guys piloting the AT-ATs and AT-STs. General Veers wore a uniform essentially identical to the Navy officers...
I wonder if the talent trees in AoR will be free of bias toward one affiliation or another. We know we're getting an Ace Pilot specialization; that could apply to either Empire or Alliance. I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be too hard to reskin the game if it comes out Alliance-focused.
There would have to be a special rule for player character stormtroopers, though. Maybe 2x Challenge dice automatically added to their ranged attack pools with blasters when attacking anything other than sandcrawlers, jawas, and old human couples.
I'll look through it and add in some of the species and equipment. Possibly careers and specializations if they are not hardwired for Rebel play. I'm really just going to use it as a supplement for EotE since I don't have the time or desire to play test.
I plan to use AoR Beta as an EotE supplement. I don't plan to use obligation or duty so the two will work just fine. I plan to use the Dawn of Defiance AP so AoR should help with that.
The group is meeting this week to run through the beginner's game adventure and if they decide to stick with the game then we will do character creation later this month. Hope to have a copy of AoR by then.
It'll be a case of wait and see for me. With my current face-to-face gaming groups, there wasn't much enthusiasm for EotE given the game's focus on "crooks and thieves." But, with being part of the Rebellion now truly being an option and part of the core character concept, maybe that will change.
I know the GM for the Skype game that's slated to start after GenCon isn't terribly enthused about AoR at the moment, but that may change once he gets a copy of the book for himself.
If nothing else, it'll be a nice resource with some extra career options and more vehicles & starships to choose from.
I wonder if the Ghtroc 720 will make an appearance in this Beta, particularly as an alternative to the YT-1300.
While it may have been true that AoR's "early" announcement may have EotE's lunch, I think that has more to do with the relatively later release that EotE had vs. what its planned release was. Putting out the Beta for AoR seems to be trying to get things back on track schedule wise.
Even so, I see AoR as an extension of EotE. While a separate "system" the cross compatibility makes AoR more akin to an expansion in some ways than a rival product.
I expect to get the Beta, and if my crew wants to pull in some elements of AoR early, then I'd be happy to let them. However, knowing my group, they're much more the scum and villainy type anyway
I'm gonna start using the rules as soon as I get the beta to see how they work with EotE so I can give feedback. Most likely I'll tell my players, "These are the rules... For now. They are subject to change in a year."
I am looking to start a Star Wars campaign in he very near future. I will likely use at least some of the AoR Beta depending on player requests to determine exactly what.
I've been playing pretty much every week since the Beta for EotE came out. My groups characters are closing in on 500 earned xp. They have been messing with the impys and helping out the rebels and are only about half a step from becoming rebels if they like it or not.
So for me, the AoR beta is coming at a pretty good time. I want to see how the well the standalone product dosent stand alone.
For better or worse, there's a good chance that I won't get to GM "for real" for many months -- quite possibly not until the Force and Destiny beta!
Having said that, I'm hoping that we'll run a test session or two in the interim. I would definitely allow the species from the AoR book, and would consider the careers and specs once I get a look.
I will be adding in anything that's useful but I might also ask the players if they want me to run a rebel game for a few weeks whilst the beta is running?
Turns out I might have a shot at running some AoR one-shots, as my face-to-face group (quite a few of whom are old-time D6 fans) are much more interested in Alliance-based characters rather Fringe operators that have been shoe-horned into being part of the Alliance (one player's phrasing, not mine).
I'm going to let my players use anything they want from any of the books as they come out, plus most fan supplements (as long as they are fair
Got the beta book, and aside from Duty and Obligation, the two are totally interchangeable. EotE PCs might have a bit more XP or credits due to taking extra Obligation, but AoR PCs can get supplied mission gear to help make up for it.
Based on the spoilers I've heard, I don't see anything in here that I wouldn't consider using as an option (new species, new careers/specs, new equipment). I would also consider duty for the right characters.
For example, I forget who's running the Arkanis Sector Ranger game, but I could see those PCs having Duty as well as obligation.
A little disappointed that the book doesn't seem to include rules for using both together.
Got the beta book, and aside from Duty and Obligation, the two are totally interchangeable. EotE PCs might have a bit more XP or credits due to taking extra Obligation, but AoR PCs can get supplied mission gear to help make up for it.
Any mention in the book on how to integrate the Duty and Obligation systems?