(first post!
Several discussions have been floating around on the EotE boards recently discussing if FFG would do a beta test for AoR and F&D. I assumed they would, but I was not sure that it was necessary.
How does everyone feel about them doing a beta for this game?
Personally, I am excited to playtest some new elements, but with the "core rules" not being debated, just the new races, careers, talents, resources, etc. will be put through the ringer. I think this will generate some quick income for FFG because everyone is so anxious to open up the possibilities, especially with regards to mass starship combat, mass land vehicle combats, and new races and equipment, however, is this really NEEDED?
Do they need a Beta?
I was completely caught offguard by this Beta announcement. I hadn't thought that there might be another beta. I suppose that means we might be able to look at the Force beta next year at GenCon.
I am hoping the books are at GenCon... that is where I got mine last year.
I am hoping there is a few completely new mechanics made to work in conjunction with the other game, but not breaking anything. Like perhaps a similar replacement for Obligation... but could work on same roll table? Stuff like that. I really would like it if each book offered up a group of cool add ons like that.
Edited by BrashFink
I hate to make or read speculation on these boards...but I'm going to speculate
If fleet engagement is part of the works, I would say that alone with the next tier for Schwartz play would definitely warrant the beta. Not sure if I'll participate, but I know the last beta had a pretty profound impact on the final product so it gets a thumbs up from me.
I'm excited to get involved in generating, what I feel is an RPG worthy to be a Star Wars game! I've been playing RPGs since 1979. Now, that I'm a Father of 4. All my Children are equally as enthusiastic as I am to Beta this expansion!
Edited by XavantIt looks like "Duty" is the AoR "Obligation"
I think they're doing a beta because 1) they need to check that careers and specialisations are balanced and fit their concepts (they did do some changes for the EotE core release); 2) they need to figure out how the Duty system fares when attacked by the gamer nation; 3) any new mechanics, I'm thinking here specifically of any new Force related powers and talents, these need to be checked and tested before release; 4) new vehicles could need tweaking and this also relates to and goes into 5) about mass combat rules like: squad based combat, capital ship combat and ground battles, if any of this is in this new game it needs to be tested and checked thoroughly.
Of the above, particularly number 5 if its in the game that is, justifies a Beta, perhaps also 3, and number 2. 1 and 4 not so much, but all of those points, I think, are areas of the new game that needs testing.
Jegergryte, I agree. It seems that this beta is all about Balance....where the EotE beta was about actually testing the basic, underlying system.
Of course, a Beta also guarantees more cash and more time for word of mouth to spread to those gamers not clinging to forums (like myself). I am in a privileged position of being able to afford this stuff without having to starve for a month, at least of the time being, so I don't mind them "double-dipping" into my wallet. The beta for F&D on the other hand might be different. Not sure how I am with work next year. Ooops.
Just from the initial information we have for Duty, it reads similar to Reputation from the Revised Core Rules (d20), which allowed a player to gain status within an organization, including the Rebel Alliance. With each increase granting a rank or title, there were certain duties and responsibilities imposed; however, there were perks and available resources, as well. I am looking forward to evaluating use of Duty in conjunction with Obligation.
Mass starship combat is another feature I'm looking forward to testing, because I know it is something my players will want to include in our campaign.
More playable species are always a plus. I would like to see options for custom-building playable droids and include use of tools as weapons. I see much potential for the Rebellion to salvage droid parts and building their own. Besides, one of my players wants to recreate his medical droid that has two normal-sized arms and two smaller arms for tools or steadying patients during surgery.
The Force Emergent specialization sounds promising and very useful for the campaign I intend to run. I hope the emergent will consider a spectrum of Force alignment (light, neutral, dark), building up to and setting the stage for the third campaign book.
I personally think a beta for nearly anything is a good idea. Getting the jump on this (for $30) for use in my EotE campaign excites me! I imagine a LOT of material will be repeated from Edge, as it is technically it's own core book, but I hope for the Beta that they focus on new stuff. (Rehashing Move object would be less important than play testing Surge as a power or Deflect Blasters as a Talent)
Honestly, seeing as I play a gadgeteer I'm really hoping we get some cool weapons and mods out of this.
I'm very excited by this but unfortunately it now means I will have to drop x-wing from my list of games as I can no longer afford both products. Don't get me wrong I am very happy to give FFG my cash but I only have so much to go round.
I just bought EotE about two weeks ago, so I'm going to stay out of the beta. I feel it would benefit me (and my players) the most to focus on the system as presented in EotE instead of starting off a campaign by incorporating elements that might not make it to the final version. Also, since I haven't yet had a chance to GM the rules much I don't feel I have the "baseline" required for a meaningful comparison. Had we been further along in a campaign, however, I'd have loved to try out some new things.
Why it's a good idea (for FFG):
1. Makes them some $$. Sure it's not much but it's still income.
2. Advertising. People will be talking about it well ahead of release and the pros (and cons) of what's in it.
3. The actual beta feedback. We all know that no matter how much internal testing a company does it's when the game's released and ten times ten the number of players you had in internal testing get ahold of the product that the wheels are truly kicked and tested. So having the public pick it apart, find typos, point out errors and what they plain old do and don't like is a bonus.
There isn't one single point to a beta, they are multi-pronged instruments.
Some reasons make sense from a business perspective; selling a $30 beta to a few thousand people generates income on the license. That was a huge reason last year. Licensed properties aren't cheap, once you acquire a license you're on a ticking clock to monetize it. The EotE beta helped generate income for 2012 on a license that was acquired in 2011 (or 2010? I forget) and a game that wasn't released until 2013. Related to that is generating income on a product line during production helps with development costs.
Other reasons are good for marketing. By getting the beta out to players 9 months before the game is released, they build up conversation, "buzz", and interest in the game. People playing the game now will talk to people who want to play it when it comes out.
Still more reasons are good from a game design perspective: game designers have blinders when it comes to flaws in the system. Getting a few thousand people to look at your game means a few thousand eyes on your product that wouldn't otherwise be there. It's late stage play testing.
Pick your combinations of reasons for AoR; I'm sure FFG has looked at the situation and made their decision accordingly.
I'm so glad they're doing this. It means a better game at the end, and I'm more than willing to spend your guys' cash to make that happen.
I think it is fine that they are doing this. If anything it's a pricey way for me to decided if I'll buy the final product lol
I was completely caught offguard by this Beta announcement. I hadn't thought that there might be another beta. I suppose that means we might be able to look at the Force beta next year at GenCon.
I am hoping the books are at GenCon... that is where I got mine last year.
I am hoping there is a few completely new mechanics made to work in conjunction with the other game, but not breaking anything. Like perhaps a similar replacement for Obligation... but could work on same roll table? Stuff like that. I really would like it if each book offered up a group of cool add ons like that.
From the preview page it looks like Duty becomes the big thing rather than Obligation... which makes sense.
I am so going to start a game where it begins in EotE and then continues on into AoR.
I'm all for a beta test on the additions to AoR (and FaD) ... in-house playtesters are all well and good, but it is much better to put it out to the people who will play it and test it in every way conceivable. I'm sure FFG will get a lot of feedback that isn't useful, but I think, in the end, they will also get feedback that makes it a better and more balanced game system.
Considering the very short timeframe on the beta process (it's finished at the beginning of October), I figure they're working on some very specific things. They already know that the game system itself works. I imagine with this, they're looking for comments on the new professions and specializations, talent tree layouts, new weapons (hopefully an assault cannon so I can make my commando from TOR), lone talents, and ship stats. They may also (hopefully) include a new Force power or two that may need some tweaking.
Hopefully with that deadline we'll see the finished book in stores in the first part of the year.
Edited by LickintoadDo you think they'll be able to use the new Star Wars animation series to help boost interest in this?
I am sure they will be able to use any and all Star Wars stuff to heighten interest. It was seeing the Star Wars: Identities exhibit with my kids that finally got me to pull the trigger on the game.
Do you think they'll be able to use the new Star Wars animation series to help boost interest in this?
My (uninformed) guess is that AoR will be movies-only. I don't think Star Wars: Rebels is far enough along for them to do anything with it at this point, and I don't imagine Disney will want FFG spoiling the goods!
Even if they weren't doing any new mechanics for the game - which clearly they are - an open beta would still be warranted to test the balance of all the variations of current game mechanics (careers, equipment, etc.).
Setting the proverbial "million monkeys" of the internet on a text can provide insight and error-checking that just can't be done otherwise.
The software folks have known this for years. I'm surprised it didn't start in the RPG industry sooner.
The "We stop taking feedback around Oct. 8th" part intrigues me.
Was there a similar stated date for Edge of the Empire? I admit, I gave EotE a pass. Really, I'm wondering how soon that implies they'll have a finished product back from the printers if they're finalizing the content in early October.