Arkham Nights 2013?

By Fenyx, in General Discussion

Here's hoping there is an Arkham Nights 2013 which this will be featured at!

The announcement for Arkham Nights should be a long shortly if the previous years are any indication.

With this new game, recent release of an expansion for Elder Sign, continual release of the LCG, fairly recent expansion for Mansions of Madness, etc, I doubt they will decide it is time to stop having Arkham Nights.

Seems like Arkham is as strong as ever. The only thing that has stopped is Arkham Horror expansions, but all the others have not finished.

Where does Arkham Nights usual happen? At their headquarters?

Sorry I could probably just look it up on the internet.

Edited by canaking13

Am surprised it is almost September and still no word. It may indeed not happen this year.

I have to admit I'm worried about that too, but I've been to everyone and it seems that it is pretty strong every year. This past year espcially seemed better attended than the previous year.

I've noticed that most folks are there more for AH and Elder Sign (and now Eldritch Horror) than the LCG. I wonder if that makes Arkham Nights the lesser attended compared to the other "Nights" attractions which a primarly orgnaized around competitions.

I'm still looking for some Arkham Nights promo material from the previous years. Even ebay prices will be cheaper than flying to the US to attend.

Yay! Thay've announced Arkham Nights 2013!!

And I'm glad to hear it :)