Pyromancy discussion

By BrotharTearer, in Black Crusade

Whatever makes you happy, go for it.

very easy and stupid way to saying to local pdf, arbitres, imerial guards, and alikes: Hey im a heretic please shoot mi in the face.....

It's not like you have to stand right next to them...

Woe to the Heretic if any loyalist has Psyniscience though.. :)

Fun ensues.

as hive words does not have any faithful citizens to report it or any psykers to discover it...

as hive words does not have any faithful citizens to report it or any psykers to discover it...

Sure, they can do that. Assuming they've not been tainted before they're able to do anything about it. ;)

Edited by BrotharTearer

so hearing a bunch of alien words count as tainting? lol...maybe if you explain it them it worth a try bit just shouting it in to the air make no difference....

so hearing a bunch of alien words count as tainting? lol...maybe if you explain it them it worth a try bit just shouting it in to the air make no difference....

If you mean "alien" in the meaning of "xenos", then no. If you mean "alien" in the meaning of.. well.. "alien", such as chaos whispering.. yes, most definitely.

Even mentioning the names of the ruinous powers can corrupt. Just shouting "Khorne", for example, can make the blood pump faster and raise tempers. "Nurgle" can be followed by a putrid smell and make milk curdle, and so on.

Continously whispering the darknesses of chaos into the hearts and minds of the faithful.. yes, definitely tainting.

For added fun, have a silent running ship in orbit with a corrupted astropathic chamber, so that your range is in VU rather than meters, and you can, in fact, corrupt a world all at once.

i doubt it could work in this way in a reasonable champing setting... you start chanting lets say citizens start gaining corruption like 1 point per minute ( considering how heretic gain it is still incredibly fast) ... panic spread arbitators response team let say charge in 10 minutes or nay let say 30 minutes... heretic purged some citizen get quarantined some flee away

some of them get purged other in working camps or in crusade to be purged and some of the fleeing start to think about what they heard...

"Let's quarantine that hive block guys!"

I'd argue you're underestimating how effective it would actually be on the ignorant masses of the Imperium, who are so easily impressionable and corruptable.

well i think we ended up on the perspective argument like how something or some one can be "effective" "ignorant" "impressionable" "fast response" "surely purged" and such... I admit it can go both ways i'm only saying I prefer 1 better than the other... as we pretty well hijacked the tread from it original purpose I call it a tie...

Considering my example is pretty tame when comparing it to actual 40k fluff and lore I'd say it's far from a tie. ;)

Please gentlemen, lets drag the poor mare away and bury it. It is thoroughly beaten and is letting off a most foul stench.

well in the end I'd say pyromansy wins, I'll explain.

take a guy with the "one with the flame power" and go to a systems star

use fire bolt. even though it should only travel 75-100 meterish. destabilizing that much of the star should cause something similar to this.

it's about halfway into the clip

use fire bolt. even though it should only travel 75-100 meterish. destabilizing that much of the star should cause something similar to this.

I'm sorry, but how exactly do you propose to destabilize "that much" of a star? Via some fairly minor psychic power?

Are we to understand that you suggest an anomaly on the 100 meters scale would be a relevant de-stabilization of a star?

Do you have any concept of how huge a star is?

Minor necro!

I just realized something obvious.

Unlike practically every other zap-type power, pyrokinetic attacks do not emanate from the psyker, but from the source of flame.

So it is actually very good for attacking from behind, making attacks from secret, etc. Assuming there is a flame around in the appropriate area. Which is quite situationally, but they should be everywhere in a feudal world city..

Or riots. Don't forget riots. Or many warzones (any location where promethium is used as a weapon commonly). Malfian underhive slums, where the only lighting comes from the burning of trash. Active volcanoes (I'd say magma counts as a source of flame).

Carry a flamer with you.

Or start fires with your Manifest Flame all over the place.

Edited by bogi_khaosa

Btw... Since someone said that Pyro powers have the Flame quality... They dont. Blasting a Horde with pyro powers will not do more dmg than blasting it with doombolt or what have you.

And setting things on fire is not that awesome in BC where high TB monsters/NPCs are not that uncommon. It does 1d10 dmg ignoring armor and not TB. An average "speesh mahreen" will not take alot of dmg from being on fire, and since there is no fatigue loss either in BC... Pyromancy as written in BC is underwhelming, despite the Free Action cast time, especially when one considers Force Storm OPness... or a decent melee artist(my Berzerker downed the C'tan Shard in one round, still had half the dmg rolls left to roll).

Oh yeh, never forget how easy it is to add that flame retardent upgrade to an armor either... (Something all Power Armors "should" have from the start)

Btw... Since someone said that Pyro powers have the Flame quality... They dont. Blasting a Horde with pyro powers will not do more dmg than blasting it with doombolt or what have you.

Yeah they do. Well, they set targets on fire, which is functionally the same thing.

Flame quality has no relation to Horde damage anyway. You're thinking of Spray,

And third, characters in BC do take Fatigue damage from being on fire.

Edited by bogi_khaosa

Is that in the errata, fatigue dmg, didnt see it in the core rules... Might have skimmed over it though, did see it when I checked OW though.

And yeh, that bit about Spray did hit my mind before falling asleep as well.

Still, putting enemies aflame wont do much good anyway... at least not when it counts, ie against dangerous stuff.

Is that in the errata, fatigue dmg, didnt see it in the core rules... Might have skimmed over it though, did see it when I checked OW though.

It's in the core rules, I double-checked.

Flame is like the most over-powered quality in the game because it majes it impossible to engage in actions unless you have a really high Willpower.

Edited by bogi_khaosa

Which can get silly when you say have a speeesh mahreen with TB 10 who cant take dmg from it... Which is silly in and of itself.