Missing parts

By Enjeryuu, in Anima: The Card Game

I picked up Anima: Shadow of Omega recently, and so far, I'm really enjoying the game. I'm just having one issue (besides the rule book, which is a different issue)... the game is supposed to have five character tokens in it, and my set didn't have any. Only the cards (I THINK they're all there, I should count now that I think about it), the rulebook, and two dice. I can't exactly go to the shop I picked it up at, since I got it out of province. Is there anything I can do about this?

Hi there!

Sorry to hear about your missing counters. If you scroll down to the bottom left of any FFG page, you'll see links to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Contacts. Click on the link for User Support, and you'll be able to send a message to our customer service department, better known as Thaadd. We'll send out your replacements as soon as possible.

Though, if I may suggest this, (because I made this mistake myself) check under the cardboard tray that is inside of the Anima box. The plastic bag that contains the counters as well as the dice is wedged under the tray during packing.

Hope this helps!


Oh, I found the dice. No counters though. Are they supposed to be in the same bag? Oh well, in any case, going to go follow up on that.