In all seriousness, shooting someone with a melta gun or a long las loaded with hot shot rounds should be **** lethal. I can understand for PCs that it's only "really messed up" instead of "dead", but those kinds of weapons should turn enemies into messy splatters with a good hit.
A game of dodge?
Well it should be easy to kill an unarmoured dude standing in the open with an autopistol . . .
Oh, hush. You know what I meant :3
These rules reward multiple hits above damage itself, (in my eyes) unfairly. Something needs to drag that back in line or at least make single-hit attacks more viable.
That is the conclusion I am also arriving at. Mutliple small hits is far more dangerous than a single big hit, since even a 1 damage hit gets upgraded to +5, while a big +13 hits gets downgraded to +5.
Also the character sheet at the back of the book has 16 wound boxes, if they were all filled out it will mean +80 on the wound roll. But 30 is death, so it doesnt make sense? Not even mentioning the 16 critical wound boxes here...
Well, you can by True Grit so those 16 wounds are only a +64........
Oddness on the character sheet aside, you do get to add the damage from the hit to the wound result (I believe, the wound section is a little unclear) so an already wounded target hit for 1 damage (after armour/toughness) is a 6 on the wound chart but the big hit for +13 would have been a 18 on the wound chart, a much worse effect.
Sadly, because wounds are cumulative, it does seem that doing multiple scratch damage of a few points does seem to be better than a single hit though, as the number of wounds racks up that much quicker.
This is all in a vacuum though, have anyone run through a test game and seen what the results are like?
In all seriousness, shooting someone with a melta gun or a long las loaded with hot shot rounds should be **** lethal. I can understand for PCs that it's only "really messed up" instead of "dead", but those kinds of weapons should turn enemies into messy splatters with a good hit.
Unfortunately, there is no longer any Hot-Shot charge pack...specials ammo is for bolt or SP weapons only.
Also the character sheet at the back of the book has 16 wound boxes, if they were all filled out it will mean +80 on the wound roll. But 30 is death, so it doesnt make sense? Not even mentioning the 16 critical wound boxes here...
Theoretically, those boxes could be there to describe a still suffered condtion that remains beyond the wound itself being treated.
I definitely think the fact that Evasion is now essentially an opposed test for an attack does diminish the value of evasion (not by much). At least now its not completely broken, and a well placed shot has a chance of hitting a character with a high dodge who rolled poorly.
Also the character sheet at the back of the book has 16 wound boxes, if they were all filled out it will mean +80 on the wound roll. But 30 is death, so it doesnt make sense? Not even mentioning the 16 critical wound boxes here...
Theoretically, those boxes could be there to describe a still suffered condtion that remains beyond the wound itself being treated.
I definitely think the fact that Evasion is now essentially an opposed test for an attack does diminish the value of evasion (not by much). At least now its not completely broken, and a well placed shot has a chance of hitting a character with a high dodge who rolled poorly.
Yeah, that is correct, a well placed shot can still connect through an evasion roll. I like that.
However it is the number of wounds that is going to kill you. Evasion is king of reducing that. Having a high evasion will easily net you many DoS every round to reduce number of hits, which will be vital for keeping yourself alive.
If an autogun hits you 4-5 times with only 1-5 damage each, you are still pretty much toast next time you are hit. High evasion is your only defense against this.
Edited by AloxIn other words there are a big difference on agility vs non-agility characters in the avoidance and the difference is so big that it becomes a challenge to design encounters around it.
As I mentioned above, the AP mechanic makes Evade an active defense -- you need to spend resources to attempt it. That means you need to budget your AP to do it and that, Counter-Attack aside, the more you try to Evade the less you can attempt to Attack. Defence Value (armor + Toughness) is by contrast passive. It should not be as good as Evade for that reason alone.
I don't think the game should have rules that encourage PCs to stand out in the open when they're getting shot at or to stand stock still when they're being assaulted.
I definitely feel that Agi has become a bit much of a god-stat.
-Its now used on First Aid
-Its now bonus damage on a charge
-Nimble is insane
RoA can also be based on Agility, I believe.
I think it is good that evade costs 1 AP, that way you can not "avoid-tank" everyone you meet. But having 1-2 AP every round for evading will be quite easy to attain, and in most combat situations sufficient.
The fact that evasion is so easy and cheap to buy up to +30 just means that if you don't do it, you are really loosing out on easy 3 DoS which your attacker has to overcome. 3 DoS means up to 3 hits less, which means up to +15 less on your wound roll. Every round!
I do not mind that an agility monkey is a viable way to play, I just don't want to see my players feeling that this one guy in their group is invicible while they have to struggle (sure there are ways for a GM to make everyone shine, but it would be nice if it just works out of the box).
I would like to see armour making a more serious impact, and heavy armor putting a cap on dodge skill a bit like they put a cap on Agility Bonus. And maybe wounds should be normalized depending on armor worn, instead of a flat +5. So if you wear a power armor you will dodge like crap, but at least all the wounds you receive will not put you to +20 wound roll straight away.
FYI: While one attack can produce multiple wounds, I don't think wounds accumulate for the purpose of wound effect over the course of that attack. The relevant language is "add modifiers for any wounds the character was suffering from prior to the attack."
I'm fine with armor not inhibiting Evade. Changing that would not "even the playing field" between characters with high and low Agility. It would only make armor less worthwhile.