Edge of the Empire Form Field PDF

By Caied, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

YES! But where is the YT-2000? :D

I'm currently collecting ships to include as well as their silhouettes for the ship logo i might hit up the custom ship thread to see which are super popular, but I'll make sure the yt variants get good representation

edit: I might split up the sheets into starfighter/freighter/capital ship to keep the selection menu reasonable in size.

and a quick preview...


Edited by Caied

I just tinkered with the sheet a bit, and the only suggestions I can think to make are related to skills and the display of the dice pools. None of them are really major concerns, though.

  • Add an outline around the die shapes, the yellow Proficiency dice can be tough to see on screen. I haven't tried printing it yet, but I suspect it would be the same there. Having the outline of the shape would help with quick identification of the dice.
  • Darken up the color of the Ability die a bit? It's sitting at that day-glo lime green at the moment.
  • Set it up so that the dice pools are entirely either left- or right-aligned instead of Proficiency left, Attribute right. Combined with the hard to spot yellow, I thought it took away dice for a moment when I added ranks in the skills. I might be able to help you with the script involved on this one, but I don't have access to Acrobat, just Reader.
  • From the perspective of actually filling in the sheet, I'd be a fan of text boxes where we can fill in the rank number rather than the 'fill a chevron' method. (Better would be to have the chevrons and that text box linked so that editing either updates the other.) I'm not sure where there would be space for both versions of the rank indicator, though.
  • Make the 'Career?' boxes a bit smaller? Maybe a more traditional check box? The current dot is so big and bold that it kind pulls the eye away from the text next to it. It might even leave room to make the dice pool indicators a bit larger which could aid readability.

And then one that I don't actually know if it's possible:

  • Let the user import or link to an image for their character somewhere (bottom right of the 'Background and Notes' area, maybe?)

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

Something like this?


I really like the idea, and execution here, but the Wayfarer silhouette doesn't quite seem right. It looks like the left half of the ship itself (not the cargo module) got completely truncated. The wayfarer's wookipedia page has a nice top-down map that shows what the silhouette ought to look like.

I finally got a chance to try out the low ink version, and it looks really nice off the printer. I know I'm a bit old fashioned, but I like holding paper. I go out of my way to buy higher weight paper just because I like the feel of it. I'm a paper snob, chintzy paper drives me crazy.

On that note however, I also loaded it up on my iPad, and using PDF Forms I can bring up the sheet from my Dropbox and see/modify the data freely. I might find myself using the pad more and more, as the ability to make things bigger is really nice with my crappy vision.

YES! But where is the YT-2000? :D

I'm currently collecting ships to include as well as their silhouettes for the ship logo i might hit up the custom ship thread to see which are super popular, but I'll make sure the yt variants get good representation

edit: I might split up the sheets into starfighter/freighter/capital ship to keep the selection menu reasonable in size.

and a quick preview...


You, sir, ROCK! I never really liked the unsymmetrical styles of ships. OCD? Perhaps, but it just bothers me.

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

Something like this?


I really like the idea, and execution here, but the Wayfarer silhouette doesn't quite seem right. It looks like the left half of the ship itself (not the cargo module) got completely truncated. The wayfarer's wookipedia page has a nice top-down map that shows what the silhouette ought to look like.

Yes, but my PS skills aren't good enough to break that ship from the dark background to make into a silhouette. Hence the image I did use (45 degree angle, rotated to point the ship up in the silhouette).

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

Something like this?


I really like the idea, and execution here, but the Wayfarer silhouette doesn't quite seem right. It looks like the left half of the ship itself (not the cargo module) got completely truncated. The wayfarer's wookipedia page has a nice top-down map that shows what the silhouette ought to look like.

Yes, but my PS skills aren't good enough to break that ship from the dark background to make into a silhouette. Hence the image I did use (45 degree angle, rotated to point the ship up in the silhouette).

Hmm... I've got a rough-cut done. How big are the images you're using?

At least 100x100. The bigger, the easier it is to add the glow around the ship and then shrink it down to fit the silhouette area.

At least 100x100. The bigger, the easier it is to add the glow around the ship and then shrink it down to fit the silhouette area.

Ok, I'll leave it at full-size for you then. Here you go:


It's got some rough edges, but it should be a decent starting point.

I just tinkered with the sheet a bit, and the only suggestions I can think to make are related to skills and the display of the dice pools. None of them are really major concerns, though.

  • Add an outline around the die shapes, the yellow Proficiency dice can be tough to see on screen. I haven't tried printing it yet, but I suspect it would be the same there. Having the outline of the shape would help with quick identification of the dice.
  • Darken up the color of the Ability die a bit? It's sitting at that day-glo lime green at the moment.
  • Set it up so that the dice pools are entirely either left- or right-aligned instead of Proficiency left, Attribute right. Combined with the hard to spot yellow, I thought it took away dice for a moment when I added ranks in the skills. I might be able to help you with the script involved on this one, but I don't have access to Acrobat, just Reader.
  • From the perspective of actually filling in the sheet, I'd be a fan of text boxes where we can fill in the rank number rather than the 'fill a chevron' method. (Better would be to have the chevrons and that text box linked so that editing either updates the other.) I'm not sure where there would be space for both versions of the rank indicator, though.
  • Make the 'Career?' boxes a bit smaller? Maybe a more traditional check box? The current dot is so big and bold that it kind pulls the eye away from the text next to it. It might even leave room to make the dice pool indicators a bit larger which could aid readability.

Seconded on the "not really a huge deal" front--this is really awesome work!

But yeah, the suggestions above are all the same ones I was going to make (well, except for Number 4, since I kinda like the chevrons personally). With those minor tweaks this'd be **** near perfect.

And as I was filling out a couple examples using characters I've built, I had a couple more ideas that *kind of* mesh with another suggestion made by someone else, the page of talents?

Having talents at the bottom of one page, and the top of another splits them unnecessarily, and means you have to handle the pages more often, unless you actually have room for a 3 page spread at the gaming table. If the 'talent' page just had the 'equipment log' and 'critical injuries sections, with the Motivation, obligation, misc, and description sections moved to the top of the 3rd page (Background and Notes), I think it would involve less fiddling with the pages at the table. That way, combat ends up using pages 1 & 2 (with room for more Talents on page 2 mitigating the need for the 'page of talents', though probably not eliminating it entirely), and all the characterization and background information on one page. (Possibly page 2 so that when they're printed duplex, you don't have to flip it to keep the skills/etc and talents all visible during play.)

Just some thoughts.

Some quick notes regarding the way things are done with Acrobat. The dice pools are using fonts, which means The color can be controlled but things like stroke outlines aren't possible. That said I can definitely change the colors to help them stand out a bit more.

Also keep in mind the primary design (and why they were done originally) is for digital use on a tablet or computer where the layout calls for slightly different approach than a print out. I'll take a look at the high contrast version and see about rearranging some things, but it makes editing or updating more difficult with each difference between the two versions.

Edited by Caied

I worked up some of my own with dice pools (using webdings), but I'm too scriptually challenged to have it auto calculate. Muy Bueno, Sir!

Edited by Zychon

been a bit busy finishing up projects at work and travel, i'll probably be revisiting the vehicle sheet this weekend as well as polishing a couple tab-order issues with the latest character sheet

Love this sheet :D ! My group started playing Edge of the Empire last friday and this made filling the character and ship sheet so much easier!

I've found one thing missing though... the Surveillance (Int) skill. We've put it in the custom skill list for now, but maybe it's an idea to add this one to the next version of the pdf ;)

Surveillance was removed during Beta. There seem to be a few references to it hanging around in the book, but they shouldn't be there and should reference either Perception or Computers, IIRC.

Ah, I didn't know that. Apparently we're using the beta books, so that should explain why we found that skill in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up Kallabecca.

Ah, I didn't know that. Apparently we're using the beta books, so that should explain why we found that skill in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up Kallabecca.

Piracy is bad m'kay?

You guys really should get at least a copy of the rulebook, it has quite a bit of info in it that is different than the beta.

Edited by Valdier

Ah, I didn't know that. Apparently we're using the beta books, so that should explain why we found that skill in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up Kallabecca.

Piracy is bad m'kay?

You guys really should get at least a copy of the rulebook, it has quite a bit of info in it that is different than the beta.

People have been selling the Beta books on Ebay. m'kay.

Anyone else having an issue when printing to pdf of the career skill check box coming out as white circle instead of a black circle?

Haven't heard of it before. I don't really print out much anymore, so haven't seen this issue.

Which sheet is this happening to. I'll try and take a look at it.

It's on the most recent character sheet.

Here's a screen grab to see what it looks like on my end:


The weird thing is, when I fill it out, the circles are black. But when I print to PDF the circles are white as shown. Not sure what the deal is.

Haven't heard of it before. I don't really print out much anymore, so haven't seen this issue.

Which sheet is this happening to. I'll try and take a look at it.

Has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a mac? I've tried five different pdf readers now (including foxit, preview, adobe reader and pdf reader x), and not one of them shows the dice symbols. Running on 10.9.4 btw.

If you have got it to work on a mac, please let me know what reader you're using!

The only way I got it to show the dice symbols was to fill out the character sheet online in the web browser. If I just save the PDF and then fill it out, the dice symbols don't carry over.

Has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a mac? I've tried five different pdf readers now (including foxit, preview, adobe reader and pdf reader x), and not one of them shows the dice symbols. Running on 10.9.4 btw.

If you have got it to work on a mac, please let me know what reader you're using!

The only way I got it to show the dice symbols was to fill out the character sheet online in the web browser. If I just save the PDF and then fill it out, the dice symbols don't carry over.

Has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a mac? I've tried five different pdf readers now (including foxit, preview, adobe reader and pdf reader x), and not one of them shows the dice symbols. Running on 10.9.4 btw.

If you have got it to work on a mac, please let me know what reader you're using!

That sounds like the PDF Reader you're using is reinterpreting the PDF before saving it, which would remove any unused fonts from it. I had this issue with my sheets, which I fixed by embedding the font in a used form in the document, but in a hidden area (so it won't print or show while entering data).

Try right-clicking (or whatever the apple equivalent is for the single-button mouse) the links to download the PDF rather than clicking "Save" inside the reader.