Edge of the Empire Form Field PDF

By Caied, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Loving the sheet. Set it up for my family's characters tonight, looks great.

One minor suggestion - the yellow color on the dice pools is oddly hard to see. It might be helped by either changing the tone a bit, or (my preference) changing the icon to have a black border.

Thanks for the effort!

Can't do a border because it's simply using Wingdings 2 for a font (they have diamonds and hexagons in wingdings, go figure) but a darker yellow should definitely be doable.

This is awesome! My group will now be using this. You, sir, ROCK!

thanks :)

Not bad. I prefer to have hp/soak/crit values on the first page, along with all the skills and weapons. So that's good.

But I don't feel like there is enough space on the second page for gear, as well as there is no option to record Encumberance threshold and current value.

Edited by Jomero

But I don't feel like there is enough space on the second page for gear, as well as there is no option to record Encumberance threshold and current value.

I agree with this statement, but seriously, I love it.

Not bad. I prefer to have hp/soak/crit values on the first page, along with all the skills and weapons. So that's good.

But I don't feel like there is enough space on the second page for gear, as well as there is no option to record Encumberance threshold and current value.

adding additional space to the equipment would be tricky, i might be able to include a third page for simply inventory/miscellaneous stuff. Adding a small box for Encumbrance would be easy though, probably place it right next to credits

Not bad. I prefer to have hp/soak/crit values on the first page, along with all the skills and weapons. So that's good.

But I don't feel like there is enough space on the second page for gear, as well as there is no option to record Encumberance threshold and current value.

adding additional space to the equipment would be tricky, i might be able to include a third page for simply inventory/miscellaneous stuff. Adding a small box for Encumbrance would be easy though, probably place it right next to credits

An extra page for equipment and miscellaneous notes would be fantastic! Would love It if that made enough space to expand the Talents and/or weapon boxes.

I love the sheet. My only other wish is that the font size was changeable.


An extra page for equipment and miscellaneous notes would be fantastic! Would love It if that made enough space to expand the Talents and/or weapon boxes.

I love the sheet. My only other wish is that the font size was changeable.


Talents would probably be doable, not sure why you'd need more than eight weapons on hand though :blink:

i'll start drafting up a third page with some extra space

Edited by Caied

I love your character sheet. It looks beautiful, and very funcional. Is it possible to get a version that's a little easier on the ink and eyes. Perhaps without all the backgrounds, and solid filled areas?

Keep up the good work.

I love your character sheet. It looks beautiful, and very funcional. Is it possible to get a version that's a little easier on the ink and eyes. Perhaps without all the backgrounds, and solid filled areas?

Keep up the good work.

Sure, it'll just take a little editing in Illustrator, but otherwise should be possible. I can try outlining the gray blocks rather than solid filling them

I'd appreciate that. I'm mostly blind, so I tend to like things clear and clean with minimal backgrounds.

I'd appreciate that. I'm mostly blind, so I tend to like things clear and clean with minimal backgrounds.

let me know if this higher contrast sheet works better

New Version!

  • Modified 2nd page from the Core Book standard character sheet to include several new form fields
  • Added 3rd page with extra talent spaces and large area for notes/additional gear/background information
  • NEW Higher Contrast version to help save on Ink Cartridges if you'd like to print the sheet (I don't have a printer so let me know how this one works out)

Version 4


High Contrast (Low Ink) Version 4


I love the new High Contrast sheet. It will be far more printer friendly than the original.

May I make two suggestions?

First, if you pull the "TYPE" entry in the Motivations area a little higher in the box to shift the white space to the bottom so that the text block for description would have room for a bit more text. There are already six usable lines, but it would make the exsting white space a bit more useful.

Second, if you did the same for hte "TYPE" and "MAGNITUDE" entries in the Obligations area, you could shift the white space at the top of the box down to beneath the "MAGNITUDE" entry and turn that white space into a text box to provide space for a brief description of a character's obligation.

Ask and ye shall receive. Both pdf's have been updated accordingly as well as being better optimized (now back under 1mb each)

This just keeps getting better!

Alright guys and gals, here's the first pass at the Vehicle sheet. Nothing fancy or special really. Let me know if there's anything from the character sheets you'd like to see, additional pages, extra space/boxes/information/whatever

EotE Vehicle Sheet v1

EotE Vehicle Sheet HC v1 (low ink)

First of all, thanks for all the work you have allready put into this, its really awesome.

I don't know if this has allready been mentioned, or if this is how it is supposed to be working, but when I enter the talents on the second page of the character sheet, it copies those talents to the talent table of the third page of the sheet?

And could you maybe try to include the symbols used on the dice, so we can use them in the description of talents and specials, instead of typing stuff like use 2 advantages, And also add Boost and setback die to the symbols? I don't know if that is even possible, I dont know a lot about making pdf's.

Edited by e6r6i6c

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

First of all, thanks for all the work you have allready put into this, its really awesome.

I don't know if this has allready been mentioned, or if this is how it is supposed to be working, but when I enter the talents on the second page of the character sheet, it copies those talents to the talent table of the third page of the sheet?

And could you maybe try to include the symbols used on the dice, so we can use them in the description of talents and specials, instead of typing stuff like use 2 advantages, And also add Boost and setback die to the symbols? I don't know if that is even possible, I dont know a lot about making pdf's.

Good catch on the duplication bug, I forgot to rename those fields so they're currently just "copies" of the first page. I'll update that this afternoon when I get back to my computer.

Dice symbols are tricky and I haven't found a decent way of executing it. However the diamond and hexagon used in the dice pool calculations are found in the wingdings 2 so you could potentially do it yourself manually (in regards to difficulty/boost dice or whatnot) actual symbols would require a custom font and you'd still have to enter it manually....though I just had a thought ill look into

I would like to see the other starship sheet done in the same as the vehicle sheet was done as.

what other character sheets can be done as what is posted here?

I'm not sure what you mean. Are there other vehicle sheets you're referring to? or do you mean dice pools from the character sheet? since I'm not as sure how that would apply to ships

granted i haven't gone over the ship rules in detail yet

I don't know if this has allready been mentioned, or if this is how it is supposed to be working, but when I enter the talents on the second page of the character sheet, it copies those talents to the talent table of the third page of the sheet?

this has been fixed and the files updated

Edited by Caied

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

Something like this?


First of all, thanks for all the work you have allready put into this, its really awesome.

I don't know if this has allready been mentioned, or if this is how it is supposed to be working, but when I enter the talents on the second page of the character sheet, it copies those talents to the talent table of the third page of the sheet?

And could you maybe try to include the symbols used on the dice, so we can use them in the description of talents and specials, instead of typing stuff like use 2 advantages, And also add Boost and setback die to the symbols? I don't know if that is even possible, I dont know a lot about making pdf's.

Just another note about the Talents section. Could you include a section for Ranked and Active/Passive?



I've built a character with the newest high contrast version of your form, and it looks great. Did you intend the text in the "Credits" and "Encumbrance" fields to be light gray?

Edited by lstyer

Just another note about the Talents section. Could you include a section for Ranked and Active/Passive?



Not a bad idea. I'll mess with it a bit and see i if i can come up with something I like, I don't want to crowd the talent descriptions. As always this can be marked in the summary or name (Grit 2) or however you like

I've built a character with the newest high contrast version of your form, and it looks great. Did you intend the text in the "Credits" and "Encumbrance" fields to be light gray?

Nope good catch, the sheet has been fixed

In regards to the Ship PDF. Looks good so far, but I haven't messed with ships much yet. The only thing I have at this point is that maybe ya could remove the yt 1300 silhouette, or have sheets with different silhouettes. I humbly ask for a yt 2000! Seriously though. Awesome work guy and thank you so much. Stuff like this adds greatly to my enjoyment and these rock!

Something like this?


YES! But where is the YT-2000? :D