Edge of the Empire Form Field PDF

By Caied, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

It's on the most recent character sheet.

Here's a screen grab to see what it looks like on my end:


The weird thing is, when I fill it out, the circles are black. But when I print to PDF the circles are white as shown. Not sure what the deal is.

Haven't heard of it before. I don't really print out much anymore, so haven't seen this issue.

Which sheet is this happening to. I'll try and take a look at it.

Checked this out as best I could and it shows up as Black for me. So, might be an issue with either your printer driver or whatever version of the PDF reader you're using (I was testing with Adobe Reader v11.0.7).

I love sheets like this for RPGs and this one is no differant. I can't express enough how appreciative I am of the work you are doing.

A few things I would LOVE to see.

1) The main one is a personal gear page with Quantity and Encumberance Columns (doesn't need to do math or anything). The sheet is 3 pages long so moving Personal Gear to it's own page OR at least give it half a page so we can fill it in with all of our gear.
2) Armor section with clumns for Defense, Soak, Enc and HP

3) Encumbrance with Threshold and Current columns.

4) Criticals with 3 columns: Critical Injury, severity and Details. The severity column would be 4 check boxes (dice pool)

5) Motivation and Obligation boxes can be smaller as they don't use that uch space.

4) Something that I don't even know is possible would be a dice pool in the weapons area that takes into account special features that add dice, such as Accuracy.

Thank you so much for your work.

The only way I got it to show the dice symbols was to fill out the character sheet online in the web browser. If I just save the PDF and then fill it out, the dice symbols don't carry over.

Has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a mac? I've tried five different pdf readers now (including foxit, preview, adobe reader and pdf reader x), and not one of them shows the dice symbols. Running on 10.9.4 btw.

If you have got it to work on a mac, please let me know what reader you're using!

That sounds like the PDF Reader you're using is reinterpreting the PDF before saving it, which would remove any unused fonts from it. I had this issue with my sheets, which I fixed by embedding the font in a used form in the document, but in a hidden area (so it won't print or show while entering data).

Try right-clicking (or whatever the apple equivalent is for the single-button mouse) the links to download the PDF rather than clicking "Save" inside the reader.

That's not it unfortunately. I've even tried downloading it on a PC, doing one change (proving it works), saving it to Dropbox and opening it on the mac. No use. Ranks boxes won't click very well, and no dice symbols ever calculate. Will have to stick to editing it on the PC i guess.

Thanks for the work though!

I just wanted to say thank you for these. They are very smart, very helpful.

I had some problems with the forms becoming non-editable after the first time I saved them, but that was just Adobe's software playing silly buggers. I installed Foxit Reader and it works fine.


I realized I haven't posted here, and I wanted to say that these sheets are the ones I use and recommend to everyone in my various groups. It would be excellent to see a version of this available for AoR and FaD, or even a master sheet that has spots for the various extra skills and mechanics. That said, this sheet is definitely my favorite.

Thanks for making it.

Another plea for an AoR version of your character sheet!

Been using and loving your EotE sheet. Best sheet for the game out there.

First of all I must congratulate you for this character sheet. It is a great piece of work. However, I would like to suggest a change. I have found that an image of the character helps the players get "into character" more easily and avoids having to describe the species it belongs to in case they are not familiar with it.

Maybe rearranging something in the first pages allows for including an space for an image. Unfortunately my knowledge does not allow me to do it.Could you possibly include in the first or second pages of the character sheet a space for a character image? Something similar in dimensions to the Character Description box you have included and maybe instead of it.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by blatamano

First of all I must congratulate you for this character sheet. It is a great piece of work. However, I would like to suggest a change. I have found that an image of the character helps the players get "into character" more easily and avoids having to describe the species it belongs to in case they are not familiar with it.

Maybe rearranging something in the first pages allows for including an space for an image. Unfortunately my knowledge does not allow me to do it.Could you possibly include in the first or second pages of the character sheet a space for a character image? Something similar in dimensions to the Character Description box you have included and maybe instead of it.

Thanks in advance.

And how is a user to add that image? The big problem I've had with PDF forms is the security of the system. It doesn't always allow access to the local drive to load images from. Much better to just have the portrait printed out separately and leave the space on the sheets for other stuff.

I also would love to see a version for AOR! I love the EOE v4 edition! Thank you so much for all the work you put into these fillable forms.

Hi guys! I know this thread has been quiet for long time and im sorry to post in this thread again.

See, I tried to find a fillable character sheet in my language, the german one, but I couldnt...

Now I am done with searching and I would try to do my own character sheet which should look like the one on this thread. Which programms should I use to do this?

My group was looking for a PDF they could fill out and share digitally over dropbox/etc. I found one and modified it to provide a little more flexibility and convenience when filling out the form and wanted to offer it here in case others were interested as well.

Based of DylanRPG's original form fillable character sheet PDF with some (a lot...) adjustments and changes.

Sheets and variants are at the bottom of this post.

Updated! Char Sheet v4 and Vehicle Sheet v1

Vehicle v1

  • Added base functionality as well as High Contrast/Low ink use version of Vehicle sheet

Char v4

  • Modified 2nd page from the Core Book standard character sheet to include several new form fields
  • Added 3rd page with extra talent spaces and large area for notes/additional gear/background information
  • NEW Higher Contrast version to help save on Ink Cartridges if you'd like to print the sheet (I don't have a printer so let me know how this one works out)
  • Adjustments to Obligation and Motivation box layout
  • Re-optimized, both character sheets are around ~800kb

Char v3

  • Improved performance
  • Drastically decreased filesize (by almost 2mb!)

Char v2

  • Added Auto-Dice generation based on stats/skills. (thanks for the inspiration Kallabaca)
  • Generally improved some issues with alignment
  • General improvements to appeal
  • Updated PDF pages with higher res character sheets from FFG's website (using the same pdf style as found in the back of the core book, this resulted in a loss of the "critical injury" box in place of "Other" distinguishing features)

Char v1

  • Fixed Tab order issues (you should be able to hit tab and correctly progress to the next logical form field)
  • Added form fields for each section and subsection (i.e. weapon, damage, range, crit, special, etc for weapons)
  • Check boxes for skills
  • Improved alignment of form fields

Tested on

  • PC/Mac
  • iOS (note: Adobe Reader app (free) highly suggested as the 'lite' pdf readers in Dropbox and other apps do not display any custom forms or their data, resulting in a "blank" character sheet)
  • iOS note 2: Adobe Reader App will correctly display the filled out sheets, but does not run the javascript necessary to update it. As such any changes (in order to take advantage of the auto-dice) will have to be done in an appropriate program.

Example Character Sheet


EotE Character Sheet v4

EotE Character Sheet HC v4 (low ink)

EotE Vehicle Sheet v1

EotE Vehicle Sheet HC v1 (low ink)

A few comments. First off - Happy Birthday Caied!!!

I was wondering if you and I can chat about your form and dice PDF. I am looking for a character sheet that is form fillable that will work for all 3 systems. IE Morality, Duty, & Obligation. Also one that you can switch the attribute for the light saber skill and includes the knowledge cybernetic skill.

I am looking at using it for Legends of the Galaxy the Community Driven Organized Play and would love if you can brand it with the logo that I can provide for you.

Let chat more.

Hi guys! I know this thread has been quiet for long time and im sorry to post in this thread again.

See, I tried to find a fillable character sheet in my language, the german one, but I couldnt...

Now I am done with searching and I would try to do my own character sheet which should look like the one on this thread. Which programms should I use to do this?

The sheet itself, whatever program you want. Can even be done in MS Paint. Doesn't really matter. To make it form fillable, you'll need something like Adobe Acrobat Pro (v11 or higher, v9 allowed for it as well, but requires extra steps to output).

I was wondering if you and I can chat about your form and dice PDF. I am looking for a character sheet that is form fillable that will work for all 3 systems. IE Morality, Duty, & Obligation. Also one that you can switch the attribute for the light saber skill and includes the knowledge cybernetic skill.

I am looking at using it for Legends of the Galaxy the Community Driven Organized Play and would love if you can brand it with the logo that I can provide for you.

Let chat more.

Try PMing someone to get their attention, especially when they haven't been active in nearly a year.

Hey Man!

Any chance to give me the source so I can translate it to Portuguese? Thanks a lot!

It looks like this is an old thread and Caied hasn't been on in years. The links to the sheets are broken. Does anyone happen to know if there's a different place i can find them?

On 12/9/2017 at 4:10 PM, sarikvaster said:

It looks like this is an old thread and Caied hasn't been on in years. The links to the sheets are broken. Does anyone happen to know if there's a different place i can find them?

I'm having the same issue, the sheets aren't up on dropbox, anyone know where I can find one?

Or did you find one sarikvaster?

just came across this. do the links not work anymore? I can't seem to get them working.