Unnatural Agility and movement

By Vanity Evolved, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Just checking, does Unnatural Agility apply to movement in Black Crusade? I seem to recall in one or two games (Deathwatch, maybe?) that Agility was seperated into Unnatural Movement or something, but I'm not seeing that here.

Edit: Also, just thought. How does alignment work for someone like a Thousand Sons Sorcerer? If I don't advance in Tzeentch at all when a Corruption check comes up, do I become Unaligned?

Edited by Vanity Evolved

First: Unnatural Agility applirs to movement in BC, at least there is nothing that states it doesn't.

Second: The best way we came up with is to treat those characters as having 5 advances in their god (because as they start with 15+ corruption, they might have too easily became unaligned in the first session - it's death for khorne berserker).

1. Unnatural X adds to the char. bonus. Movement is based on AB. So that's a "duh".

2. Count your advances you've got that the Sorcerer archetype doesn't get. You should end up with 5+ T advances more than any other. That's your alignment count.

Old Unnatural Speed was removed in BC so yes, Unnatural Agility adds to movement speed.

BC corebook p. 283-285 has nice tables that give you what is changed if you want to bring something from DH, RT or DW to BC