Averheim Map

By jackdays, in WFRP Gamemasters


If anyone want's to check Averheim map we are using I'm clad to email it to you. It's not perfect, quickly edited, but it features all the places I know and has "Averheim-look" as I imagine it to be.

Because it is originally map from another game edited by me, I dont post it here or my web-site. But I can email it to anyone that like's to check it out.


When we started the TEW I had to create map for Averheim (as I didn't really like the maps available and they didn't have all the places). Also I didn't have much time. So, I searched and found ready map that was suited for the purpose and edited that. Resolution is not good and editing was quickly done. Yet, all the places should be there, and much more.

Hi, I pm'd a while ago saying "yes yes please" - any chance of geting that?

I'm out of Averheim in campaign now but may well be back again afterwards.


Got the map from jackdays some time ago; i sent him a mail directly. See the signature.


Hi, I pm'd a while ago saying "yes yes please" - any chance of geting that?

I'm out of Averheim in campaign now but may well be back again afterwards.


I just checked my emails.

There was couple of requests for the map, including yours - It should be on your email now.

Yup got it thanks


I admit if I had done it (and I don't have the graphics skills etc., gave up on the 'cartographer' series of programs) I would have had more lower town along river and clearer line bulff, but in all you bring together lots of stuff from different sources. Glad to see the western platz on the road to Altdorf is there.

Yup got it thanks


I admit if I had done it (and I don't have the graphics skills etc., gave up on the 'cartographer' series of programs) I would have had more lower town along river and clearer line bulff, but in all you bring together lots of stuff from different sources. Glad to see the western platz on the road to Altdorf is there.

You have to remember this was a ready map (from another world), that I only edited. Cleared some parts, and added all those places. Nothing else.

It's not 100% my vision either. Bluff is little hard to present in this map, so you just have to vision the elevation in your mind.

I still dont think bluff is that far from the docks - Think the Averheim like 2000 years ago. It probably wasn't more than the bluff and the burg back then, but those were close to the river. I would have liked that the walled docks had spread more on the different sides. But this map didn't have right looking walls (even it had too much funny looking wall sections).

Yes please. My email address is [email protected]

Could you send me the map? I also have a sketch of the city to share. Pm me and I'll send it. I prefer to depict it as the large city it is. Altough earlier fan made maps are beautifull they somehow fail to show a cityscape of one of the largest cities in the Empire (I have only seen Gitzmans map i have to admit).True Averheim is no Middenheim, Nuln or Talabheim but it is a big city (i tend to read the number of inhabitants given in Sigmars Heirs as the number of households, as this gives a more realistic demography-Averheim having 9000 househoulds, i.e. 35.000 -40.000 inhabitants) -it is the biggest city in Averland. Forgive the sketchyness but I am totechnically impaired to produce beautifull pieces like Gitz' map.

Could you send me the map? I also have a sketch of the city to share. Pm me and I'll send it. I prefer to depict it as the large city it is. Altough earlier fan made maps are beautifull they somehow fail to show a cityscape of one of the largest cities in the Empire (I have only seen Gitzmans map i have to admit).True Averheim is no Middenheim, Nuln or Talabheim but it is a big city (i tend to read the number of inhabitants given in Sigmars Heirs as the number of households, as this gives a more realistic demography-Averheim having 9000 househoulds, i.e. 35.000 -40.000 inhabitants) -it is the biggest city in Averland. Forgive the sketchyness but I am totechnically impaired to produce beautifull pieces like Gitz' map.

Can you send me email (with your sketch). My email can be found from these posts.

Well, I tried to find a bigger city-map to create this map. I like the size of the map I found. Like I mentioned in this post - Map was done fast for the TEW-campaign. And I'm not 100% satisfied how the city looks.

Also I'm now reading Swords of the Empire , and I must say - My map (as also any other maps I have seen) need updating. River is mentioned to CURVE pretty much around the city and this way changes the layot of the map totally.

So, I dont know what I will do with the map - Because it is just map that I edited. But currently I'm using that map for the TEW campaign. And gladly post that to anyone that needs the map.

Jackdays. Haven't come around sending you my handmade sketch of Averheim. I've been too distracted by my search for appropriate Averheim vistas on the net. Apologies.

But look what I found:


epecially check the maps of Georg Braun, they are just wonderfull

Been scrolling through them and found that the cities of Maastricht and Liege/Luttich resp. in Holland and Belgium really have Averheim qualities.

Planning on checking the German and Austrian city maps. These should be mostwarhammeresque, i.e. 15-16rh century Habsburg cities. Guess what: Braun drew his maps in the 16th century.

The vistas beurifully illustrate the anatomy of Empire cities, slums, docks, countryside, etc. i think.

Isn't that the Averburg in the background?

Evocative 1572 artwork worthy to feature on my DM screen :)


Great find! That's good looking picture. Really much Averheim look.

Biggest castle could be Averburg, behind it Alptraum castle (yes, they seem to have castle, just next to Averburg in size and close to river).