Sleeving the cards

By Rogue 4, in Battlestar Galactica

Ok, so I found some of the harder to find Yellow series sleeves and I went online under the product page and bought the 9 packs it tells me to buy to sleeve all the cards for all the expansions (including Daybreak) and the core. I still have 4 3/4 packs left.

So am I missing something here? Has anyone else sleeved their cards to find that FFG says you need more packs of sleeves than you actually do?

I ordered 11 packs of the Green series, but went back and cut the order to 8.

Input? Experiences?



I am guessing you totalled the numbers needed as listed for each BOX. Those would contain extra sleeves over what was needed. i.e., you need 110 sleeves and get 3 50-sleeve packs for that box. Expansion #1 needs 60 sleeves, you get two 50 sleeve boxes, you nw have 80 extra sleeves... repeat.

My side comment is I got card boxes (cheap magic card ones) to store my cards in (skill cards sideways works great) and really pack them in there, this will "smoosh" them down over time so they stack smaller and less "slide-y" when on the table.