Some noob questions

By Draii, in Mansions of Madness

Hi all!

Have just started playing this game and I have some questions that I haven't manage to find the answers to in the rules or faq.

1) Exploring

The rules states that you use exploration to explore obstacle and exploration cards. Is it just one action to look at all the cards in one room? Thus; Action to explore: Reveal obstacle, and if you clear the obstacle, imediatly reveal all exploration cards using the same action? Or is a new action needed to explore the cards after the obstacle is cleared?

2) Error on eldrich combat card?

A card with Melee weapon and monster attack. The later states that the elder being emitts sounds. Test willpower. Pass: 1 horror. Fail: 2 horror and 1 damage. Should'nt the results be the other way aorund, In that case, is there a replacement card in any expansion?

3) Ladder setup (map SPOILER for "The inner sanctum")

Rules about ladders states that you can move between ladders as between adjacent rooms.

In inner sanctum scenario a lone ladder is placed in chapel. We found no information if we should add a second ladder somewhere. But the keeper knew where the ladder was going, since one of the story choices included this. So when a explorer used the ladder, the keeper added a second ladder in the correct room. But exploring cards in the room seemed to imply that the ladder should appear once there; giving a shortcut back to the chapel. Should this have been handled differently? What information did we miss to setup this correct?

4) Trauma

Some trauma cards have a number to show when it may be played. Like sanity "4". Is it correct that this means that it might be played on a explorer with 4 or less sanity left? Or does it mean that in might be played on a explorer with 4 or more horror tokens? I guess the first, but better check =)

5) Bonus movement

Sometimes explorers or monsters may move 1 or more steps as a effect of a attack or other card. Is these to be concidered bonus steps, outside all other rules for movement? Or should evade, horror, broken legs and such be calculated as usual?

Thanks in advance.


Here's my take on your questions.

1) Exploring

If you have cleared an Obstacle then you continue to take the rest of the stack (in order) and the Investigator must take them. Page 9 Main rules.

2) Error on eldrich combat card?

The card is correct for all I know. The Eldrich cards are harder since they are meaner! If you pass it only hurts a little. If you fail it hurts more. Some things may not even have one of the effects listed meaning there is no result for that type.

3) Ladder setup (map SPOILER for "The inner sanctum")

If I understand correctly the ladder was removed. The ladder token should remain in the room, if this was the case. Once a token is placed it is only removed so by a rule or effect.

4) Trauma

If a Trauma or Insanity card has a number then it requires sanity or health equal or lower to the number (not total number of acquired damage or horror tokens). The numbers are a way of limiting when they can be used. They also reflect the severity of the effect. Page 25 Main rules.

5) Bonus movement

It is correct to call this bonus movement since the Investigator is given free movement. This does not mean they can skip other triggered effects though. If you wish to use the free move (given that you are not forced) then any evade checks (or any other effects) are also required. A Keeper could create a situation like this to cause the most amount of horror and damage!

Hopefully I have got these answers correct and that they will help you.

Good Luck and have fun!

Thanks, thecoldwarrior!

1) Then we played it correctly, just wasn't sure.

2) Heh, both the card and your answer is logical. Somehow I read it backwards before, thus asking the question. maybe the game was affecting me with a confusion trauma =)

3) (the SPOILER question)

No ladder was removed by us. Just one was added at setup. But I think the scenario require for the ladder(s) to not be added until when a special condition happens in the story. But I saw no information of this in advance. Thus my question about how ladders are setup, since it seemed to be wrong when following the basic setup sequence.

EDIT: I might have found the answer myself. Since it is required to have TWO ladders to move between them, you can't use a ladder on a map, if no other ladder is revealed yet. And when the story tells you to add a ladder marker, the way between the ladders is opened. We were just confused since it seemed logical to be able to use a ladder, but the other end of if wasn't revealed yet, only the keeper knew where it was leading.

4) Thanks for clarifying.

5) Okay, so if a explorer MAY move and he chose to do so, he has to make evade roll if leaving a monster and horror test if entering a room with a monster? But if the effect FORCES the explorer to move, no evade roll or horror test?

Thanks for your answers. =)

Yes, we have. Just tried the two first scenarios so far, but want to clear up any missunderstandings before we take on more of them, so they will work as intended =)

Edited by Draii

There will be plenty more questions as you go. Just use the most logical answer as they come up and make a quick note of the question. This will keep the game flowing even if it is not exactly correct.

5) Bonus movement

Unless a special rule or effect says otherwise you will always test for evade and horror checks. To be clear both may and must situations will still trigger the evade checks. The evade checks are triggered from the movement itself not the reason the movement occurred. The difference between may and must is that may gives the player an option must does not.

Glad to hear you are having fun!

5) Bonus movement

Unless a special rule or effect says otherwise you will always test for evade and horror checks. To be clear both may and must situations will still trigger the evade checks. The evade checks are triggered from the movement itself not the reason the movement occurred. The difference between may and must is that may gives the player an option must does not.

This is the answer I got when I asked for a rule clarification on this topic - it agrees :)

"Investigators must make evade checks every time they move (even if moving from a card effect). The only time they do not need to make evade checks is when the keeper is moving the investigator."