Hi guys!
I'm not sure if this was covered. Let's say we have a psyker. Named Bob. Bob has 9 corruption and really likes the roleplay for Slaanesh. Bob has three points to Slaanesh, but one point to Tzeentch (stupid Warp Sense...blah! I bought them backwards at character creation). So Bob needs at least three more points to be Devoted to Slaanesh (and gain all the goodies inherent). But he only needs one more point to trip a mutation. Let's say Bob goes to 12 Corruption before he is able to buy the skills/talents/characteristics needed to earn the three points for Devotion.
So Bob rolls on the table, adjusts as best he can and winds up with Slayer Limb. Sweet! A short time later, he is able to buy the skills necessary to shift to Devoted.
Does Bob's Slayer Limb now pick up the traits to Slaanesh as well (Crippling (1D5) Quality)? Or does it remain a plain 'ole Slayer Limb?
Edited by Illithidelderbrain