Although I am certain it states it directly "somehwere" in the rules book, I am still a little confused about how the race icons work,.. I know that you need the correct number of icons to play a card based on that cards icon count located under its resource cost,... but,.. what if you are playing several cards in a turn?? In other words,. if I am playing 4 different cards and the total icon cost of ALL 4 of those cards is, say, 5 and when I started my turn I had 2 icons, (one from the board and one from a card in play) could I still play all 4 of the cards??
Another way to put it: When seeing that I have enough icons to play a card, are those icons then "used up" when I go to play another card??
I know I didn't articulate the question well, but it is the best way I can put it,. I hope you understand the question and any help you may offer would be greatly appreciated,..