Jedi Deck Strategy

By GroggyGolem, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

It seems more and more to me that the Jedi Faction really benefits from the proper use of enhancement cards. Yoda is the most obvious Unit that benefits from enhancements but even Luke, Obi-Wan and some of the more generic Jedi can do some really good things if you happen to pull a Jedi Lightsaber or Trust Your Feelings.

Yep. Their cards are mostly centered around some really strong units and then some some support units/cards, most of the non-units are enhancements. Its a cool theme. Building and protecting your heroes and beefing them up to beat down whole swaths of baddies.

Yeah, upon that realization I built my Jedi deck with the idea of creating Super Jedi that can take down objectives super fast and survive a long time.

Jabba is gunna kill the super jedi build. I think a new jedi build might be a swift deply jedi build with secret guardian and the falcon.

That is true. No matter how many enhancements you have, if your Unit is captured then they are out of play AND the enhancements are discarded.

I'm patiently waiting for the "cancel a capture effect" card. I'm sure there's a good quote in the trilogy for such an event... :)

"It's a trap!!!" - Rebel affiliation

"Somebody who loves you." - Smugglers and Spies

"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" - Neutral

"I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you." - Jedi

My work here is done.

I think Yoda is such a fun card because it's not terrific on it's fact, it's expensive and easy to kill. You're relying on chance, but there are about three enhancements that just turn him into a nasty, double-attacking beast.

Any character enhancement is a good enhancement on Yoda. OBS + Trust Your Feelings + Jedi Lightsaber sees Yoda destroying objectives all on his own with a "get out of death" ticket.