Hero attachment clarification

By metalbass5, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Hi, all. I've been playing for a few weeks now with an SSU force, and quite enjoy it. After viewing the details for the upcoming SSU heavy infantry (armor 4), something struck me: Can a hero be paired with a squad with a higher armor rating, and if so, how does one resolve attacks against the squad?

For example: Red Yana + (soon to be released) SSU heavies.

This may be something that is covered in one of the manuals, and may be a stupid question, but I am currently in the process of printing the manual PDFs, and have not found any clarification elsewhere.


Heroes can share the same space with a squad (thusly you have two different units in the same space and attacks target one or the other, which can lead to some funny moments when targeted by flamethrowers or similar attacks) and that could be any type of squad, or they can join a squad that has the same armor value - mutually benefiting from abilities and so on. Not lower, nor higher.

Page 18 of the rulebook.

Edited by golem101

Just the concise answer I was looking for. Saved me some searching. Thank you kindly.