Black-bordered cards

By Nizi, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Let's cut straight to the chase: I'd rather have my cards black-bordered like the earlier GoT cards. Imo the art stands out more, plus I just have a problem with white borders that goes deep; I can't explain it. I know, this will never happen as far as the devs are concerned, so the impulse will have to come from me. Now, I've done this before on some magic cards (the ones from 7th ed. and earlier: really butt-ugly cards imo) to fit them in my deck, but the results were sub-optimal, though still decent. Magic-cards, however, were replaceable and you'd have a sh/tload of 'em. These cards: not so much.

In the past I've simply used an alcohol marker to 'paint' them black, but some would leave some traces etc. The only real 'problem' was the value of some cards. In GoT, though, the value of cards is less than 25c each, so that issue can easily be put aside.

Do you guys have any experiences on the matter that might suggest a better method for this particular endeavor? It'd be much appreciated.

Marking your cards in this manner would make them illegal for tournament play.

dcdennis said:

Marking your cards in this manner would make them illegal for tournament play.

Why is that?

imrahil327 said:

dcdennis said:

Marking your cards in this manner would make them illegal for tournament play.

Why is that?

because that ink will seep through to the white side edges of the cards and you could potentially tell the difference between cards when shuffling if you are looking down through the top of the sleeves.

Ah okay, so your argument is against the specific method of marking them rather than any alters at all. That's reasonable, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something in the tourney rules.

dcdennis said:

Marking your cards in this manner would make them illegal for tournament play.

I know, thanks for notifying, but that was not my question. :P I don't care about legal cards as there are no tournaments here in Belgium, so it's irrelevant.

Do you guys know a better method to achieve said goal?

If you want to spend millions of years you could use a omni gel transfer system on each card to do it. It would take 5-10 min on each card i think.

If you want to spend millions of years you could use a omni gel transfer system on each card to do it. It would take 5-10 min on each card i think.

Hahahahahahaha. My only concern would be that since they are not actual CCG cards, are they legal? xD

I think if they have the correct text and are not marked for tournamnet play they should be ok but it would be up to each TO to make the call.