Hidden Kingdoms - new expansion!

By Virgo, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Netral capital boards, neutral legends…

All of it FFG.

Perfect clip Virgo. So true.

This is very exciting! Cataclysm and then Hidden Kingdoms? 2013 is shaping up to be a great year!

I'm very impressed with these new deluxe expansions. This is really really great news. Keep it up FFG.

Now we need the Ogre Kingdoms and I'll be very happy.

Totally drool-worthy news right there! Yet another common excuse whiners have to not play the game (I want to play LIZARDMEN!!!). These expansions keep slaying such "issues" people purportedly have with the game. Maybe a future expansion can fully introduce Ogres, Britnonnians, etc. to the game.

And now that I've changed my pants, I'd like to start some discussion on this announcment; when I've posted my pinings for capitals for the non-loyalty races in the past, I often asked/hoped for an alternative to the loyalty icon benefit that the existing capitals provide, with some sort of smal ability/boost to the race in question. I'm glad to see that this is now a reality instead of simply a theme capital (gray capital with power icons in kingdom/quest and new art). I think this also turns out to be a nice balance; the extra power provided by the gray capitals to their respective races might balance out the fact that these races have a much smaller card pool to choose from than any of the loyalty races. Does anyone think that Hidden Kingdoms will make these four races viable on the tournament level? I feel that pure or near-pure Skaven, Lizardmen, and Undead decks are already viable and powerful in casual play if built well; perhaps the Treaty cards described, if able to be used by the non-loyalty races, could push these guys into tournament worthy races?

When I look at Vlad, a few things cross my mind. The legend cards in this expansion will have traits? That's new (Undead trait to align it with captial, yes, but that could have been done with the new undead "loyalty" symbol on the captial card). Given this legend's ability, I think Corpse Cart becomes a much more interesting card than it ever was. In multi-player, I think Vlad might even give you a way to ignore your own dominance (depending on what new cards are in Cataclysm) and focus more on simply taking away/denying dominance from the other players. I imagine most opponents will avoid trying to deck you when they see the Undead capital in front of you.

You are right bitva,at the moment,undead seems the strongest in casual play with their current cardpool which has a lot of hand disruption and unit kill. The lizard and skaven just folds to troll vomit or anything that resets units on board like MRoS. Wood elves are just so sad at the moment amongst all of them. That theme they have on developments is just weird,and if only the spirits that turn into developments were originally ambush that would be good..

I hope so that they become tourney worthy,but for that to happen they need a lot of good cards in this set to compete with the 6 main races.


But why did FFG wait so long to intruduce Multiplayer rules et Neutral capitals ????

Virgo said:

Netral capital boards , neutral legends…

All of it FFG.

Well, those doesn't like like boards to me, more like cards. Hope they will make capital cards for the original races at some point.

I don't understand why the announcement says "maximum legal number of fifty-five player cards." What is that referring to, particularly the "legal" part?

Tobogan said:

Hope they will make capital cards for the original races at some point.

Mini-capitals were given out as far back as Worlds 2011. They were double sided with different races on each side.

So with two deluxe expansions in a row, does that mean no more battle packs? Did they switch to the same format as Call of Cthulu?

158hoff said:

So with two deluxe expansions in a row, does that mean no more battle packs? Did they switch to the same format as Call of Cthulu?


Thats cool.

I'm very excited about the new format. You pretty much had to wait until the end of a cycle to see the theme fully flesh put anyway. With this you get them all at once. We are trying a new sealed format where everyone pre-orders the expansion and when it comes in we all bring 25 cards of the faction of our choice. We then build decks using the contents of the new expansion and have a tournament.

Hidden Kingdoms has single-handedly reinvigorated my interest in W:I. My precious Skaven have languished for far too long!

Card Board Gamers said:

…we all bring 25 cards of the faction of our choice. We then build decks using the contents of the new expansion and have a tournament.

Arma virumque said:

I don't understand why the announcement says "maximum legal number of fifty-five player cards." What is that referring to, particularly the "legal" part?

Bump. I can't tell if nobody knows the answer to my question, or if there's an answer out there so painfully obvious that people are avoiding the topic out of embarrassment on my behalf….

No one knows for sure yet, but there's been speculation in our podcast and the comments. Could be there will be fulcrum cards included for multiplayer. Could be there will be cards which you can have more than three copies of in your deck. Or maybe something else no one has thought of yet.

Thanks for the reply. I checked your website and found the comment(s) you're referring to. Appreciate the tip.

What month will this expansion be released?

The Hidden Kingdom is another great addition to what will and probably just as the Cataclysm worth going to spend the money.
